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Started on Fridat May 15th 1998, at 16:06

Another day, another success story to share. This time from MO, in the United States, with Patricia W. However, I will spare you with the preliminaries, and the first part of the healing. We jump right into the conversation about the end results. You will probably notice some similarities with the previous healing, because, in it's nature, the process is the same. Just the illness may differ.

Patricia was having a back injury from an surgical intervention in 1995 that never really got rid of the escrusciating pain she was experiencing. The only way for her to sleep or relax, was to lay on a recliner. Patricia is a Reiki practitioner, and I told her that it was a good system, however still limitative in it's structure.

Again the doctors have being unsuccesfull in treating this person, for spinal stenosis. After that when still not better, she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Also post laminectomy syndrome.

In our simple language, post laminectomy means after they take out part of the disk in the back between the vertebrae. Myofascial pain syndrome is a connective tissue disorder of the entire body. If this connective tissue is damaged in one place, it pulls something out of line in another place causing various pains and discomfort.

You will read at the end of this feedback that she had other "pain" in the body, which Patricia felt not to mention to begin with, since her priorities, was more on the two most important things for her to heal. Never the less, after the session was over, she said it was also gone.
That's how far a silent wish can go…

{Doctor Love} -Sorry is it now?

{ReikiSpirit} -Feels much better. I can feel the muscles relaxing. That hand on my head is a real neat feeling!

{This hand was something she felt during the first part of the healing. For me, it was her mother being there, placing her hand on the forehead, for comfort, and a mothering presence.}

{Doctor Love} -Great...what else...that's your mother...

{ReikiSpirit} I doubt that. Maybe my spirit mother or something

{Doctor Love} -Don't don't know what I see...okay...I am telling you it's your mother...I almost got her name, but she told me she was there for you all this time, and her name is like an old fashion name...very earthly...I can sense it.

{ReikiSpirit} -She left and ran away when I was 6 months old and my brother was 2

{Doctor Love} -That's don't know it, but she maybe did the best thing for your own interest

{ReikiSpirit} -I know she did

{Doctor Love} -Anyway...I want you to play around with your body, totally freely and tell me how it feels and the connection to the ground as well...please

{ReikiSpirit} I do feel grounded. Should I go for a walk. What do you mean play around?

{Doctor Love} -Nah...just jump up and down and run around the do things that seem impossible to do before...right here...please

{ReikiSpirit} -I was laughing and running around the livingroom. The dog looked at me like I was strange.

{Doctor Love} -Hehehe...great!

{ReikiSpirit} -There is no pain, just a strange presence felt there now

{Doctor Love} -Could you describe it as being energy flowing in this area?

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes, it feels like energy there

{Doctor Love} it is like you wished it to be?

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes, thank you!

{Doctor Love} -Great...I must still tell you what I have seeing and done and what it means to me, and feel free to tell me what you felt as well,.ok


{Doctor Love} -First in terms of your back...the energy took me there right away. I saw something that was like a bottle opener in between the the tip of it...and then I removed it. Still there was a dammaged nerv, and I had to reconstruct it, and sort of seel it together...Then I felt as if I was called lower, in your abdomen...{emotions and sexuality as well as appetite sits there} it was as if you repressed your emotions so much, that you had a compulsion to eat instead of feeling...does that make any sense?

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes

{Doctor Love} -Ok

-Then I was called to your sacrum...actually where the root chakra is. And it was really lifeless, and when I say this, it means like ready to die...this is your roots {connection to mother and mother earth}...I felt there was nothing keeping you here really...I had to restore this whole energy system, and when I saw you in this fearing experience of the earth was an unsafe place from that moment and on. And I saw this woman holding you and taking you in her arms...But you don't recall anything like it right?

{here I was talking about an experience I saw in her childohood and related to her mother.}

{ReikiSpirit} -Right, maybe it was a spirit guide or angel

{Doctor Love} -Nonono...let's forget about all these mystical aspects...ok

{ReikiSpirit} -Ok

{Doctor Love} -This is real in a real life...yours

{ReikiSpirit} -Ok

{Doctor Love} doesn't matter if it talks to you or not, what I mean, is that it can re-surface sometime in the future, or not. However, I want to tell you that you mother loves you very much, and she is closer than you think she is....

{ReikiSpirit} -Ok

{Doctor Love} -You need to allow yourself to feel that love no matter where she is at....and this is the thing that makes you feel grounded....ok

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes, I see

{Doctor Love} -Also the fact that you felt unsafe on this planet was a lack of roots, nourishment from the earth.

{Doctor Love} -Did you feel like there was no reason for you to live...if not for someone else?

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes. I thought for a long time that if my boys were grown, I would die.

{Doctor Love} -I see...well...this is gone from your system now, so don't wish this ever will die like everybody else...but it's better to die happy and

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes you are right.

{Doctor Love} -Anything you want to say before I go on?

{ReikiSpirit} -When I had my eyes closed there was much purple. Swirling around some bright some dark.

{Doctor Love} -Wow

{ReikiSpirit>}-It was a real light show!

{Doctor Love} -That's really nice to know...Violet is the color to do with the father, the archetype of man, and God....being united is the feeling, and this is the source of your guidance is the color purple.

{ReikiSpirit} -It is also a healing color

{Doctor Love} -All colors are spectrums of one energy, this color, heals your relationship to God/men/father/ and will make you feel united, and like you know everything all the time, and where you are heading too..

{ReikiSpirit} -I see. Thank you

{Doctor Love} -Now in terms of the solar plexus, there was a little tension there too...but nothing much, although higher up, at the level of the heart chakra, I felt there was an attachement between the two. like you were not feeling free in a relationship...correct?

{ReikiSpirit} -I have no relationship. I am free and have felt free for a long time.

{Doctor Love} -Wait...when I say relationship...what do you hear?

{ReikiSpirit} -Partner?

{Doctor Love} can be any relationships....look into your existence and tell me if there was someone holding you from freedom of being yourself

{ReikiSpirit} -My teenage son. He says I am crazy, senile and stupid

{Doctor Love} -Wow...strong mirror.....why does he feel that?

{ReikiSpirit} -I am not really sure. What ever I say to him, he disagree with, and says I am stupid for thinking that. He does not believe in energy work or healing. He says he does not believe in God

{Doctor Love} -Ok he is entitle to, but not with will have a proof that it works when he sees you next.

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes. I will tell him

{Doctor Love} -Just let him see it. anything we experience in a relationship, there is always a part that reflects us...and when I filled you with energy from the last moment of your healing, I saw that everything was soft, caring, gentle, opposed to before...and what you said about him, makes me feel what he reflected in you about your relationship to yourself and men...
Now he might have changed totally, because you changed your understand? So give him that chance and see what happens.

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes. I hope he does. I always treat him with love and kindness when he gets so mad at me. It makes him madder.

{Doctor Love} -I know ...I had this with my mother too...well look what it means for you...ok...rejection from the love of man. Isn't that a pattern that resemble something, for instance with your father or husband. And does he look like your ex-husband?

{ReikiSpirit} -The pattern is like his father, but he looks more like me.

{Doctor Love} -Well I was thinking in terms of character...

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes character has been like his father lately. He says he hates his father but acts like him.

{Doctor Love} I hope you know what this mean in terms of were carrying the flame of the past, and it was reflected in him as well...let him grow his own way but guide him in the love that you have for you need to express things that were there that he didn't understand...

{ReikiSpirit} -What do you mean need to express things that were there that he didn't understand?

{Doctor Love} -He didn't understand what truly was your pattern and the one he has kept from the both of you....You see, children are like need as a parent to learn from them, because they guide you in your healing process, but you don't see think as a mother that you need to guide them. Well good luck with the tons {sort of speak} of unconscious things we have done and learned.

{ReikiSpirit} -As a sponge, do I need to wring him out from time to time? Thank you. I will continue to heal mind and body for the rest of my life.

{Doctor Love} -You are healed...but you can always go as deep as you wish...there is one point where healing is unnecessary, because it is actually who we are. Beings in perfect balance and walking with consciousness in this world and life.

At the level of your neck, you were gasping for air, as if something used to choke you...had to remove that too...and at the level of your forehead, there was no light and a crown of thornes. Which made me feel that your religious or philosophycal beliefs, were stopping you from being real and manifesting that through your personality...makes any sense?

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes. I have felt that the church I go to has become not the right one for me. I have also felt removed from God lately. At a distance.

{Doctor Love} -Well...God is everywhere, and also in churches, but not in the terms we believe...God is behind every one of your breath and that sustains you every should read one of my pages about Knowledge...I will tell you which...anyway...beliefs are beliefs, and there is one point for experience. And only the experience of your godliness can make you see God, hear him, feel him, and see him...otherwise it's pure speculation...that's my point of view, for what it's worth.

{ReikiSpirit} -Good point!

{Doctor Love} -So from now on, you will see and feel the results of this healing for the next 2 to 3 weeks, before all effects are manifested. So imagine if you are allready content with now, what you can expect for the next few weeks...any comments?

{ReikiSpirit} -I feel great! I think I still have some "baggage" to get rid of ( emotional, forgiveness, etc...)

{Doctor Love} -It will happen on due time, nothing you have to do, the healing will work for you, and you will be aware of it, it will be obvious for the next few weeks...One important point though… IF in the next few days you have anything at the physical level that will seem to be as intense as it use to be, please don't see it as something called "pain". Because in my experience, the first few days, there is a physical adjustement at the mollecullar level. And if this happens, just remember it's like where you had water running through a pipe before, like maybe 15 lbs per square inch...well now the energy comes to do it's final healing, and it might feels like 40 lbs per square inch. So for you not to block it with fear, just remember this conversation, and go to your consciousness, and decide to allow it to heal you then. It will disappear very fast...ok?

{ReikiSpirit} -Ok, I understand

{Doctor Love} -Anymore questions?

{ReikiSpirit} -Not for now. Thank you so much

{Doctor Love} -Well it was my pleasure, and I want you to know that there is a joyride in every day of your life from now on. So learn to surf the wave and stay on making the decisions that keeps you there.

{ReikiSpirit} -Don't forget to email Bobby about giving a seminar here.

I am so glad you are fine now...and want to ask you one favor...
Can I please use this conversation we had here, as a testimony for my pages, because I quantify everything I do...and who knows, you may help someone else to make that move as well...

{ReikiSpirit} -Sure, that would be fine.

{Doctor Love} -What {if there was one} diagnosis the doctors gave you and for how long was those plates in there?

{ReikiSpirit} -I had surgery in 1995 for spinal stenosis. After that when it was no better I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Also post laminectomy syndrome.

{Doctor Love} -Wow...and did you read the healing feedback about the person who had Fibromyalgia?

{ReikiSpirit} -No I didn't see that one.

{Doctor Love} -She is so happy, and such an example of healing to us all...she really embraced it right away...and all the ones she knows with that illness, she is not afraid of saying she is cured...and she really is.

{At this point I ask her the nature of the illnesses she had and she repeats what I mentioned when I introduce this healing, and I ask her if the things she didn't ask for were also healed}

Yes. I don't feel the restrictions now.

{Doctor Love} everything is taking care of...still with the knowledge that there is 2-3 weeks to go into deeper levels of healing right?

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes, right! :)
{Doctor Love} -Well...I am glad then, this is also a surprise healing for me

{ReikiSpirit} -I look forward to seeing the additional changes in the next few weeks.

{Doctor Love} for now I let you go...and let's stay in touch for another few successful stories...and have a great evening with your friend as well.

{ReikiSpirit} -Thank you Giorgio. I will spread the news. Have a great weekend! Thanks. {Doctor Love} -You too...and if you need to have some clarification for things that may come up...don't hesitate to ask. Bye for now...

{ReikiSpirit} -Bye to you , too!

{Doctor Love} -Oh BTW...does it make sense now when I said that Reiki was limitative...?

{ReikiSpirit} -Yes, I understand now.

Ok I didn't want you to be offended...that's all...bye!

{ReikiSpirit} -None taken!