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Thanks for visiting my page, I hope on your way out of here that you will leave with another point of view on yourself and the world around you. If not, I know you left a print in me just by knowing that you spend some time reading and hopefully having fun.
You see life always has two faces, one that gives, and one that receives. For me it has been a real challenge to step into the Internet, and write my words with no other intension than sharing something I know has been of benefit to my existence, and the one of those who I have come in contact with. But I guess if you "ended" up here, it probably was for a new begining.

So lets start over again with a fresh point of view. The flow of your river, just added more energy to mine. Who knows, together we might see something coming to life. An energy that has been here since the beginning of time, but we have now learned how to conquer again with love, what we once, took with force. We now have the understanding, and the knowledge.
In this Lifetime, the summ of everything mankind has known is available. It is up to us individually and has a civilization to tap into that source. Are you willing to take this chance now? Hasta la vista my friend, in the next dimension. May your journey be filled with wonderful surprises. Now let's step together in the next level of your trip, and see if you can handle the truth...Hahaha!

To laugh often and much... to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children... to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends... to appreciate beauty... to find the best in others... to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition... to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived... this is to have succeeded...