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Recent Discoveries to the Legendary Temple

April 30, 2007: The Legendary Temple has just recently added the Chamber of Knowledge to the temple where members can discuss freely about the Legend of Zelda series and perhaps learn something new.

April 15, 2007: The Legendary Temple has just recently discovered Kotake and Koume and added them to the Chamber of Legendary Warriors. New legend translation is back in progress very soon and will be avilable very soon.

April 5, 2007: The Legendary Temple has just recently discovered Twinmold and added him to the chamber of Legendary Warriors. Apologies go out to everyone who is patiently waiting for the new legend. Our scientists though have been working around the clock to translate these newly discovered legends and thus we are much later getting them to you. Very soon though they will be released and ready for viewing.

March 10, 2007: The Legendary Temple has just recently discovered Gyorg and added him to the Chamber of Legendary Warriors. The new legend that is in progress is still in progress at this time and should be released soon as well as a major update in the near future. Furthur updates about this will be made here as soon as they become available to be so.

February 10, 2007: The Legendary Temple has just recently discovered Goht and added him into the Chamber of Legendary Warriors. Future updates will tended to be more weekly now and will be focused on greatly improving the website. Be sure to check back in every so often to see what is new in the Legendary Temple.

February 3, 2007: The Legendary Temple has just recently discovered Odolwa and added him to the Chamber of Legendary Warriors. We have also continued work on the transation of the new legend and have clarified the release towards the middle or the end of the month.

January 16, 2007: The Legendary Temple has had some complications with obtaining vital data that will set our new chamber into action. We are to inform you though that our staff is working around the clock to finish up this new legend for viewers. I hope you will check back in soon as we will release the legend sometime in Febuary.

December 16, 2006: The Legendary Temple has just recently discovered Bongo Bongo and added him to the Chamber of Legendary Warriors. Also, a new picture has been added for Christmas release and we will have a small event for the Christmas Season.

November 23, 2006: The Legendary Temple wants to appologize for not having the update prepared for Thanksgiving Day, but some trouble arised while working on the project and a lack of time lead to a postponement. We will release the project later this year, but it will take a bit of time to complete. In the meantime, we will announce that the first legend story will be released very soon. Until that time arises, we ask that you please check back in to see future updates and hope to have our projects up and running soon.

October 28, 2006: The Legendary Temple has had quite a bit going on inside the temple walls for a big update coming soon. We do though have an update for the end of Daylights saving time in the temple entrance called "Friendly Reminder." We will say that our big update is going to come by thanksgiving and we will inform viewers of some of the things later.

October 14, 2006: The Legenday Temple has just recently discovered Morpha and added him to the Chamber of Legendary Warriors and will have the Chamber of Debate up and running again next week with a new poll question. If you are interested to see it, please come back on October 20, 2006 to see a new bedate unfold for a thanksgiving relase.

October 7, 2006: The Legendary Temple has just recently discovered Volvagia, the volcanic dragon as well as came to a decision about new regular updates. Check out the Chamber of Debate to see the results and the updates will be announced soon.

September 29, 2006: The Legendary Temple is proud to annouce that we have just discovered Phantom Ganondorf and added him to the Chamber of Legendary Warriors. The Chamber of Debate has also been updated for it's last week of voting and results will be able to be seen for new updates. Also, for the Fall season, we have put up a picture on the Temple Entrance and will remain there until the Winter Season where we will have a new picture then.

September 21, 2006: The Legendary Temple would like to wish everyone the welcoming of Fall. Five new Warriors have just been discovered and were added to the new Chamber of Legendary Warriors. Another Warrior will be added everyweek if possible and an update on the Chamber of Debate will come shortly as well.

September 15, 2006: The Legendary Temple is proud to announce the one year anniversary of our opening. To celebrate, we are taking out the old character profiles and adding new ones for viewers to look at. Also, we have a new issue in the Chamber of Debate for the viewers to read. Five profiles will be ready for viewing soon and until then, I ask that all viewers read the issue of the Chamber of Debate and vote on the poll question it has.

July 9, 2006: The Legendary Temple is going to release a little information about updates to come. In about a month or so, the Legendary Temple is going to take all the character profiles, create all new ones, and release them into individual files for people to read for faster loading. Please check back soon as we will have other updates about activities for viewers to read.

June 21, 2006: The Legendary Temple is proud to announce that the Summer Solstice has finaly arrived and all viewers are invited to attend the Carnival of Time. A special Link shall be open in the main menu to use at noon today. We will feature music to hear and some occasional special events.

June 3, 2006: The Legendary Temple has had a decision on the debate about the Carnival of Time. To see when the date is and what had occured in the debate, check in the Chamber of Debate and get the details for later.

March 23, 2006: The Legendary Temple wants to appologize to the viewers for not having the story ready in time again, but I'm afraid with a lack of resources, the story is not going to be brought here. I'm really sorry for the delay, but if I can get the resources to write the stroy, I will update so until then, the debate is our only activity and I advise all viewers to visit it and vote on the new issue at hand.

March 7, 2006: The Legendary Temple has added The Chamber of Debate again in place of The Chamber of Secrets for the visitors to vote on a poll if they are interested. The Chamber of Secrets will be added again latter, but they are of little use and need construction at this time.

March 5, 2006: The Legendary Temple has finally been able to get the story translated for the viewers and will for sure be ready to read for a Spring release on March 20. Come back in then to see what the story will hold.

Februrary 5, 2006: The Legendary Temple has had a lot going on with it's systems as of late and will be ready to activate new things for the new year by the middle of Fedruary. Check in on Valentines day for an update to our programs, we hope to see you then.

December 24, 2005: The Legendary Temple has recently added The Chamber of Secrets containing the Spiritual Stones used to open the Door of Time. The new legend was unaccurate I'm afraid and we will have to release it on the new year so check in latter.

December 9, 2005: The Legendary Temple has recently had trouble reaching the Chamber of Legends and so the story's will be avaliable by Christmas. Also we have located some very interesing treasures that will be on display at Christmas as well. Our group would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

November 20, 2005: The Legendary Temple has the Chamber of Legends under construction. It will be ready for viewing with a new translated legend in it for Thanksgiving.

Octobet 29, 2005: The Legendary Temple has decided on the debate in the Chamber of Debate and has a photo on display from the new game in it as well.

October 25, 2005: The Legendary Temple has temporarily taken out the Chamber of Legends and Added the "Chamber Of debate." A poll question is in the Chamber of Debate as well.

October 20, 2005: The Legendary Temple has added a new chamber called "The Chamber of Hidden Links." We also have a new song on the site known as the Astral Observatory to the main page.

October 1, 2005: The lost fairy Navi has just been discovered and added to the Chamber of Legendary Heroes.

September 25, 2005: The Dead Hand has just been discovered and added to the Chamber of Legendary warriors.

September 16, 2005: The Flame Dancer has just been discovered and added to the Chamber of Legendary Warriors.

September 11, 2005: Dark Link has recently been discovered and added to the new chamber "The Chamber of Legendary Warriors."

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