Online Bible King James Version

To All Nations

Subj:  The End Is Near
             (Part III)  

Testing Your Response



          Why are nations of this world supporting and protecting Nazi Lebensraum in the Middle East?   Why are nations not boycotting the vile imposters falsely claiming to be Israel?   Where are the actions to protect the victims and to remove the wicked invaders?

          Scripture and the behavior of the imposters clearly attest that the people claiming to be children of Solomon are definitely NOT Israel!


          Who in their right mind would agree that Hitler and his Nazis were "the Holy Kingdom" as they promoted Lebensraum (living space) for "the master race" ... "the chosen people:"  seizing homes and properties; robbing, killing, and destroying with guns, tanks, bombs, shells, and political decrees; imprisoning the innocent; etc.?   Yes, their dominion lasted only 12 to 14 years depending on where one marks the beginning and end of their reign.

          Similarly, who in their right mind would say that "the robbers of thy people..." (Daniel 11:14) will be participants in "the Holy Kingdom;" afterall those who rob, steal, pillage, etc. are obviously violating GOD'S laws.   Were they too "chosen" to do that job (Jeremiah 5:15-17; Daniel 7:8,11,20-24; 8:9)?

          So, again, will those who bring harm to others, the thieves, their supporters, their protectors, etc. ... will those people be amongst "the Holy Kingdom" if they don't change their ways?   Then too, how many will give up fortunes of ill-gotten wealth and truly make legitimate sin offerings (Job 42:7-10) for their participation in the wrongs, the thievery, the oppression, the injury, and the deaths of others?   And, again, those helping and protecting the wrongdoers, are they exempt from guilt?

          Remember, the sins of the parents still come upon their children for three or four generations (i.e. about 100 years) (Exodus 20:5; 34:7).


          O.K., if a people promoting Lebensraum (living space) while calling themselves "the master race" ... "the chosen people," and while robbing, oppressing, and injuring others for up to 14 years ... if they are not "the Holy Kingdom," can others doing the same thing for more than 50 years be any different?   Can those financing, aiding, abetting, protecting, and serving such people be exempt from consequences?

          Can a heavily armed and well financed people ignore GOD'S laws while falsely calling themselves "Israel" and even taking GOD'S Holy Arks captive (Zechariah 5:4) ... can they be true Israel?   Will the imposters ever examine the Scriptures, recognize what has been going on, and atone for their vile sins?

          Yes, for example, when a marauding band of heavily armed people entered the old stone cutters' village of Dier Yassim in the middle of the night of 9 April 1948, they vividly demonstrated their disrespect for GOD'S righteous laws.   At that time they assembled the inhabitants ... 254 unarmed old men, women, and children ... held them at gunpoint, and then butchered them alive.   Yes, while still alive and conscious, the victims were hacked apart with knives, hatchets, and swords Charlie Manson style.   Leaders of those marauders, even publicly bragged of their participation.

          So, what does GOD have instore for those marauders, their followers, their supporters, and their children?

          Oh, for the subsequent 50 years those marauders and their successors have continued to pillage, to seize homes and properties, to keep the oppressed in bondage and economic poverty, etc. ... all under their vile reign of tyranny.   Their concentration camps are called "refugee centers."   Some victims were even born and raised therein.   Yes, entire lives have existed in those abominable enclosures.   Again, financed and supported by the USA, the United Nations, and Governments around the world as well as certain "religious" institutions.

          Young men dwelling under the arm of oppression have all experienced years in prisons for no reason what-so-ever except they are Moslems.   Many have experienced repeated torture, many have been maimed, and many have died at the hands of their oppressors.

          So, can these marauding invaders financed, protected, and supported by the USA, the United Nations, and other Governments of the world ... can they be "the Holy Kingdom"?   The Scriptures make it perfectly clear that they were "chosen" but not chosen as true Israel ... no more than Hitler's Nazis were chosen as "the master race."


          In life practically everyone prays to GOD for help in times of trouble.   Now, as these End Times progress very, very serious Severe Tribulations are coming upon humanity.   But, if we fail to help our fellow humans, victims in time of adversity, then when we pray to GOD how can we expect Him to help us?

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Fig. 5 of Several                

     The Past Mirrors The Future

          Note the similarity of beneficial events commencing early during odd numbered "days" (i.e. 1,3,5,7) versus adverse events during the midst of even numbered "days" (i.e. 2,4,6,8).   Thus, "days" 1 and 2 mirror "days" 3 and 4, mirror "days" 5 and 6, mirror "days" 7 and 8.


1 - 23 - 4 5 - 6
7 - 8



5 BC
Birth Of Jesus


The LORD'S Day

Odd Days

Day 1.   Adam and Eve in Eden: a utopian-like life dwelling with The Tree Of Life, life-spans approached 1,000 years, and The Glory Of GOD dwelt amongst them.   And although Cain was evicted he still reaped benefits.

Even Days

Day 2.   The Great Flood destroyed the wicked excepting survivors with Noah who started over with virtually nothing.   Life-spans were now drastically shortened after the Flood.



Day 3.   Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), and Ishmael received great promises from GOD.   The Glory Of GOD dwelt amongst Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.   The Phoenician Empire grows and prospers under Abraham's children.



Day 4.   David's throne given into Canaanites via Solomon.   All Israel dispersed throughout all peoples.   GOD'S Holy Ark hidden by Jeremiah.   The Temple destroyed.   Jewry sent to Babylon.   Phoenician Empire taken from Abraham's children by Persians, Greeks, and Romans and placed under control of cursed Canaanites.



Day 5.   Jesus, Teacher of Righteousness, established basis for two witnesses:  Christianity and Islam.   Christianity then spread North into Western Asia and Europe.   Later, Islam spread East across Southern Asia and Persia then Southeast into the Indus River region and beyond.   During Day 5 Islam also went Westward across N. Africa and eventually into Spain.   Thus, the two witnesses began to spread the teachings of Jesus over much of the world.


Day 6.   Oppression in Europe motivates people to colonize New World in search of better times.   Hardships and deaths predominated.   Again, all were without The Glory Of GOD.   The cursed Canaanites, still seated upon David's throne, reign over Sixth Kingdom from behind the scenes as they rob, pillage, and afflict the world (Jeremiah 5:15-17; Daniel 7:8,11,20-24; 8:9,23-25; Isaiah 10:13-14).



Day 7.   A great epilimneum, reversal, occurs as the cup changes hands.   The Lost, the Tares, are as dead for the remainder of the 1,000 years.   However, the eternal Congregation will have been betrothed to GOD, The Glory Of GOD will be restored amongst people, and the Messiah will have received His Kingdom.   The wicked or lost, the more disobedient, then become the servants of the more righteous for the next 1,500 years:  Deuteronomy 30:7; 28:1-14 versus 28:15-68; 30:1-10; Isaiah 51:21-23; Jeremiah 17:18; 25:15-17,27-29; Zechariah 14:4; Psalm 2:8-9.


Day 8.   As the Eighth Millennium commences the Holy City may reopen to admit the more righteous from amongst the Lost.   Those not entering therein face another 500 years of misery, strife, and hardships before the final judgment by the Great White Throne.   Many now become eternal servants -- that's the horrible lake of fire.


The Thieves, Imposters, And Their Supporters
Holding GOD'S Holy Arks Captive
While Propagating Nazi Lebensraum
Ought To Change Their Ways




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Prepared By
Father - Son Team
          George & Dana Brown
          P.O. Box 320932
          Cocoa Beach, Florida
          USA     32932-0932