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Disc 09
Dilemma / In My Pocket


Episode 17; Dilemma:
Karasuma tries to read a scene, but her powers are weakening.
The witch they are hunting is Keiko Muramatsu, 23 years old. Michael investigates but thinks that with the length of the list, it will take them 30 years. Sakaki is anxious to get back to work, especially with the lack of manpower since Robin and Amon left.
Robin continues with her delivery job.
Karasuma and Doujimo discuss asking Robin to join them again on the hunt. Doujima knows how hard Karasuma is working to take Amon’s place, but it’s been hard on everyone. They speculate that the people that attacked to find the Orbo were Solomon.
Doujima goes out looking for Robin and sees her in a car. Robin is babysitting for Nagira. Doujima tries to follow but blows up her vespa in the process and has to give up her quest.
Robin feds the little girl octopus, which people on the other side of the sea call devil fish. The little girl mentions that her father was taken away by men who called him the devil. The little girl makes a shiny doro dango, a mud dumpling, and as she constructs it, strange symbols appear in the dirt. Robin grabs the girl and asks what she’s doing, and the girl drops the mud dumpling and begins to cry. Doujima rides up in her vespa and sees the scene. She creates a reconciliation ritual where Robin must apologize to the girl, Minori Yoshida. They made up.
Robin asks Doujima to return. She replies that it’s not safe for them to be in contact. Doujima asks her to return - that if Solomon Headquarters really was looking for her, they wouldn’t have left her alone for an entire month.
Karasuma calls headquarters reporting that she found the witch and is on the trail. Michael tries to contact Doujima, who is still with Robin. Robin can’t leave her responsibilities to babysit Minori. Meanwhile, Karasuma catches up with Keiko, who starts attacking Karasuma with objects from the environment. Suddenly, Robin shows up with Doujima and starts attacking with her fire power. She sends Doujima after the witch to shoot her with Orbo.
Robin sticks around to chat with Karasuma. Karasuma is happy that Robin is safe and thanks Robin before she leaves. As Robin and Nagira eat, Robin asks him if he is involved with helping witches that STN hunts, such as the little girl Robin babysat. She asks why he takes care of her, even if she and Amon are his enemies. Nagira tells her that he lived with Amon for three months as a kid and that he is bound by his friendship to him.

Episode 18; In My Pocket:
A man runs. He says he doesn’t know anything about a “Piece of Knowledge.” A witch follows and kills the man.
Robin sits awake in her room thinking about Doujima. She is called downstairs to deliver a package. Once she is on her way, Nagira pulls out a gun from his drawer and leaves the office.
Nagira meets up with a strange man in an alleyway who offers his information in exchange for some money. The man knows of the woman who was rumored to have eternal life that used to live in the place nearby. The lady left a “Piece of Knowledge” before she died and Solomon is after it. Nagira speculates that it must be interesting if Solomon is after it. He then commands the man to find out what this “Piece of Knowledge” is.
Robin is sent to a convenience store near Touko’s house. She has a flashback of the hunt that night.
Doujima walks in to work to find Michael and Sakaki already investigating a murder case. The place is Wald City. It seems that another witch may be working the area. Actually, it may be that a group of witches are fighting each other, or at least Michael speculates that to be the case.
Robin sits and reminisces that night. She realizes she forgot about the letter addressed to her. How could she forget? She decides to go back to Touko’s old place. It’s still a mess. The letter, however, is gone. Robin has a panic attack and runs out of the place.
Nagira is still questioning the man for information. Solomon isn’t the only one looking for information... the cautious Professor is as well. It must be valuable. As Nagira leaves, he notices two cops investigating the scene. The rumors of the murders must be true...
Nagira asks Robin about the old lady who died in Walk City, specifically if Robin knew of the “Piece of Knowledge.” Robin refuses to talk but asks why he’s so interested. He replies that he doesn’t like to see people die and that Solomon is now involved. That night, Robin lies awake thinking about the Secret technique of the craft - the “Piece of Knowledge.”
Meanwhile, Karasuma has decided to investigate the murders at Wald City herself. Doujima is worried.
Nagira is taken to the Professor in the depths of Wald City. The Professor makes an attempt at his life obviously a witch.
Robin sneaks into STN-J through the pathway she escaped from. She explains the situation to Michael, who is currently enjoying a snack break in the basement, and asks him to try to trace Nagira’s cell phone. He tries through Karasuma’s cell phone.
Back at the Professor’s place, Nagira lies tied up as the Professor taunts him. Robin enters and the Professor attacks her. Her shield protects her and she makes short work of the Professor, who disappears into flames rather quickly. After freeing Nagira, she confesses that not all the power she used was her own... some of it came from the sacred tree branch Methuselah gave her, the Craft’s secret technique and probably the “Piece of Knowledge.” Suddenly Nagira realizes why so many people are looking for it. He proposes that was probably the reason Robin was attacked.