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One must understand that this conversation is taking place between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm eastern time, on Sunday May 3rd 1998.
I received an online message the day before from K.Veile J. in Danemark, asking me if I could heal his wife from a back pain that she had for 5 years, since it began on the 6th week of her pregnancy. No doctor has been able to find the problem. What's more there was no conversation prior to this recorded session. You will understand why, as the details are very accurate, and I knew nothing about this person I was about to heal.

This takes place in real time as you will read it, although there was a few pauses of 10 to 15 minutes each, when I was giving the actual healing to Veile's wife. He was also translating for me, since Mie didn't have a fluent english to write the following session.
Very little has been edited in the conversation you will read. We were both speaking a very "casual" english with abreviations used on the internet, such as lol, {laughing out loud} however, the interview and feedback is all there, as we were typing it.

I would like to briefly add, that this interview is typical of a healing session, when the person has the time to understand how I work as a healer and can listen. Of course if this was an emergency, there would be no conversation taking place, only the actual healing.

{Doctor Love} -First I like you to tell me when this started and how your wife....feels the pain if she can describe it for me and where?

{Veile} -Okay, it started when she was 6 weeks pregnant with our youngest boy. He is now 5, and will be 6 in the next feb.

{Doctor Love} -And she has been in pain ever since?

{Veile} -Yes, ever since that time.

{Doctor Love} -How and where would you describe the pain is?

{Veile} -Well, the pain is in her back, low, the pain goes down in her left leg. I think in latin it is called something like "pelvis insufficience", if you know that.

{Doctor Love} -Well the pelvic area is not in her back, okay!?

{Veile} No, you are rigt, but the pain seem to be there purely. She has been looked at of several specialist, and they all agree, that the pain is concentrated there.

{Doctor Love} -What is it that she cannot do because of the pain?

{Veile} -Well, she canīt bow {bend over}, especially to the left side. She cannot turn her body from side to side, she cannot lift something up, which is just a bit heavy.

{Doctor Love} you must understand that because of your english translation, you are a third party in this experience but I want you to know that normally I see people alone unless they are ok with their spouse to be there. It can arise things that are sometimes very personal or intimate, can you ask your wife if it's ok for me to talk openly?

{Veile} -It is okay, she is sitting beside me, and watching the screen.

{Doctor Love} more question then, how is she feeling physically... {with this handicap} in your sexual relationship?

{Veile} -Very bad. According to the Danish system, she is collecting a pension. Oh... I was too fast. Sorry!
Well, I think she feels that sometimes it is a "must" for her.

{Doctor Love} -Allright...anything else you like or she likes to add before I explain how I work?

{Veile} -She doesnīt know what it could be!

{Doctor Love} -?Explain that please?

{Veile} -Maybe it was written in bad english. It is okay for you to continue.

{Doctor Love} -Yes ...I meant is there something more your wife wants to tell me, before I explain my way of seeing things?

{Veile} -At this moment there seem not to be more, she cannot come up with something.

{Doctor Love} -Okay...let me tell you and she can read what I say...

The way I see an illness or a symptom, is the way the relationship between the body and perceptions interacts, let me explain...If I sit next to someone in a bus for instance, and after a few minutes I begin not feeling good about it...I can tell myself a couple of things:
One, is that I sense something from this person that s/he is not feeling good about...or I can say to myself that I don't like to sit next to this person because "s/he has bad vibes".

In either choice I ultimatly have made a decision that is carried at the physical level. Maybe I will move or maybe the person will move and look at me in a strange way...those are called perceptions...understand me so far?

{Veile} -Yes

{Doctor Love} -Good! So I can restore the tension I have created, or keep it within myself and not feel good about what I perceived...and that can last for a while, or I can deceide that I engage in a communication to myself or with the person. In this way making a new decision, new program, which will remove this tension/perception, and maybe I will be able to have a great time with this person. That is called a healing! Because it has been carried on until it's manifestion. Undrestand?

{Veile} -Yes we do.

{Doctor Love} -So, in the same way, when we experience something at the physical level, there is a decision behind the symptom, which reflects our perceptions in various levels of our consciousness...In this case with your wife's experience, I can say from what I know and with no hesitation, that she has perceived something since her pregnancy that was related to an emotion, and/or to sexuality, and also created an insecurity in her life....problems related to this can be money, work, home. What's more, emotions, sexuality or/and appetite. Makes sense to her?

{veile} -Maybe yes, we of course have to think backwards, becausse it is nearly 6 years ago. Okay, then...

{Doctor Love} -Nonono...that was then, but she still carries the pattern within her today...otherwise they would not be a physical problem. That's the way it works. A person in balance stays perfectly healthy.

{Veile} -Yes I understand-we understand.

{Doctor Love} -So if she looks back during the 4th or 5th week of her pregancy, there was a situation around her, or an event, something that placed her out of balance, and she perceived it in her system, and I would say it was related to something with the father, or with authority, or even with not having a sense of direction in that moment...makes sense?

{veile} -In a way, yes, but her father died about 7 years ago at that time; now according to the authority, well... We moved from a town in the southern Denmark to this town, but indeed this town is her hometown, so that thing makes no sense

{Doctor Love} Now I want you to ask her these three questions and tell me the answer please.

{Veile} -Okay.

{Doctor Love} -Did she feel insecure about moving? Did she feel lost when in the 4-6 weeks pregancy? Does she feel the same way today about things, and is she feeling secure and feeling at home now?

{veile} 1. No, because she had to leave her work a that time, and didnīt know if she could get a new job. At that time she was pregnant too, but not the same pregnancy.

{Doctor Love} -You mean yes then?

{Veile} 2. No, she didnīt feel lost, because of that time she had a vacancy, and might be with the same job permanently when the pregnancy would be over. 3.She is not feeling secure, because she realy wants a job, she was educated nearly to be like a nurse, and DO wants the job with elder people in a nursery home.

It doesnīt matter, that we went back to her hometown, because Denmark is only a very tiny country.

{Doctor Love} -I want an honest she feeling at home now...if she could choose a place where she feels happy to be, would it be there?

{Veile} -Would it be where?

{Doctor Love} -Yes where would it be, got it?

{Veile} -She says, of course she would like to be at another "place", but the only thing she wants is to be free of her pain, so she can go to a normal job, and be taking care of by the system.

{Doctor Love} -Listen...It is not because of her handicap that she can't is because she has not deceided to be fully happy with her decisions that she can't move...understand? Again it is the decision that creates the mirror of life...not the other way around.

{Veile} -Yes I understand, but I have to explain it to my wife.

{Doctor Love} -Sure...

{Veile} -It is okay, WE both understand now.

{Doctor Love} -Now I will give her this healing in a few minutes, but there is a few more things I want to say...first after you can save this conversation if you like to, then I want you to hear this sound now. {Here I was using a tool in the software, that creates a warning sound at the other end} Did you hear it?

{Veile} -Yes, we did.

{Doctor Love} -Okay...when I will play this sound next, I want your wife to open her eyes it will mean the healing is finished. Then I want her to tell me if she feels the same or different. Please tell her to give me a positive feedback about the difference first. If there is still some pain we will do it more; but first a positive feedback...okay?

{Veile} -Okay, but is she going to close her eyes?

{Doctor Love} -Now...hold on please...Yes she will when I tell you to...wait please. {Preparing myself to feel energy and connected} Okay...then I want her to just be seated on the chair for about 10-20 minutes...with her feet flat on the that too long for her?

{Veile} -No it is okay.

{Doctor Love} -Allright...after that I will tell her what I have seeing, done and what it means to me. She might feel things and it's okay; she might feel as if I am there with her, and it's okay; it's all energy work, nothing bizarre or manipulation, allright?

{Veile} -Yes

{Doctor Love} I want her now to close her eyes, and just be open like a child...and let things happen...then I will honk that sound and she will be able to open her eyes gently and tell me how different she feels ok?

{Veile} -Okay.

{Doctor Love} -Allright let's do it...any question?

{Veile} -NO!

{Doctor Love} -Good...I will make that sound when finished...close your eyes please...hers of

{Veile} -Its done.

Click on the Sun!
Now for about 15 minutes I imagine doing what I am doing with a "patient" as if I was there with Mie. However, it is from here {Miami} that this session takes place. But somewhere in a little town of Danemark, another person allready feels the effect of energy. Because energy is a commodity that has no limits and no frontier. It's everywhere, all the time. One just need to connect to it and another to be open to receive it and restore the natural flow in their system.
Fifteen minutes later I "honk my digitalized horn" to announce that the healing is over and that Mie can open here eyes. I am waiting for a first positive response...

{Veile} -Well she feel heat inside her head.

{Doctor Love} -Okay, is that a good thing to her?

{veile} -She feel allright yes, it is good to her

{Doctor Love} -Okay...I want her to look around and tell me if she perceive her environement differently..or sees differently?

{Veile} -She is not sure about that.

{Doctor Love} -Okay is she still sitting?

{Doctor Love} -I want her to get up like she never knew this moment before, and walk and do everything she couldn't do and just discover without fear how she moves her body ok? Tell her to walk around and tell me how she feels.

{Veile} -She is doing/trying it anyway.

{Doctor Love} -Not trying...doing it!

{Veile} -No she is doing it, but until now she is not quite sure. It seem too that she is able to bow down.

{Doctor Love} fear...tell her to be like a kid excited to find out the good news!

{Veile} -I have told her.

{Doctor Love} -See how she feels when she feels connected to the ground...etc...

{Veile} -She feels like the ground is moving

{Doctor Love} -Hehe!...If she is a little dizzy it's okay...the energy is sometimes like drinking too much wine but it will go...

{Veile} -Okay.

{Doctor Love} -What is she saying about the back...turning her body moving and bending?

{Veile} -She is exited in a way, because she is able to do things that earlier gave her pain, but now seem not to give her pain anymore.

{Veile} -She feels like she has been drinking too much wine.

{Doctor Love} -Hahaha!...A good feeling I guess.

{Veile} -Is she going to do more, or what else can she do to make more?

{Doctor Love} Now I want her to tell me if before this healing she had 100% much is there left to have it all gone?

{Veile} -Before she had pain when she just stood at the floor. Now she doesnīt feel pain when she is just standing on the floor.! How much {in %} is there left to be pain free compare to before the healing?

{Veile} -Wait a second.

{Doctor Love} -Yes

{Veile} -She tells me, that she feels that about 50% of her pain is gone, compared to before healing. She tells me, that this works better than her medicine.

{Doctor Love} -Of course...haha! And less expensive too.

{Veile} -Sure

{Doctor Love} -Okay so there is still 50% to remove to be pain free right?

{Veile} -But there seem to be 50% to be pain free.

{Doctor Love} -Ok that's what I asked...I want her to sit again...and do the rest and take these 50% out of her she ready for that?

{Veile} -Yes

{Doctor Love} -Good, so tell her to sit and close her eyes again...allright and now she knows it can all go.

{Veile} -Yes I will

{Doctor Love} -Now

For the second time now, I re-connect to her consciousness and look inside what's left to do. I noticed the first time that there was something left between two vertebraes and also a nerve was damaged. I deceided to restore both, the nerve and the dammaged vertebrae. Ten minutes later...
{Veile} -She is tired.

{Doctor Love} -So now I want her to stand up with confidence and walk again in the room, and tell me how she feels her body and do what she wants to do with her movements...ok?

{Veile} -Yes.

{Veile} -She tells me, that she really feels like she is drunk!

{Doctor Love} -Yes it's normal, then she can go to sleep...the tensions have been removed hehe! Tell her it is energy moving in her being, physically and otherwise

{Veile} -I will...Now she is sitting on the floor, She could not do that before.

{Doctor Love} -GREAT! more victory...what else?

{Veile} -Sure. Our dog thinks mom has gotten crazy.. lol

{Doctor Love} -Hahaha!...funny...I can imagine the scene

{Veile} -She is laughing, and the dog cannot understand what is going on.

{Doctor Love} -Lol...really? This is really funny.

{Veile} -Now she is crawling at the floor. I havenīt seeing this for years

{Doctor Love} Great! Soon she will be crawling in bed with all your respect

{Veile} -I hope It is okay, we like the humour

{Doctor Love} -What else is she noticing in any ways?

{Veile} -She feels like the environment?.. is more light!

{Doctor Love} Great! Exactly what I was hoping...clarity has come in her system...will explain that later.

{Veile} -Okay. Between us, I think it has helped.

{Doctor Love} -Bending twisting etc...the way she feels the floor now under her feet?

{Veile} -She feels the floor much more soft than before, {we havenīt got carpet at the floor}

{Doctor Love} -Of course she is almost done with it. Good her relationship to her mother has changed now...she won't feel hard about her's healed too.

{Veile} -It sounds great, just because it had not been the best during the times

{Doctor Love} -Yes I know, I have seeing it and will explain that too

{Veile} -Okay.

{Doctor Love} -What else is different?

{Veile} -Well, she looks to me, to be in a better mood.

{Doctor Love} -Okay. Now is the pain TOTALLY GONE?

{Veile} -She feels a "heavy feeling" not real pain!

{Doctor Love} -Where? Does she means connected to the ground like feeling more grounded, heavier in that sense?

{Veile} -No she feels it more heavy in the 5th "bone" in her back?

{Doctor Love} -Okay tell her to stay up or down where ever she is now and I will go % how much is left now to be totally gone?

{Veile} -Maybe about 25%

{Doctor Love} -Okay...tell her to close her eyes now for 2 more minutes, and I'll take care of that and tell her to let go now there is no reason for pain in her body or life anymore ok?

{Veile} -Okay

{Doctor Love} -Close the eyes

So, once again, I return for a few minutes to make some adjusments in her spine and consciousness. The fifth lombard is where my attention is, and I notice that the bone was fracture vertically, but just the width of a hair....almost invisible to the eye. Five minutes later...
{Doctor Love} -Okay tell her to get up and find out if it's all move the way she wants to move, without any fear let go and totally move

{Veile} -She tells she really is dizzy

{Doctor Love} -It's okay...the energy is doing this...nothing to worry...she will be fine

{Veile} -Okay, we are worried

{Doctor Love} -She never felt energy this strong before that's all...and the healing is releasing the energy it's like a rush in a way through her entire system...understand?

{Veile} -Yes, I do. And I really think something has changed

{Doctor Love} -Yes it's wonderful to watch...because it's invisible and yet you can see it on a person's face

{Veile} -Sure, you are perfectly right.

{Doctor Love} -Sooo!? {still waiting for a positive reply}

{veile) -She is still smiling

{Doctor Love} -She will for a long time...

{Veile} -Sounds great!

{Veile} -And you will be in our thoughts for a long time too.

{Doctor Love} -Great appreciate your {really waiting to hear that the pain is all gone}

{Veile} -Am I allowed to give your address and ICQ# to others I might come accross?

{Doctor Love} -Yes...but I am normally charging people...I have been doing this professionally all along...understand...sometimes I feel to just give...that's all

{Veile} -Sure, I wonīt do that so. I understand you, and we will still be very greatfull to you.

{Doctor Love} -So? {kind of impatient to know...hehe!}
How does she feel now...I wanna know...{excited too here}

{Veile} -She feels everything in a strange way, because she feels no pain.

{Doctor Love} -Well GREAT THEN!...what's so strange about that?

{Veile} -Nothing is real strange, but if you have got a pain for such a long time, that feeling you might think is the way you are feeling. Any other feeling might become strange I think

{Doctor Love} Yes I know...well the past is in the past now...but I need to give you my last advises and feedback of this healing ok?

{Veile} -Sure

{Doctor Love} -So she can do what ever she wants with her body as long as she

{Veile} -Okay, it is understood

{Doctor Love} -Now...what I'm about to say is related to what I have seeing inside her body and consciousness, and those that were tensions, either way, are now GONE...this is clear...However, in the next 2 to 3 days she MIGHT...that's a maybe...feel at some point something strong where before it use to be a pain...maybe simply a tension, but in no way it will be of the same see when someone is that open to cure something, the energy works fast and really strong sometimes...all she has to do, IF it happens, is to remember these words...
It's like if you had a water pipe where you had maybe 20 pounds of pressure per square inch, and now the diameter of the pipe is still the same, but the energy is more than before, maybe 50 pounds per square inch...following me so far?

{Veile} -Yes

{Doctor Love} all she has to do in that moment, is not to block the experience with fear, and think that I have done a bad remember what I just said, and to close her eyes and imagine that she makes that pipe larger, and allow and welcome the energy in her body, because in that moment it is the "final touch"...before the cure is completed...okay?
Good...and that can occur let's say within the first week.

{Veile} -Yes it is okay, we do understand it, and again I will really say thank you very much, and you will be in our thoughts every day.

{Doctor Love} -But then this healing goes further takes two to three weeks to see all results {effects} at all levels of her consciousness and body....therefore it will be like a joyride where she will have only to sit there and watch and do from now on what feels right and good to her, not according to what she thinks she should do, or what others may think. Only what she feels right...ok?

{Veile} -Yes it is okay.

{Doctor Love} -Maybe before she was a vegetarian and now she feels like eating meat...that's okay too...that's her body telling her. She is a mother, she knows what I am talking about. Whatever comes to her naturally. And what doesn't in the moment, to make that choice for her to let go of what doesn't work for her anymore. Whether it's in thougths, words, actions or whatever... just drop it right there; those patterns are dead, they are not of benefit to her any longer...okay?

{Veile} -Okay, we do understand

{Doctor Love} -Now a few things I must say quickly about the healing itself. She was feeling rejected by her mother in her life, and during the pregnancy her mother was reactive. Like if she was jaleous or something...every time your wife...what's her name by the way?

{Veile} -Her name is MIE

{Doctor Love} -Okay every time Mie was going for love towards her mother, she felt as if her mother was escaping...and felt hurt, unloved in those moments. But that is exactly what the mother felt about Mie, because she thought she was loosing the attention she got before the child...makes sense to her?

{Veile} -Yes it does.

{Doctor Love} -So now I restored the energy and show her mother what was really there, but I also re-instored that love inside Mie's security {mother/mother earth} system...and she is now connected to her again...However, I want her {when she feels it} to go to her mom, and express all these feelings of love and heal that relationship and recognize her mother's love too. Ok?! She knows what I am talking about

{Veile} -She will get a bunch of flowers tomorrow, if it is okay?

{Doctor Love} has to be more a feeling of recognition of each other's love, they are both mothers, and they know what it's like to be a mother and a daughter.

{Veile} -Yes I know

{Doctor Love} -Now about her back...there was a sort of an infection touching a a film that was close to the spine but really behind it, so it could not be detected, it was also as if the spine was how should I cracked vertically...and there was a very thin {thin as a hair} vertical was almost imperceptible, and I removed the infection and the spine was "whole" again, for lack of a better word.

There was something that was stuck between two vertebraes, and was not allowing flexibility...which figuratively, meant no flexibility with her emotions and towards her mother...understand?

{Veile} -Yes, but we had to consult our dictionary sometimes

{Doctor Love} -It's okay if you click now on file, then choose "save this buffer".

{Veile} -I did now, it is saved.

{Doctor Love} -Good... the last thing I wanted to that as I was healing her, she really opend up, like a flower in the sun, as if she was going to be taking on the world. She had lost her self confidence, and was afraid of going out there. She also felt that she lost her feminity when she had the child, because her priorities changed. From there, all was going down the drain, and she didn't see what she was creating. Now her energy is restored, and she felt to me as if she was rejuvinated, young again, and ready for a real change. Also felt work coming to her, really soon. Something she enjoys, and I recomend to do anything anyone enjoys, that's the key to attract what you are all the time.

As for the father energy, there was also a block I removed. As if she was putting everything in a safe, and locked it. Now, I removed that safe and she will have a real sense of direction, and be able to listen to her intuitions, and also men, because the archetype of the father is represented by man, authority figure...God...understand?
Now she will feel guided by them.

{Veile} -Yes, but some words we have afterwards to consult in our dictionary

{Doctor Love} -Yes you will...but you get the overall meaning right?

{Veile} -Yes.

{Doctor Love} that's it for me! I also must say that her sexual appetite has allready changed, she feels like a W O M A I right?...Ask her

{Veile} -FINE WITH ME!! Yes you are right she says.

{Doctor Love} -Great! So after these good words of happy ending, I let you go to your nest and remember to enjoy it, and to do what ever feels right, and everything for the next 3 weeks will have to do with this healing. That will give her time to learn how to be her new self and ride the wave of life!!!

The following day I received this e-mail from Veile and Mie.

Hi Giorgio!   

I hope you donīt mind I contact you again. I have to tell, that my wife Mie {yesterday} the whole day has had a wonderful time almost without pain at all. She has done things she never dreamed of to be able to do.

  I also have to tell, that she told me, when we had finished, that between the healings, she suddenly saw a lot of dolphins swimming around. You asked her if she saw any differences, and that might be something different, because we donīt have dolphins in our house. I donīt know if it means anything to you, but thought that we had better to tell you about it.

  Again we are very much thankful to you, because she has really been another person. I also will tell you, that today she went to the neighbor to tell her about the experience. They talked about it, and my wife said that she had something at home to show the neighbor, but first she had to RUN home to get it.

First on the way back to the neighbor she realized, that she really RAN. She was really impressed and surprised.

  We just thought we had to tell you this.

  Yours Sincerely.