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Hello!! And thank you for visiting our What's New page! There is a lot to do on this
page, so please...browse around, sign our guest book, pass on our site to your
friends...maybe sign up for our newsletter!!

Since, we are focused on keeping our members in touch with each other, as well as,
letting everyone know how and what we are doing, this page will be updated often...
so, check back frequently to see what our actors have been up to lately!! Thanks!!

    This is our Interactive Side!
    Community News

    ~ Hi...just wanted to let everyone know that Pamela
    has her demo page working with two links to view
    some of her stuff...check it out!! and let her know what
    you think at!!

    ~ Congrats to Pamela for landing a role in a MOW!!

    ~ Congratulations to Janis Lozano for landing a
    guest spot on the upcoming Oxygen Network show
    "Can You Tell?" Hosted by Tony Rock (Chris Rock's brother)
    The show will air on June 16th at 7:00 pm.

    ~ Everyone please welcome Liesl EHardt as our
    newest can check out her page from
    the The Actors Page...Welcome Liesl!!...happy to
    have you here....

    ~ Langley Rocks!!! He got the part of "Tobias" in
    an Equity performance of 'Sweeny Todd' in Maryland!!!

    ~ Congratulations to Ashley McDaid and Langley
    McArol for landing a personal manager with
    Noble Talent Mgr. in NY...Good Job you two!!!!...

    ~ Congrats to Janis Lozano...she just landed a
    part in the University of Wisconsin's Theatre
    repetouare show this March...great job Janis!!!...

    ~ Congrats to Pamela Marr for getting a part in
    The TC Pilot Reality Show Kidnapped!!...
    way to go Pam!!

    ~ Congrats to Janis Lozano...she just landed a
    part in the University of Wisconsin's Theatre
    repetouare show this March...great job Janis!!!...

    ~ Congratulations to Ashley McDaid and Langley
    McArol for landing a personal manager with
    Noble Talent Mgr. in NY...Good Job you two!!!!...

    ~ All the members of The Actors Group wish to
    express our sorrow for the loss of the family and
    loved ones of the shuttle crew Columbia..our thoughts
    and prayers are with you....

    ~ Congratulations to Langley McArol for getting
    a part in The Laramie Project!!..Good Job!!...

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