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Well, in a strange way, I never felt like I started to be a healer. Something was always there to create and undo pain. Like a subconscious thing within me, which knew what to do with my body through my decisions.

For Instance, I remember when I was a child, {and this is going to give away some children's secret to parents} I never liked much going to school, but my parents wanted me to. The only thought of it would make me feel trapped, because I had no power over my decisions. Well I know now that I did. How? In making myself sick. Through illness, I knew I had the right to be me. Sad no?
Well that was the way to be "socially" acceptable. Of course, as a child, one wouldn't think of that. However, to me intelligence works beyond the intellect. And that worked for me then. I know this now. In today's society, we can look upon death with a view of compassion. But suicide is a crime, right?

Think again, because millions of people from around the globe commit "indirectly" suicide. Through terminal illnesses, accidents, and being victimized of a crime. But I will elaborate this sensitive point later. Just remember that we are the center of our universe, and that we create the world we see through our filtered perceptions.

So, how did I first truly began to become a healer...Simply when I first restored harmony in my body, through a decision not to feel pain anymore. And as long as I can remember, I have been able to refuse or reject pain from my body, when unwanted. I am sure some of you can relate to this experience. We know intuitively, how to restore health and balance in our body. It is as simple as this. The question is, do we know also how to prevent a "physical damage"? The answer of course is yes.


I guess my first motivation was a selfish one. I never thought of becoming a "healer". But first, let's define the word healer...In the dictionary you will find that the word heal, means: (1) "To make or become sound or whole". It also stipulates: "To restore to health" (2) Cure/remedy-heal-er. So I would guess that a Healer is the one who helps to make that happen. Just one quick parentheses though. Have you notice how in our society, the laws are strict about using the word cure? Only in the traditional medicine it is allowed to use it. As if healing to cure was not an intent....I find it very offensive, and the law makers and those who support this, should be charge with crime against humanity. Anyway...

What was my motivation....It was just because of the circumstances of the moment that I found this immense source of joy in me. I was bored with my life and needed something new, real, and exciting. I was a Club/Radio Disc-Jockey for about 12 years, and the satisfaction wasn't there anymore. It was through a friend that it all began.
I never felt open to "Esotherism" or "Spirituality"...and in some ways, I still look upon myself as being a practical person. By the way, I am a Capricorn. I guess that explains the need for reality in everything, and really being down to earth. Although...But that is another chapter.

When I first got a healing from this person, which a friend recommended me to, it was as if the world of ideas I had, was blown to another galaxy. Because I had an experience. I was realizing, feeling and experiencing something. Nothing then could of convinced me more than my own experience.

EVERYBODY (Gift or exercice?)

I will not get here into the details of the healing, because words will not describe the feeling I had then. All I can say, is that I was having more than I asked for. Since that healing, I do not wear prescription glasses anymore. I don't have anymore kidney stones, and I have a good heart. (figuratively and physically) Since then I felt as if magic took my existence, and turned it inside out. I was so surprised, for a non believer, and felt totally new.
Actually that same night, I remember sleeping in my parents home. Waking up in the middle of the nigth, I saw these two beams of blue light going down my arms, and coming out through the palms of my hands. I thought I had a dream, so I closed my eyes again. But no! It was real and re-opend them...still there, as if I was in the twilight zone. With this, I felt such happiness, my heart was filled with joy. And then I fel asleep like a child.

Next day I woke up differently, this time I felt motivated to take on the world. You see, the healing was about two things: I only wanted to find my place, and my task in this world. From that point, I knew the rest was going to be fine. And it was...I went to see the friend who first sent me this Healer, and expressed my gratitude. He was in shock, as if he couldn't recognize me.
I knew it was my new mirror in life. From that day and on, things just went up, and up , and up, and never came down. I had to find out more about this thing I was experiencing but didn't have knowledge of. So I had to collect enough money to go to a workshop, which my friend talked about because he wanted to go as well. So we did, and although I had money coming to me, my friend Eric and his wife Judith, offered me the seminar. I was so speechless.

Then, it was a natural process, my motivation to become a healer became my number one priority. Oh! You probably were wondering which profession I was into before...Well radio and club DJ...Told you anybody can do it!


Well of course, nothing can be aquired unless you let go of another thing. It's like at Christmas, you wish you could open each and every gift, and expect to keep them all in your arms. Not likely! In order to receive, one must be empty handed. Only then the meaning of receiving has it's true value. Don't get me wrong now, no one will strip you from your possessions. However, the feeling of "loosing everything", is sometimes more real than actually loosing everything.

I guess this is a sign of the Divine Play. At least one of it's many forms, as I have experience it in numerous ways. It seem to make a fool of the endless mental schemes one can come up with. At last we must give up control, in order to switch to the world of acceptance and love. Then a new relationship to yourself begins to harmoniously take you to new hights.


Now I know how to swimm among this world made of energy. At least It became like a second skin. I relate to what I do, because it is a part of me and my personality, although it is just what I do. So who am I then? Big question!
I am me, and I am a healer. I am myself, and I am also a radio talk show host. I am who I am, and whatever I do is emanating from me. But I remain Giorgio, the human being that knows nothing, and everything. I don't want to depend on a world of labels, and titles. Mostly, I don't want to depend on the people who "need" someone like me: The healer.

Interdependency can be wonderful to a certain extend. Because we all are linked to each other at some point and time. But I like more the feeling of "helping to help oneself". That is where I stand, and sometimes have to remind myself of it. Well let's say I chose not to be jesus, which simply was going around and healing instantly people with the touch of a hand...-"Now walk" or -"Now see"...or -"Now speak".
I guess at the time people needed that to believe. But time has changed, and now people need to realize and heal themselves too. It's not something we can ask others to do for ourselves anymore. Like we can't drink water for someone else. It's an individual path. But I am glad to have the role of the healer, it's gratifying and also amazing for me, and for the person who's healed through me. And it's fun to close your eyes and see things that are just as real as the "outherworld", even more so, because it can affect positevely someone's body.


The "Body Mirror System" founded in the late 70's by Martin Brofman, has taking me to a multilevel universe. From my first intensive seminar to the last one, (about 35) has shown me each time a new facet, a new aspect of me and the world that I'm surrounded with. It's like the russian puppets, when you thought it was the last one, there is another one to discover. A world within a world, within another world. Using the same method over and over, hearing almost the same words each time, is not boring. On the contrary, it is a constant reminder as new layers seem to unfold before your eyes. It's truly an adventure within the human consciousness and the human body. I chose to follow this unique method, because it adapts to every need. I found things about myself I never thought I would experience. Yet it's everyday a new begining, another world to discover...mine.


At first, I was excited to tell my Mother about what I just had learned, because of her cancer. Yes...she had cancer since 1990, and was draging it with her for so long in her consciousness. I thought I could help her getting rid of it. And I did! But first the mother's re-action....
-"Don't come to me with this stupidity, I have doctors to help me". My ego was destroyed, but so was my hope to help curing the cancer. Then I had my sister coming a year later with a secret...My first cousin and her husband had AIDS for the past 10 years and didn't tell anyone, until they heard of me and what I was sistar had also her share of trouble, since she was in a coma for five days, and could never truly share with anyone the near death experience she had. But she knew of mine in 1978, so she felt closer than she ever was with anyone around.

So here I was back in my town and a family that was seriously touched by physical and emotional negative realities. This was the grounds for puting my faith and my reality to test. I could tell you how difficult and yet how wonderful each experience with each memeber of my family was, but it would take too many pages for this experiences to be told...I will leave it to your imagination.
Now, 7 years later, 7 members of my family, have gone to seminars of Martin Brofman, and apply this method of healing in their lives. Well...not exactly, since my mother past away in the summer of 95. After a wonderful cure of one year, and my amazing experience with her as a son and as a healer, she finally made a promise in her existence, that actually killed her. But I won't elaborate on this here.

Never the less, today everybody is fine and healthy, just that the doctors, can't release my cousin and her husband, for in their minds, they are not cured. Even when most tests show they are. So they have decided to let go of this fact, and use keep their reality alive and live a normal life, just like you and me. Occasionaly, they use homeopathic remedies, when they feel it's an extra support. The truth is, that it is difficult for someone who was diagnosed with AIDS, and treated like if they had a plegue, to release from their own consciousness the insights they have of themselves, through the society's criminal judgements.
Well...this is a delicate subject I know, for many of you out there which are dealing with this matter, directly, or remotly concerned.


That's easy to talk about: TO HEAL THE WORLD!
Now seriously...there is many sources of healing in this world, and many people hold a key that opens certain mysteries of the human body, psychy, and consciousness. As far as I am concerned, there is room for anyone who wants to offer something positive and truly helpful to this world. However, I found that time is not well managed through our creations, and we have made it probably our second enemy, behind the number!!!

Well, we could of learned to become our best friend and act in a conscious way, but we haven't yet taken this true step, and shifted our collective behavior. Individually it seems to grow, so one by one, there is new legions of a new world order taking place: The legions of "solutioners".
And I am not just talking about those who try to solve a problem by being proactive, while others analyze the problems and dissect them to better understand how they were created in the first place, and what they're actually made of, and, and, and...
I talk about those who disregard the problem, and simply replace it with a solution. No more no less. In that the answers to the world are practically manifesting, one by one. Building a new foudation of reality in which we can truly stand as individuals and as a society or culture, regardless of our background and beliefs.


Which now naturally brings me to talk about beliefs. This is a delicate point, although healing doesn't interfere with any belief system. At least the kind I practice. But let's take this thought a little further, and elaborate on it. Shall we?

"There is nothing you can't do, only things you haven't yet learn how to do".

What does it mean exactly? In a couple of words, it means we are unlimited!
I know it may be hard to believe, but that's the whole point. Why believe or do not believe? Just have an experience, and then decide what you want to believe. Simple enough, and fair to yourself. You have being too long exercising blind faith, like a good kid who believes what ever he/she has been told. Exercise your common sense, and use your heart rather than just the only two parts of you that separates you from your real self...Your right and left brain.

Because if not in harmony, you will only experience antagonism, two great forces opposing each other. One believing in what's rational, and the other, pulling you towards the unexplainable, the intuitive. The only catalistic element here is the heart. Not the one that pumps blood through your vains and arteries. The one which feels, which connects to your deepest self. You see, I speak of the heart as if it was someone. Well it! So make a conscious choice, and decide what will be true for you, as long as it makes you really happy within, why not. There is a longing in each one of us, which soon or later will take us to the ultimate answer. I choose to heal now, and be conscious now!