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Disc 42
The Shadowmaster / Swan Song / The Touch Of Amortus


The Shadowmaster:
From the Shadow Realm, the Shadowmaster contacts the Ancient Spirits of Evil, telling them of how he captured Lion-O's father, Claudus, just before Thundera blew up. Then the Shadowmaster, through a bad dream, shows Lion-O his captured father and challenges Lion-O to a fight. Lion-O goes to the Shadow Realm through the Book and Sword of Omens, and is able to fight the Shadowmaster as long as the Sword stays bonded to the Book. However, the Shadowmaster sends a huge bat to steal the Sword. It succeeds, and then Lion-O becomes very weak in the Shadow Realm. Mumm-Ra meanwhile, feeling like the Ancient Spirits Of Evil will turn against him in favor of the Shadowmaster, sends Ma-Mutt to secretly steal the Sword from the bat and put it back near the Book. This renews Lion-O's strength, who calls for the Sword, rescues Claudus, and exiles the Shadowmaster. Claudus leaves Lion-O, but at the end you see him and Jaga standing next to each other in that blue, ghostly form. Now Lion-O has 2 mentors to give him advice!

Swan Song:
An Ecology Inspector comes to Thundera to inspect the new Cats Lair. His ship uses the SWAN system (Space Way Airborn Navigations) to direct him to planets all over the universe. When he arrives on Thundera, he gets ambushed by Two-Time (Return to Thundera! (Part III)). Two-Time uses a hologram to make the Ecology Inspector's ship crash into a mountain, and then when the Thundercats come to rescue the Ecology Inspector in the Feliner, Two-Time uses the hologram again. Lion-O manages to fly around the mountain and lands the Feliner. Meanwhile, Two-Time flies to new Cats Lair in his spaceship, Dome-Down. He actually picks up the whole Lair and keeps it inside Dome-Down. The Thundercats fix the Feliner, rescue the Ecology Inspector, and then fly to catch Dome-Down. Once they catch the spaceship, Lion-O uses the Sword to defeat Two-Time and send him flying out of the ship. Then they return Cats Lair to its proper place.

The Touch Of Amortus:
Mumm-Ra orders Amortus, a being he banished to the Land of No Return centuries ago, to destroy Lynx-O. Amortus makes Lynx-O crash in the Thunderstrike, and then he touches Lynx-O's face. The spell from the touch makes Lynx-O feel like he is an outcast, so he leaves to join Amortus in the Land of No Return. The other Thundercats, Lion-O, Panthro, and Cheetara, go after him. In the Land of No Return, Amortus again touches Lynx-O, this time causing him to turn to stone. The other Thundercats arrive and try to beat Amortus, but he touches all of them, causing them to start turning to stone. But just as Lion-O is about to turn entirely to stone, he calls the Sword and it breaks them free. It also releases other warriors trapped by Amortus, and they all come and defeat him. Lynx-O is rescued just in time and they all go home.