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Page dedicated to the feelings of the moment, the question of the day, the answers of Life, and the words that energy brings through you and me.
There is two available ways to express your thoughts, either through e-mail or in the Boardroom.One can be instantly posted, however I will have to edit your letters respecting its original content. It can be a successful story you have to share about your healing with me, or it can be a comment you have about the world of energy and how it works in your existence. Or simply a note, a thought from the heart. It is here and now, for you to talk about your positive adventure of healing.

In deed it is a moment I feel to express myself. This environement is appropriate for communication and personal growth. Wouldn't you say so?

Well the truth is, that nothing is really new. But you knew that allready. You see we are merely like thirsty, wild animals around a pond. In that moment it doesn't matter who you are and if you could be the next to be chewed by a predator. The purpose here is to quensh a thirst. Nothing matters more for animals in that moment. How does it relate to human beings? Let me explain...

You may see yourself as a great wo/man, and feel that society needs you to bring new solutions to this unsolved world of mysteries. You may stand for the rest of your life on one stone in sign of protest, because hunger and poverty is still affecting millions on the face of the earth. You probably vote to make political changes, because you are convinced that you are missrepresented by your governement. In the mean time, someone bombs cities to make a political statement. You follow your religion, waiting to be saved, and hope to go to heaven, while others create new belief systems just to escape the manipulation of religious leaders.

You look for innovative ways to loose weight, look physically better, hoping to increase your age span, while others have death wishes right now, because they had enough with existence as it is. Some places in this world have been called Holy and Sacred for centuries. However the people keep forgetting that the very ground they walk on is been stained with the blood and sweat of their ancestors. What's more, today they spill more blood with the lives of innocent neighbors. For they won't have rest until they humble themselves enough to recognize that God has no borders.

You could have ideas about why the purpose of your life. You could think to yourself that you don't belong to this planet, and therefore must be coming from another world. You may believe that the earth sucks and you're asking Scotty to beam you up. All this is weight by the balance of your judgements. Because you are still moving away from a unique truth.
Yes I know, you are going to argue about this, and try to convince me that there is more than one truth. And you are probably right, as I am not wrong. You see there is a nature within each one of us. And that nature, is to come from Life and to go back to it. Everything else is just a "dash" between those two points. That of course is, if you live your life aimlessly. That's why I mentioned Life as "The Reality", not a reality.

We have separated ourselves from this single truth, this ultimate fact. We are thirsty for Love, and we keep looking for it in all the wrong places. Including the senti-mental relationships we have build through patterns and the lack of clarity that we have allowed, by simply compromising what's true for us, as individuals. But you might say that "we" didn't know any better. Really?

I would think after having a background of thousands of and thousands of years of knowledge and evolution, the human race came to the conclusion, that if history repeats itself, it must have something to do with our stupidity. But maybe you feel the word too strong. I apologize for those who actually believe they are using their intelligence.
For me this existence, whether I lived one before or not, is a wake up call. And I like to think that everybody feels the same around me. If not, I try to stick with those who does. It feels good to be able to express myself in a fashion that is more real. Hope you don't mind...

Anyway, here comes the Sun again, casting it's light all over the world. In fact it was never gone. We just clouded the sky with the thickness of our thoughts and ideas.
What about creating your own reality? Well that's a great exercice. I do all the time. But what kind of reality are we talking about?


Well, some people spend their time been destructive and don't even see it. Personally, I had to make a sharp turn in my life, because death was just around the corner, waiting for me. That's how self-destructive I was. But one doesn't have to come to this point to realize how wonderful life is. Staying out of trouble, is an exercice of self-realization and continuous practice of what you know works for you.


Your E-mail

This is a space for gratitude to be expressed, and I have most respect for those moments where it wasn't always this way. Sometimes, before joy appears in someone's existence, it seem as if the only truth that exists is pain and suffering. The "before and after" aspects writen below, are sometimes quite a contrast for both and the reader, and the people who have writen those words.
Therefore, from now on, I will post your positive feedback.
Hoping to inspire others that have accepted the reality of pain, as a part of their lives, and to reconsider the options in discovering new possibilities. There is something called wholeness, health and well being. And from now on, anything is possible...For the better of course.

I met Giorgio one day while in Random Chat on my ICQ program. It wasn't long before him and I became friends.

In our correspondances I told him about some of my health problems. Back in November 1997 I began suffering from severe headaches, which were often dibilitating. Then in April I began having gran maul seizures.

With the help of Giorgio I was able to overcome these health conditions and return to my active lifestyles. I am so grateful to have met him.

Chrystina I.

I can't thank you enough for helping me with the headaches and seizures. It really means a lot to me. If there is ever any way I could repay you let me know. Life has been SO MUCH better lately. Well, anyways...I hope to catch you Stina....


Cameron, from Canada wrote:

You really left a mark on me. I have been rolling over and over in my mind why I could not answer you when you asked Do you want to be cured and I couldn't answer a resounding "yes"...and that bothered me for days and still does. Since that fateful night. I have thought about what you said, and I went back to your homepage, read, and read and read, and followed the links, and read some more. I spent three hours this morning on your site and links and I now know why I couldn't and still can't say "Yes please".
I am scared, that I won't know who I am without pain, that I would have to face the fact that sometimes I have used my illness when I just didn't want to do something that someone else wanted me to do and that maybe, I am a bit selfish and lazy and it's an easy way out... well not in pain but in other ways...

I also have to face that even my homeopathic therapist can't understand what it is that is holding me back from complete recovery... Guess what - although you already know the answer don't you. It's me. I am holding me back... I am the reason that I am the way I was, the way I am and the way I'll be. I can channel energy to make me well or make me sick and it scares me to death to think that I would conduct it against myself and cause such an illness...
I am very sincere here Giorgio and am asking for help from you. I never thought before that I could feel another person through a silly computer but I feel "vibes" from your homepage, vibes that say Andrea you can be well! I want to be well, I want to be cured and I am so scared. Please help.

Andrea Cameron


Excerpts from 3 e-mails...

Don wants me to tell you that I am on an emotional rollercoaster. And can't quite find middle ground. I’m just riding the waves. But tears and laughter tend to come at odd moments. I told 2 of our very close friends of my experience and healing and the support I received was incredible. You said expect miracles. Well I held in my heart the belief that they would be as excited and happy for me as Don and I are... and they didn't let me down. And I cried some more. So I accepted the love that was offered. And surrounded my self with it. My smile was real and my chant was. The healing is continuing.

Much love Andrea

Yesterday was an incredible day in so many ways. The healing was ... words couldn’t describe how I feel. It’s just waves of love, of pure energy emanating from my body. Don and I spent a long time talking, crying, holding each other, and letting our joy mingle with our tears...We have been getting closer and closer over the past few months, I didn't think it was possible to love him anymore than I already did. But love is limitless and just keeps growing and growing. That has opened up a new world for us, where we can finally talk to each other about feelings and hopes and dreams and our love. It has also given us new friends and deeper relationships with friends, kind of like.... We want to share this feeling with others, let them know how incredible love can be if they just open their hearts and trust their lover.

Anyway, progress report - still glowing, still no pain, minor incident when I discovered that the hives (which I’ve had off and on since November or so) which had gone completely after the healing, were starting to come back... but I looked at them, and accepted them, and then gave them to the universe like you did.... And within seconds they were gone and the light shining from within me became stronger and that wonderful feeling of contentment and peace also got stronger. And then I cried again. Went to bed at 10:00... felt rather overwhelmed. But took no medication to help me sleep. And slept like a baby. And woke up smiling - WITH NO PAIN. It is a miracle.
I am still smiling and looking forward to a new day... I am going to homeopathic therapist this morning. Can’t wait to see what he notices different. And I’ll let you know...

Scully - the dog, knows something is different also.

You are overwhelmed well wish you were here to see us. Even the dog is being silly today. And you are right. There is no pain. And I love it. And the treatments. Nope I don't think so.. He said that the only thing wrong today was my emotions were really high. And that my energy was high but scrambled. So no treatment necessary. It’s wonderful.
And you are being so supportive it's also wonderful.
I keep running up and down the stairs for the sheer joy of it. I also wanted to tell you that an old injury (pinky finger) which has had nerve damage done has been tingling all day and the best part no more hives. It’s incredible. Anyway. Lots of love and hugs.


Andrea Cameron had 11 ripped muscles in her back, and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

I did something today...put myself throug and experience that was necessary and un-necessary at the same time. I went to my regular appointment with my homeopathic therapist... now after everything has settled in my mind. I am glad I did... but during the whole session, all i wanted to do was get up and run out of there. It was not pleasant, and I didn't want to hear what he was saying anymore. He said some things that brought back those damn fears and doubts, and I became so confused and angry. So when it was over left in a hurry.. I only wanted to get to my safe haven... my Don. To try and feel my way throug what I was feeling. I didn't want to run away from those feelings, just wanted to make sense.
Anyway to make a short journey and a long story shorter... I realized that what I was feeling was that one foot in both camp sort of experience... like a child that is stuck in that place between childhood and adolescence... not wanting to leave childhood but not wanting to get left behind either.

A sort of cross roads if you will. Anyway, I knew I had to make a choice, to follow my heart and go for what felt right, to trust in myself and the energy of the universe or to go back to what was known and safe (and didn't work either!!). So I went to that well inside of me, as you call it Oasis... and just listened... to my breath flowing in and out. To my heart beating so steadily.. and as I lay there, the feeling of moving forward came over me, and I knew in my heart where I was going... to freedom... to life... to love... and so now I share with you, I am well, I am healing, I am living, and it feels so right that it must continue.
Today was my last session with my therapist, and my first session with freedom. It is my life and I want to be all that I can be; not something that someone else fixes.
So as you were toiling so dilligently on your creation, I was learning to listen to my heart and to follow it where ever it takes me... and once again I am at peace, and the fears and doubdts are gone. This is another amazing day, and here's to many many more!
Sleep well my friend Much love always..


Email From Christof {Germany}

Hi Giorgio,

Well, your Healing works !!!

I feel better every day now, and all the things I really didn`t assume to happen so easy, do now happen easily!!! Thanks a lot, so far!

It`s about 12 month, that I couldn`t hold my head up straight or stand or even walk for more than 15 minutes without loosing the feeling in my right arm and having heavy pain in my neck and right shoulder, but its over now! {It already started toget better from the moment I was asking you for the healing}
I had three relapses during these months, documented by CT and RM {Kernspin}, and the doctors were telling me {last time in August} that it couldn`t get better without an operation {which means blocking three vertebres with metall}, and the chances to improve through an operation woud be about 30% and anyway that I have to live with this for the rest of my life!!!
Well, thats what they said, and I had a hard time not to believe this shit!
I just wanted to tell you this so that you can imagine the grace I feel because I feel the pain disappearing now. My actual state of being now is :I can walk, move my head freely, {About 95% so far} hold it up straight again as long as I want and look in the sky again! Just during the nights its not yet comfortable, but no more pain!

Off course I lost 6kg of muscles during this time, but I now slowly started to train again. Man, I spent 12 month in a chair, experiencing really hell on earth, and nobody could change something about it. I had healings from at least 4 healers, it was just getting worse, so what happened? Well, the reason why I tell you this is: You really are a Healer, not because of your seminars {I probably had more? Or the other healers who tried to help me}
No, I believe I got more. This is really what you came for in this life! Don`t ever stop it, never distrust yourself, just do what you feel, its the right thing!!! Stay a Healer no matter what happens, and the world will notice you!

Well, the question to me is... what about me? Why did I have to experience that shit, was I so far away from my real self? And am I closer now, I don`t know yet, but I`m waiting for the clarity, it'll come.
So far I`m just happy to be able to start to live again, because I lost the trust during these past months. I believe I changed a lot, I just hope to integrate what it wanted to show me and never have such pains again. You see, there is still a little fear in me, but its just the first half of your healing now and I wait for the rest to come.

About the money story I told you, we have 3.000DM in our account, not knowing from whom, the paper just says: First part payment! Isn`t that funny?
Off course we can`t use it because of the law here, but if nobody reclaims that money maybe we will. Actually I was calling the German Telekom to know about this company, but they told me this address is not existing!
So I`m curious what will happen, maybe we can have a trip to Albuquerque next year, if nobody wants it back.
So, enough for now, I wish heaven on earth to you, hoping to chat soon. By the way, my toes are totally fine, 100% now.

Bye for now


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