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For MG

Out of the corner of her eye
she sees a flash ~
just a bright slash
against a tree
and she thinks - can it be?
Is that a Huey that I see?
And her blood races
just a little faster
breath catches, just a little shallow
just a little glimmer ~
a small bright shimmer ~
and then, she sees it
suspended there
as if in mid-air
as if in flight
and she knows
that she was right;
and she thinks the blades are whirling
as her ground tilts, starts its twirling ~
and the memories are swirling
but she gets a grip and moves along
listening to a silent chopper song
and she’s moving
but she’s shocked
and stunned ~
for her emotions
have been

©Christina Sharik
July 8, 1999

Page Created ~ Saturday, 28 April 2001

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Page Updated ~ Saturday, 23 June 2001
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