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Racer X
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As the Charger is flying through the air towards the end of the movie, the stuntman and his helmet are visible for a few seconds.

When Brian is calling the paramedics after rescuing Vince from the truck, the cell phone inexplicably switches from his right hand to his left in the middle of a line of dialog.

When Officer Brian O'Conner chases one of the motorcyclists over a hill, the ramps used to lift the car off the ground are visible.

When the agents are debating whether Mia is clouding the opinion of Brian, the dialogue is, "Hey, I don't blame you. I get off on her surveillance photos too." But he is clearly dubbed over saying, "Hey, I don't blame you. I beat off to her surveillance photos too.

In the scene with the cars driving under the truck (trailer), the trailer switches from a standard tandem configuration to an obviously rigged (raised) single axle trailer.

Although clearly done for cinematic purposes (to make it obvious what is in the truck), the container full of electronic equipment isn't packed at all realistically, with everything packed at the sides and none of it wrapped in plastic or on pallets. At the first turn, the boxes would be all over the place.

When Paul Walker jumps onto the truck to save the guy, you can very clearly see the safety harness strapped to his back in several shots.

When the Supra is chasing the dirt bikes it switches from clean to very dirty many times between shots.

The police scanner mounted on the dash on one of the "lookout" cars during the street race is an early-'80s Radio Shack Patrolman scanner which is not capable of receiving the current 800mhz digital trunking system currently used by L.A.P.D. and L.A. County Sheriff.

In Letty's race at Race Wars, her seats change from black racing seats, to light grey stock seats, then back to racing seats

After leaving the parking garage where he has hidden his car, Dominic is spotted by a single police car and followed/chased. During the pursuit, the police car changes (as evidenced by the light bar on the top) between shots.

When Dominic's Charger hits the truck, the roll cage fitted into Brian's car is clearly visible in many shots. In close-ups and stationary shots, the cage is not present.

The floor of the passenger side of Brian's car comes off in the first race yet Dom doesn't seem to need to be wary of this missing floor when he rides with Brian later that night.

The Eclipse moves around between shots before being destroyed.

Ted's shirt alternates between dry and oily between shots during the sequence at Tran's garage.

When one of the bikers comes off the road, Toretto goes to look over the ridge at the him and we see a bandage on his nose, which is not there in previous or subsequent shots.

When Walker test outs the eclipse at dodger stadium he shifts into 2nd gear twice.

When Paul Walker is driving the green Eclipse at the stadium in the beginning of the movie, he shifts six times. The Eclipse comes with a 5-speed manual.

Toward the end of the film when the three Civics are trying to highjack the truck, the rear spoiler of Dom's car changes style between shots.

When Dom is trying to reach Vince (who is hanging from the truck) close-ups clearly show him wearing a short-sleeve white t-shirt, while the long shots show a long-sleeved arm (black) reaching from the car.

When Dom is trying to rescue Vince from the truck, you can see a stuntman's arms driving the car in a few of the rear shots due to the long sleeve black shirt he is wearing compared to the short sleeve white shirt that Dom is wearing.

Many of the cars have roll cages which change colours between shots.

Toretto tells O'Conner that he spent time in Lompoc (the federal penitentiary in Lompoc, California), pronouncing it "lom-pock." If he'd actually been there, he'd know it's pronounced "lom-poke" (emphasis on first syllable).

During the race wars, when Jesse is up against Johnny Tran, we see Johnny Tran pull up in his car next to him and he is clearly wearing a buttoned up black shirt. However, once the ref lifts his hands and waves the signal to go, the next shot of Tran in the car and after the race shows him in a black tank top.

During the street race, Brian blows up his engine. Yet, he's still able to drive back to the starting line, rescue Dominic, then outrun the cops.

When the bikers are shooting at the cars parked on the street, the glass is seen to explode outward. If the bullets were hitting the glass from outside, the glass particles would fly into the car.

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