Brian's Theatre Presents


Online Bible King James Version

A Convincing Sign:

Resurrecting The Dead

"He will swallow up death in victory ...."

                                                          Isaiah 25:8

          The First Resurrections:   Revelation 20:5-6.
            (A 1,000 Year Interval)

    • Who?

All Humanity Are To Be Ransomed From The Grave.
                Hosea 6:1-3; 13:14; Job 5:20; 14:11-15; Psalm 34:19 104:29-30
                Ezekiel 37:12-14; John 5:28; Ephesians 5:14

    • How?

Restored To Flesh And Bone.
                Ezekiel 37:1-14; Isaiah 26:19; Job 19:26

    • Why?

  1.   Some To Everlasting Life And Others To Damnation.
                    John 5:25,28-29; Daniel 12:2

  2.   Some To Greet Satan When He Is Cast Down:  All Will See Him.
                    Isaiah 14:9

  3.   All To View Jesus' Arrival.
                    Revelation 1:7

    • When?

  1.   At The Last Day, A 1,000 Year-Day.
                    John 6:39,40,44,54; 11:24

  2.   Early In The LORD'S Day, A 1,000 Year-Day.
         ("Early" Refers To The Half Hour Pause, A 21 Year Interval).
                    Compare Isaiah 26:19-21
                    With Revelation 8:1

  3.   At The Last Trump, A 14 Year Interval Within That Half Hour.
                    I Corinthians 15:51-52

  4.   During Atonement Year i.e. 6010 From Creation.
                    Revelation 11:18

  5.   Again, On The Fourth Millennial Day From The Birth Of Jesus.
                    John 11:1-4,23-25,17,39-44; Revelation 20:13




          There are many, many references in Scripture that speak of "death" as being "asleep" ... in the dust, in the grave, with one's fathers, etc. (Psalm 13:3; Job 7:21; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 9:23-26; John 11:11-14,43-44; 5:25,28-29; I Kings 11:21,43; 14:20,31; etc.).

          Sleep, of course, is a natural process wherein a person rests and then awakens to resume normal activities.   Similarly, death is a process where one is removed from activities of the living to "rest" in the grave.   Some have already rested for thousands of years whereas others have been asleep only for a short while.

          Now, in these End Times, the resurrections are the awakening of the deadthe restoring of each body, restoring each Soul (the spark of life:  Psalm 23:3), and returning each person to activities of the living.

          Indications are that one's memory (knowledge and understanding), one's mental capacity, one's thoughts and desires, etc. have been downloaded to their Soul's data storage.   The Soul is a fantastic memory storage prepared for this day of resurrection.   Thus, all has been preserved, can be edited, and altered according to the Will Of GOD.   So, the resurrection of the dead should prove quite fascinating whether you are still amongst the living or a member of the former dead when it happens.   Just seeing this modern world will be a real experience for many.

          "Fantastic!" you say.   Obviously "Unbelievable!"   It clearly defeats human logic.   "Impossible!"   Not quite:  Look at the world around you.   GOD created this world and everything in it.   He also gave people the ability to expand knowledge and understanding in nearly every field of endeavors.   So, restoring the dead to life on earth should be easy for Him.   Watch and see.


"...and the earth shall cast out the dead."

                                                          Isaiah 26:19

          The initial resurrections could commence anytime during the Half An Hour (21 year) interval.   Remember, after Jesus resurrected ... of His seven appearances, Jesus was seen on four occasions during the first day of the Week of Unleavened Bread.   And, the Week of Unleavened Bread always follows directly after Passover (Leviticus 23:5-6).   So, since Passover prefigured the year 6000, the Week of Unleavened Bread prefigures the years 6001 thru 6007 from Creation And the 24 ˝ year interval beginning with 6001 thru the midst of the year 6025 from Creation (i.e. 7 times 3 ˝ = 24 ˝ years).   Remember, the first and seventh days of the Week of Unleavened Bread are special.   See:  WEEK OF UNLEAVENED BREAD.

          Also, expect multiple resurrections during the Half an Hour (6001 thru 6021).   That is, many of those resurrected may die again as the Tribulations progress.   However, those who die are to be resurrected again when Satan is cast down; and, those who die in the remaining Severe Tribulations will again be resurrected to view Jesus' arrival.

          Note:  As the year 6008 from Creation commences, the 144,000 souls are now standing with the Lamb (Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1-5).   So, the initial resurrections could occur before 6008 from Creation (i.e. 6007 is represented by the Seventh Day of the Week of Unleavened Bread).   However, the Great Multitude of Revelation 7:9 and Daniel 7:13-14 are not even mentioned here.   Why?   Where are they?   See:  THE SURPRISE OF SURPRISES!

          Those interested in further understanding might examine the Koran.   That is, throughout the entire Koran repeated references speak of the resurrections during these End Times.

          There are also resurrections foretold to occur at the conclusion of the 1,000 years (i.e. at the close of the 1,000 year period called The First Resurrections:  Revelation 20:7-9; Leviticus 26:34-42).

          The Second Resurrections:
               (A 500 Year Interval)

     Revelation 20:10-15; 12:14;
     Daniel 7:25; Leviticus 26:43-46.

          When the 1,500 year period enters its last 500 years, those who failed to escape beforehand have a final opportunity to avoid eternity in "the fiery furnace" as this unrighteous world is called.   Thus, the Gleanings who die for their beliefs and witnessing are to resurrect in the midst of the Eighth Millennium along with others who may have died.   All now face the Great White Throne Judgment.

          Here again, at the end of the 1,500 years, some will resurrect to enter the eternal Congregation while others will remain for an eternity of desolations, deprivations, and misery.   They, of course, will have had three opportunities to escape.   Therefore, if they don't escape this final time, they will have struck out!


An Intriguing 1,000 Years
Got Underway In The Spring Of 1996.

The Resurrections Of The Dead Now
Insure That No One Misses
This Special 1,000 Years.


Resurrections In The Half-Hour
Wherein We Now Dwell
Prefigure Resurrections In
The Distant Future


Continue On To: THE BATTLE


Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932