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Disc 13
Redemption Day / Time To Tell


Episode 25; Redemption Day:
Robin brings Nagira food and then runs out the door. She whispers thank you to him before she gets in the car with Amon and drives off.
Michael is trying to register three people for police security. The chief is concerned that Zaizen might attack again.
Zaizen’s scientists have been working on Toudou-shi’s ROM, which reports that 80% of the data was deciphered 15 years ago, but much of the data was omitted from the report under the guise that it had nothing to do with the genetic research. That data was deleted to prevent any kind of disclosure, but Zaizen’s men expect to finish re-deciphering it today.
Doujima and Sakaki keep watch over the Factory. Sakaki asks her about what the Solomon researcher said about Robin... how she was the Devil’s Child. He wonders what that means. Doujima tells him to ask Robin himself.
Meanwhile, Robin has been pondering that very same thing. Because she acquired the Secret of the Craft, they came after her. But Juliano’s letter made her feel something different. She wonders if Maria, Toudou’s diary, and the Devil’s Child all refer to her. She wonders if she never should have been born.
When Robin gets to STN-J, a Juliano is waiting for her. She agrees to meet him, and bows down before him when she sees him. She confesses that she has committed a sin and asks that he reveal the sins that were erased from her memory. He asks if she’s ready to accept things, and she replies that she needs to know. She prays that God grant her the courage to accept what is told of her. Then she asks if she was created as a Witch. He confirms that she was created from genetic fragments that were intended to create a Witch. Juliano explains that the intoxicating aroma from the Fruit of Wisdom leads men to a forbidden desire. After Solomon gave up genetic research, Toudou continued his work and created Robin. She asks about Maria, and he confesses that Maria was his daughter.
Doujima walks in and informs Michael and Amon that Headquarters just received a call and Solomon’s assault team will be on the move soon. They need to move by tomorrow at daybreak if they will have any hope of rescuing Karasuma.
Juliano reassures Robin that she is not the only one burdened by sin. Robin asks why he didn’t hunt her from the start if he knew she was a witch. She should have never been born. He agrees that when he found out about her birth, he had to hide it. So with that in mind, he went to Maria but couldn’t kill her. She was a Witch, but he found out that her lifespan was shortened due to a genetic error at the time of her birth. He didn’t want to lose her. When he heard that she was going to have a baby with Toudou, he was happy and felt that God still smiled upon him. But Toudou deceived him and used Maria as a test subject. She died giving birth to Robin. Juliano could only embrace the baby.
He admits that as soon as Robin left his side, his heart was full of doubt and feared that her Witch powers would fully awaken one day. That fear spawned his decision to hunt. He admits now that his fear was misplaced. He hands her the missing pages to Toudou’s diary and tells her that the truth she seeks may be hidden within. He asks what she will do when she learns the truth, and she vows to take her own life. Before Juliano leaves, he tells her that Maria called her Hope. Juliano doesn’t understand, but he thinks that seeing Robin unchanged is a key.
Zaizen checks the newly deciphered data and learns of Project Robin. Outside, STN-J and Nagira defeat the Factory team and head inside. Inside, Zaizen’s men can’t decipher all the data quick enough. They say it will take until tomorrow. He tells them that’s not good enough. Doujima and Sakaki make it passed security at the Factory. At STN-J headquarters, Chief gets a call from the police station and goes over right away. Inside, STN-J make it into the first level of the Factory and head downstairs via the elevator.
Downstairs, there is a door that won’t accept their access. Michael hacks it, and they enter an area that he didn’t know existed. It appears that they’ve discovered the place where Orbo is made. Robin sees bubbles rising from a tank and gets a strange feeling. Michael, on the other hand, can’t seem to find a Witch containment area anywhere.
Robin accidentally hits a button to reveal a hidden tank with human beings inside. The group recognizes them as witches they’ve hunted previously. Robin whispers that Karasuma is here.

Episode 26; Time To Tell:
Michael reminds Doujima that Solomon Headquarters was going to raid the place very soon. If they don’t stop it, the self-destruct feature on the device will be activated. Doujima can’t get a signal, but knows they are set to attack as soon as her signal goes down.
Zaizen realizes that there is a raid by Solomon, but he is still focused on Toudou’s ROM. He asks to be informed of any new progress immediately. A scientist informs him that one member of the team tested negatively to the Orbo. Zaizen gives him permission to use him as a test subject.
Doujima and Nagira head back upstairs, while Robin and Amon stay put. Robin still has something she must do while she’s here. Michael gets the elevator to work, but Zaizen has noticed and orders security guards to secure the elevator.
Meanwhile, Karasuma is with Zaizen. He tells her that Robin is the ultimate Witch and must be destroyed. She is different from the rest, and people with her power can’t be allowed to live and oppress the weak. He gives her a gun and asks: Will she stay with Zaizen or be hunted like Robin? Karasuma asks where she is, takes the gun, and leaves.
Doujima and Nagira finally make it upstairs and are greeted by a stream of bullets. They wait for the first round to finish and then run out into the light. Robin and Amon confront Zaizen. He is amazed that she still wants to know the truth.
Zaizen plays the ROM for Robin. Toudou speaks. Zaizen, or whoever listens, by the time anyone receives this message, I will no longer be in this world, but I can’t allow my research to be buried. My work on the Genome that has not been passed to Solomon was to create the perfect Witch, named ‘The Robin Project’ after the king of Witches. My colleagues laughed at this, calling it the ‘Devil’s Child’ project and concluded that it was impracticable. If I hadn’t met Maria, the project probably would have never begun. Unfortunately, I was too engrossed in my own research to notice that Solomon had cut the funding for the project. The results were much different from what Solomon had originally intended. Fortunately, the project was able to continue to its final stages without attracting attention, because undoubtedly, Solomon would have disapproved of that existence. But I was unable to fool her father, Juliano Collegrie.
Robin asks if that is all that Toudou left. Zaizen receives a call from his men that they have more and to watch his monitor. Again, Toudou speaks: To Solomon, the success of the Robin Project itself signifies the rebirth of the Devil. Her existence is the past which must be eliminated at all costs. In ancient times, humanity was ruled by a new breed of men known as ‘Gods’. Their servants who wield special powers, Witches, were no different from Gods to us back then. But a sudden variation within the genes of a certain god born 3000 years ago changed their fate and ours forever. The god who lost the power to directly pass on his genes to his successors lost his position as the successor of mankind. Mankind, now having the acquired authority, feared the resurrection of the god. They put his servants under control by labeling them as devils or witches and oppressed them. That is the truth behind Solomon. Research was the one thing that made those brands of heresies completely useless, so Solomon abolished all of it.
Zaizen can’t believe it. How can humans be servants to witches? He orders that all data be eliminated. Karasuma enters the lab and orders the scientist to continue the playback. Toudou speaks again: I, in order to create a Witch with their original power, the power that would be passed on to their servants... Maria’s body is weak and can’t be saved. But from within her womb came a new life that may change the future. I feared that the child may become the Witches’ ‘Eve.’
As Toudou speaks, Zaizen asks if Karasuma will also betray him. She said that she feared that she was slowly transforming into a Witch, but she hasn’t believed a single word he said from the start. As the dialog progresses, pauses in Zaizen and Karasuma’s exchange allow Toudou’s voice to break through the silence. When Zaizen hears Toudou’s line “to change the future,” he proclaims to Robin that the future is a place where she doesn’t exist. She cannot be the Witches’ ‘Eve’. Witches are nothing more than impure droplets that disturb the purity of mankind and must be eliminated. Robin asks even if witches were God’s chosen as well? He replies that wasn’t it because Witches were unsuitable to become the successors of mankind? Because their existence was forsaken by God? Amon answers that God forsakes no one. Zaizen declares that he will not accept that witches will become the successors to humanity.
Suddenly the alarms sound. The Witches in the Orbo tanks have started to lose control, and the abnormal levels may activate the self-destruct option. Zaizen asks if it was Robin’s existence that awoke those spirits. He then vows that she must be buried with Toudou’s research. He points a gun at her that contains the highest concentration of Orbo and fires. Amon steps in front and takes a bullet from her. She tries to use her flame, but the Orbo is too strong. Suddenly, the Orbo’s side effects start to take effect. She thinks it’s ironic that he’s defeating witches though the Orbo created from the Witches themselves. She can’t forgive him as she steps forward, stopping each bullet he fires. She tells him that Maria had called her hope.
Zaizen backs up and heads into the elevator questioning his motivations. Karasuma runs up and grabs Robin, warning that the building is about to collapse. Robin just about collapses from the weight of everything she’s just learned. Inside her body flows the blood of Witches unfairly oppressed for a very long time. She knows not just of that power but of sadness. That is why she is ‘hope.’ The Witch that understands the emotions of others including sadness may be able to live side by side with humans. That’s why she believes she should live. Amon agrees that she should do what she feels is best, but if she does change, he will kill her.
As she leaves, she hears the crying of all the contained witches. Taking pity on them, she sets fire to them, putting their spirits to rest.
Toudou’s voice again: Maria once said that if there was a power within her that could change the future, she would like to pass it on to her child. As a final gamble, I leave the unborn baby in Juliano’s hands. Will he be able to kill Maria’s child? The child may have a small chance, but he will never be able to forgive him.
Doujima contacts headquarters and notifies them to hold the attack. Everyone seems to have made it out alive as the building collapses behind them, but Amon and Robin aren’t there. Doujima asks Karusama if she knows where Robin and Amon are. She replies that it was an accident and a miracle… but she doesn’t know where they are.
In the end, STN-J’s daily lives returned to those days of the Hunt. A new hunter even joined STN-J. They believe that Robin and Amon left this world along with the Factory, or at lease that’s what Doujima says, but Michael doesn’t believe it. Amon and Robin have to be alive, right?
One day Nagira reads his horoscope. It tells him "a wonderful meeting, lucky color black." Afterwards, a car pulls up by STN-J headquarters and the foot of a girl in what looks like Robin’s attire steps out. I suppose that's her replacement...