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She served 3 consecutive
back-to-back tours in Vietnam -
no, not as a nurse - and that doesn’t matter.
What matters is that she was there
and she did so much more than
simply care…
she brought two children
home from Nam
raised them as her own -
gave them love, security,
a new start, a new home.
And now, she’s had some
illness has come her way -
still, she struggles onward
each and every day.
She is a fighter.
a scrapper
a little woman
with a huge, great heart…
If she hadn’t been,
two children would never
have had a fresh new, healing start.
So, Blessings to you, Cathy,
for all you that have done,
for your courage and your wisdom
and your victories dearly won

©Christina Sharik
April 2001

Cathy Oatman

Page Created ~ Sunday, 13 May 2001

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