<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="CP_ACP"%> Welcome to Pamela's Page
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So...you want to know about Pamela, huh? Well...lets start at
the beginning. Pamela began her acting career pretty
much at birth. Her imagination always got her into
trouble, so...she had to come up with creative ways
to get out of trouble. This usually involved blaming
her older brothers for everything.

At the age of 18, Pamela started taking Martial Arts
with Champion Karate Centers under instructor John
Maynard. With years of training in dance and gymnastics,
Karate proved to be a fun and challenging outlet for her.
She achieved the rank of green belt before she left for
college to attend East Carolina University.

At ECU, Pamela studied Graphic and Image design where
she spent countless hours either glued to a computer
screen or locked up in the photography lab. Don't let
this fool you though, this is where she was most happy.

While in college, Pam met Bill McDonald, who became her
mentor and Martial Arts sensei. She began assistant teaching and eventually achieved the rank of
Black Belt.

During an art class, Pamela discovered her affection for Asian languages and art. At, this point,
she decided to take some Japanese language classes which landed her the AIEJ Foreign Student
Exchange Scholarship to attend Osaka University in Osaka, Japan. During her 6 month stay, Pam
studied Japanese language, reading, writing, art, and of course, Martial Arts.

After graduating college, Pamela moved home to Wilmington, NC. Once home, her passion for acting
surfaced again, with a vengence. She started taking acting classes at The American Studio of Acting
with instructor Mick McGovern. While taking classes, she met Irene Slater, a dear friend and mentor
as well. Pamela worked with Irene on Darktales, The Series, an independent TV Pilot. Ashley McDaid,
(actress extraordinare) is the one to blame for Pam's acting bug. They went to classes, auditions
and pretty much everywhere together. After a few months Pamela got an agent, and shortly after that...
her first audition for Moxie Pictures. This audition landed her the lead Principle in a commercial
for ESPN by Director Todd Phillips, starring opposite sports caster Dick Vitale. She has also had
several auditions for the award winning casting agency in Wilmington, NC, Fincannon & Associates.

Since then, Pam has been involved in several independent features, such as Sins of the Jedi,
and upcoming release Into the Night. Well...thats about it for a short history. We hope you have
enjoyed our little insight into the mind of Pamela, hope it wasn't too boring and that you will come again!
If you wanna know more...email Pamela at pjmarr@hotmail.com.
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