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Disc 41
Cracker's Revenge / The Mossland Monster / Ma-Mutt's Confusion


Cracker's Revenge:
Capt. Cracker and his mechanical parrot Polly land on Way-Out Back and free the Lunataks and put Bragg and Crownan in one of the train's cages. They plan to go to Third Earth to attack it since most of the Thundercats are no longer on Third Earth. Meanwhile the Thundercats have learned Cracker escaped and Snarfer and Mandora go to catch him. Bragg has Crownan ride a fire exstiquisher, so he can get into space and get help. Mandora finds him, and the three of them go to Third Earth. Mandora fights with Cracker and the Lunataks, but is beaten and she and Snarfer are tied to her cycle and sent towards a mountain. Lion-O, Panthro, and Cheetara arrive and Lion-O saves Mandora and the others. Meanwhile Cracker and the Lunatacs go to attack Cats Lair, only occupied by Pumyra, but Lion-O uses the Eye's signal to cause the drawbridge to tilt, sending Cracker and the Lunataks into the moat. The Lunataks are exiled again.

The Mossland Monster:
Tygra, on a solo trip to New Thundera to meet the other Thundercats, decides to take a shortcut through a meteor shower. His ship is damaged, and he lands on an unexplored region of New Thundera. The Mossland. It turns out that the moss in Mossland is part of a giant monster who captures Tygra with its moss. Lion-O, Bengali, Snarf, and Snarfer set out to save Tygra and battle the Mossland Monster.

Ma-Mutt's Confusion:
Mumm-Ra has a new device, the Babylonian Barbarian Boiler, that he plans to use on Cats Lair. Ma-Mutt fools around too much and Mumm-Ra banishes him from the Pyramid. Later, the Thunderkittens, Snarf, and Snarfer bring Ma-Mutt back to Cats Lair and then Mumm-Ra fires the Boiler's beam at the Lair, which causes it to start melting. Snarfer makes a communicating device, so they can understand Ma-Mutt. Ma-Mutt starts telling them of the Boiler, but Mumm-Ra sees this and through the Cauldron's magic brings Ma-Mutt back to the Pyramid. Then the Thundercats construct a giant Light-Shield and use it to protect the Lair, but Mumm-Ra just boosts the power on the Boiler, destroying the Shield. Lion-O uses the Cat Signal to push back the beam, which causes the Boiler to explode, and the Signal restores Cats Lair. Mumm-Ra, who was lonely without Ma-Mutt, welcomes his dog back to the pyramid.