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Welcome to the Legendary Temple of Link

Hello and welcome to the Legendary Temple of Link. On this site, you may check into character profiles specifically made from what we've discovered here at the temple. We also have discovered many hidden legends of Link within the scrolls of this temple, constructed a timeline for viewers to see, and have much, much more. To check out the selections you are interested in, simply click on the active links below and you will be able to explore the chambers of this magial temple. Have a great time and enjoy the site until more ancient material can arrive. Their is still much more to be discovered in this lost temple and more is being found every single day.

Recent Discoveries...

June 21: 2007: The Legendary Temple will be featuring a huge update to the temple today. For the Summer Solsitce or the change in the seasons, we will be having our annual Carnival of Time. Updates to the Carnival will be made here in the temple entrance down below the chambers...

May 26, 2007: The Legendary Temple has just recently made a huge update to the entrance of the Temple. More will now be featured to the main entrance and more updates will come to the temple very soon...

Chambers of the Temple...

The Temple's History
The Chamber of Legendary Warriors
The Chamber of Knowledge
The Chamber of Portals
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