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Disc 11
No Way Out / Family Portrait


Episode 21; No Way Out:
Robin stares at her reflection in the mirror. She recognizes that she is now considered a witch and will be hunted. She knows what Amon is thinking... Suddenly Minori Yoshida, comes up behind her and asks Robin to eat Takoyaki with her. The girl runs off and disappears, as Robin vows to live as a witch.
Nagira has been investigating the immigration patterns into Japan searching for clues to Amon’s whereabouts, but to no luck.
Zazen is at STN-J lab headquarters when new information about Amon comes in. His wound was treated at Solomon Headquarters, but rumor has it that his wounds have completely recovered. He might be back in Japan now and siding with Headquarters. Zazen seems worried, but not too worried because he hadn’t confided any confidential information to him. The Orbo Project has been continuing as planned.
Robin is trying to understand the magnitude of her situation. Sastre won’t be the last hunter sent after her, so how can she fight them off? As she wonders, Methuselah appears to her and tells her that the answer lies within her. Robin replies that she knows.
Amon learns that the next hunter is now in Japan, an Earth craft user.
At STN-J, everyone is in a drab mood. Michael also learns about the new hunter and realizes that the hunter is probably out to hunt Robin. They wonder why they weren’t contacted about it, but realize that if they were invited to share information, they’d probably be responsible for the hunt too. None of them are ready for that. Karasuma believes that Amon and Robin are on opposite sides now. Sakaki can’t understand why Amon doesn’t show up for work anymore.
The earth hunter has been leaving runes in several locations. Nagira has been trying to dig up information on Amon. As Robin walks home, Nagira greets her and the two eat dinner together. Robin tells him about her problems and her plan to evade them. Nagira tells her that she’s changed. She now knows what has to be done and what she must do. Nagira suggests asking STN-J for help since she already knows that she will be hunted again. She’s embarrassed because they saw her kill a hunter in front of them, but Nagira assures her that they will still help her.
Nagira learns that Amon entered the country with his own name. He’s been using his own bank account, as if he’s trying to tell Nagira where he is. He can’t figure out why Amon is trying to lead him to him.
Amon is tracking the hunter. The hunter sits alone in the part staring at a rune in the shape of pi and coughing. Michael is still trying to dig up information.
Robin heads out on her bike and runs over one of the runes the hunter placed. It starts glowing and signals him. Robin heads down to STN-J to talk to Michael. She asks him about hunters from Headquarters. He asked if she’s going to fight them. She tells him that she hasn’t changed, but Headquarters labels her as a witch now because she learned the Ultimate Technique. Michael tells her that Headquarters did indeed send them information on the hunter, which is a bit strange. Robin recognizes that it wasn’t Headquarters but Amon who sent the heads up.
Amon has been following the hunter. As Robin leaves, she crosses his path. The hunter doesn’t appear well and continues coughing as he stands over his rune. He attacks and tries to bind Robin in a circle. He then uses her fire power against her. He tells her the circle sigil is an eternal maze that deludes people forever with an endless shadow. The rune, hagalaz, is in the center. He then attacks and Robin and appears to disintegrate before her eyes as she thinks the earth is about to cave in. In real time, Amon watches as Robin stands motionless, mesmerized by the Ogham’s barrier, and the hunter walks closer to her.
Meanwhile, Robin is fighting fire and earth as it tumbles atop her. She suddenly realizes that it is an illusion and uses her power to find the hunter’s presence. He appears before her and attempts to strangle her but she breaks free and sends a gush of fire at him, which engulfs and kills him. Amon leaves without letting Robin know he was there watching & makes reference to his “big brother.”

Episode 22; Family Portrait:
Amon stops Doujima and calls her a traitor. She asks how he can say that when he helped out Robin as well. Amon declares that he will not betray his associates.
Nagira knocks on Robin’s door and asks to come in. He believes he has finally found someone who claims to know something about Amon. Apparently, he’s been keeping a close watch on a particular house recently. Nagira and Robin decide to investigate but it turns up a dead end. An old woman lives there. Nagira lashes out verbally at Robin in frustration and then calms down, reprimanding himself for being too overconfident up until now. He decides to take Robin’s advice and investigate if Amon was looking for someone the woman knew.
Chief Kosaka has apparently filed a report about STN-J and inferred that Director Zaizen hasn’t been showing up. His Superior is interested in discussing the matter further and asks for more details. Kosaka admits that he hasn’t heard from him in a month, since the incident. He must be very busy. The Superior explains that there have been some issues between Zaizen and Solomon Headquarters, and at this point it looks as if they may be replacing Zaizen at some point in the future. They aren’t looking to act immediately, though. They feel it is best to wait a bit - to give them the opportunity to observe his strategy. They want Kosaka to cooperate with them.
At Zaizen’s labs, he learns that his project budget has been cut by 40%. He demands to speak with CFO Sugimura immediately. Unfortunately, no one in the financial department will answer their phones. Zaizen at first suspects they are putting pressure on him, but when he receives an email announcing that they are sending a hunter, he immediately assumes that Solomon is after his head.
Nagira learns that the lady had a son, Toudou Hiroshi, living with her for awhile, but he died 15 years ago. Robin and Nagira start tracking the son until Nagira finally starts to see the bigger picture. Toudou once was a professor, but he retired when he got involved with a European enterprise, FZ Genetics. The company was known to have connections with Solomon.
Zaizen learns that the hunter’s name is Willem Hasselbyke. He is 42 years old and from Holland.
Nagira and Robin decide it’s time to visit the old woman. He poses as a former assistant of Professor Toudou, but to his surprise, the woman asks if he is Nagira. She was told he would come. The woman looks at Robin strangely and then invites them inside. She shows them Toudou’s room and explains that she hasn’t moved anything since ‘that’ happened. Nagira and Robin are a bit confused, but they take the woman up on her kindness and look around. As Nagira reads an old diary, Robin uncovers a photo of Toudou and a woman that bares a striking resemblance to her. She declares that it’s time to go and runs out.
At STN-J headquarters, Doujima asks Michael if he knows anything about Solomon’s genetic research team. She asks him if he can dig up anything on the subject.
Zaizen’s men have confirmed the suspect and send an armored vehicle complete with a Factory swat team after him. Willem uses earth and immediately uses ground attacks to try to stop the vehicle. He then shields himself with a mound of dirt, but soon the team has captured him. In the vehicle, one of the team members starts flipping out, apparently from the secondary effects of the Orbo they’ve been working on. Zaizen recognizes this as Solomon’s declaration of war. As Doujima walks home, she sees the Factory’s van take off and investigates the area.
Nagira has been reading Toudou’s diary that he took with him. A symbol that looks like omega or pi appears repeatedly throughout the pages. “...the analysis of pi’s genomes has been completed... pi becomes a gene... thus, the way to control the abilities has opened.” Robin realizes that must refer to Orbo and asks if there is anything written about a priest named Juliano in the diary. Apparently, there’s not and they decide to call it a night. Robin is still upset that there is such a resemblance to Toudou’s girl in the picture and stares at her own reflection contemplating the connection, and particularly the appearance of Juliano in the background of the photo.
Nagira, on the other hand, runs into Amon on his way home. He tells Nagira that he will hunt Robin because she’s now a dangerous witch. Nagira reprimands him for believing the arbitrary descriptions of Solomon and then accuses him of carrying the memories of his mother. He tells Amon that Robin may have great power, but she is still the same girl she was when Amon brought her to him. Trusting someone is about whether you can trust their heart, not their past. Just as Nagira vows to protect Robin, he is knocked out from behind as Amon looks on emotionless.