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- H E A L -

As I traveled the world for the past twenty years, I saw people from all walks of life, been happy and proud of their culture and heritage. However, sometimes one of the things that they inherit as little to do with the culture or the happiness they once felt. For I see illnesses immerging at all levels of our society, eastern and western. Experiencing physical symptoms, and ailments which sometimes are life threatening, is in deed a growing part of a painful world wide process.

At times, it was unpleasant for me to look at each individual in the eyes and think to myself, I wish I could help; knowing to well there was nothing I could do for these people, but sending from the heart, thoughts for health and well being.

Whether it was the physical or emotional pain I saw they were facing, I knew that even if I was a doctor, I would have limited ressources to really help human beings devastated by a cause, hidden in the physical or mental malady. Today this feeling has changed. I am now a Healer...

And so are you! But you may not know yet, the potential in you to become one. Would you like me to show you how it's possible?

I am far from being a teacher, as I constantly feel a student of life. However, my experience could serve you as well, since I probably had to face most of the same problems myself.
The solution I use is simple, and comes from within me, rather than from an external source. It is not a religious belief, nor a new age philosophy. What's more, my experience has dissolved most limits I had allowed to be true in my existence. We as individuals and as a society, have permited traditional paths to place in our learning process, foundations which to often were focusing on physical realities.

Through this way of life, the practical aspect of our energy system has been denied, left aside, when it's that same power that is driven, through our perceptions and decisions, in each mollecule of our body. Aware of it or not.

Now more people come to the conclusion that we are the source of the symptoms, and therefore of the wellness we experience in our body.
I agree...
Wouldn't you? If you do, and still don't have a know how, please take the time to read this next page. I can simply help you rapidly achieve your goals.



PS -"I knew things were going to work out...they usually do."