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Disc 12
Sympathy For The Devil / Rent


Episode 23; Sympathy For The Devil:
Doujima and Amon discuss her recent discovery. Doujima is curious to know just how much information Headquarters gave him on Zaizen. She informs him that Zaizen’s real objective is to make ordinary people witch hunters through the use of Orbo. Amon appears shocked at the idea, but after considering it, he doesn’t see how it’s all that much different from Solomon’s original doctrine. Doujima isn’t ready to offer her opionion just yet. She wants confirmation that the Factory has indeed been experimenting with the effects of Orbo on ordinary people, and Amon is quick to take on the job as a knocked out Nagira lays in the back of their car.
Robin, meanwhile, has been reading though the old diary and realizes that pages have been torn out. She again wonders why Juilano was in the picture that so resembled her...
At one point, Solomon was dedicated to genetic research, and it appears that they were the first to decipher the human genome five years before it was published by a rival organization. Solomon never publicized their results and abandoned their research project soon after. No one is quite sure why, but Sakaki and Michael think it might have had something to do with the Orbo experiments. Karasuma reflects on this and asks if they think Headquarters was responsible for the ambush... and if Headquarters is just using STN- J for to suit their own purposes.
The next morning, Nagira doesn’t show up for work. It seems that Amon & Doujima kept him at in a hotel room overnight. She chats with him, joking about some of Robin’s misuses of fire without her glasses until Amon comes in to talk more with his brother.
Zaizen has been keeping an eye on STN-J. It appears they hacked into the main computer a few days ago, but they haven’t moved on it to date. A lab scientist comes in and informs him that the Orbo is causing some type of disability in their experimental subjects. Apparently part of the test subject’s personality remains within the Orbo, which causes some type of mismatch when the Orbo is used against witches.
Amon and Nagira discuss matters concerning their father. Amon is still bitter with him for choosing a SEED to be his mother. Amon remembers her as very gentle. He never realized she was a witch, until one day she revealed her powers. From that day forth, she was no longer the person he knew. Amon fears the day when his powers will one day awaken. Nagira is apparently fully human, and sees witches and SEEDs as humans. But the real question is what to do with Robin. Amon thinks Robin is keeping a secret from Solomon and that is why they are hunting her. Nagira doesn’t think that she, herself, knows what that secret is. Amon can’t hunt Robin until he knows the true reason behind the hunt. Nagira gives in and tells him that Robin is now his responsibility.
Amon arrives at her place and threatens her not to use her powers. He was ordered by the man who brought Robin up to hunt her... Juliano Colegrie. Amon pulls out the letter that Robin never received back on the day when Touko’s apartment was raided. Because he read it, he was able to save her. The letter is from Juilano, and reads as a confession for one who is about to die. Robin can’t understand why he is afraid of her. He appeared to be torn between wanting her alive and wanting her dead. Amon wanted to find out the truth, so he traced Robin’s past back to Toudou. With that, Robin tells Amon that she believes in his heart. She then closes her eyes and waits for him to shoot her. Amon then puts his gun down and accepts her answer.
Suddenly Doujima calls tells him the Factory attack squad is on the move. Amon asks Robin to join them, and everyone heads off to find out what the Factory is up to. Robin can’t understand how Zaizen is using ordinary people to hunt witches.
It appears the attack squad is after Sakaki. Doujima, Robin, and Amon arrive in time, but the side effects of the Orbo seem to effect several of the SWAT team members and soon they retreat. Sakaki is kind of pissed that the Factory is after him. He then gets even more annoyed when he realizes Doujima has been keeping her meetings with Amon and Robin from STN-J. Amon asks where Karasuma is, and soon she becomes the major concern.

Episode 24; Rent:
Doujima calls STN-J and asks Michael about Karasuma. When he gets off the phone, the Chief enters and tells him that they’ve reached a crossroads - should they protect STN-J or follow the Director till the end?
The rest of the group heads over to Harry’s. He asks about Robin’s health in their first meeting since the incident and welcomes her back.
Karasuma isn’t answering her home phone or cell phone so the group immediately thinks the worst. She always made sure someone could contact her at any time. Apparently Zaizen wants to eliminate hunters by developing an Orbo that can give ordinary humans the power to hunt witches. Solomon is against it, but it may look like STN-J is the hindrance to Zaizen’s ideal. The incident a while back also appears to have been staged by Headquarters to find out what the secrets they were keeping in relation to Orbo.
Sakaki is suspicious of Doujima and accuses her of knowing way too much about the current situation. She apologizes and tells him that she was sent to locate facts concerning Orbo. She was Solomon’s agent. Sakaki gets mad, but Robin takes her side and admits that she, too, was sent by Solomon to look for certain secrets concerning witches in Japan. Amon decides that it would be best if they infiltrate the Factory. The rest of the group is surprised, and even more so when Michael shows up at Harry’s. They can’t believe that he made it out of STN-J. Michael admits that the reason he agreed to stay locked up at STN-J was to stay alive, but that really wasn’t ‘life’. Now that Sakaki and Karasuma were attacked, staying on Solomon’s good side doesn’t really mean anything anymore. He could still be killed working for them. He asks if they have a plan of action for rescuing Karasuma, and they admit they don’t yet. He tells them that they can use STN-J as their base, as the Chief is already on their side.
Zaizen is immediately aware that STN-J has motioned to oppose him and is working without direct orders from Headquarters. He now wants enough hunters made to take over STN-J’s current work.
STN-J speculates that Zaizen was following up with Toudou’s missing records. Toudou’s mother confirmed that he did stop by 15 years ago, and they believe it was to follow up with his core research. Their current mission is to find out what he had been working on and how he disappeared, as well as what the current dispute is between Headquarters and Zaizen.
Zaizen, meanwhile, has just gotten another report on the previous hunt. Apparently another was wounded through the effects of the Orbo. He can’t figure out why it causes humans to become psychotic.
Michael discovered that there is a man held in a cell for the last 15 years who was accused of atrocious crimes. He was actually a former researcher for Solomon. Zaizen has been collecting information on him since yesterday evening. Amon asks if it is possible to meet that guy. It looks like he will be transferred to Europe tomorrow by direct order from Solomon.
As the prisoner is being transferred, a SWAT team tries to intercept the vehicle. STN-J is there to stop the hijacking. Amon and Robin enter the vehicle to find a researcher in great pain. He takes one look at Robin, calls her Maria, the Devil’s Child, and then mumbles to himself that Toudou actually built it. He then dies before them.
Amon and Robin visit Toudou’s mother once again. She agrees to see Amon, but not Robin. She won’t answer any questions about the girl, but as he walks away, he mentions that her son was married to Maria. The woman starts crying and shuts the door. He can hear her denying the statement from inside, where she calls Maria a witch.