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The Shiba Inu is the smallest of the dogs native to Japan. It's name is a Nagano perfecture dialet word meaning "Little Brushwood Dog". Possibly the oldest of the modern day Japanese dogs, the Shiba is a mix of many other dogs from the mountainous regions of Japan. The Shiba was used as the family guard dog, for hunting small game, and even to hunt boar and bear.

The Shiba's presence is reminisent of the fox, with their triangular shaped eyes which give you a hint of their spirit or "soboku". They are brave and bold, good natured with great dignity and composure. A tough dog with a tough attitude, the Shiba is also inquisitive and graceful. They possess a cunning behavior that is quite close to that of animals in the wild; traits that are combined with a tenacity that can only be called "samurai". They are wonderful retrievers who possess incredible ability, proving their usefullness as a hunter in the mountainous regions of Japan.

Shibas are devoted to their families, most likely because that family is "theirs" and there is no word more important to this breed than "mine". They have an uncanny way of getting what they want and usually are able to make their owner think it was their idea in the first place.

Training of the Shiba can be interesting, to say the least. They are fastidiously clean animals (due to their intense dignity) therefore are practically born housebroken. But the Shiba will do everything in it's power to discourage it's humans from engaging in activities such as leash training, grooming, nail trimming, or any action that requires restraint. The Shiba has made an artform out of the word defiance, one that has to be seen to be believed! Their unique vocabulary is immense and can only be referred to as "japanese name-calling"! But once a Shiba has it's owner trained, life settles down to hours of watching this little ball of fire entertain you in a way that only a Shiba can do.

Typically reserved in manner, the Shiba carries itself with dignity, unless he's trying to get the attention of his owner and has to break into his bag of tricks in order to catch his eye. He is loyal and affectionate with his family, but is usually aloof and rather cool with strangers.

The Shiba is a small dog in size, but should never be classified as a "toy". Averaging from 15 to 25 lbs, the Shiba must be of a weight that balances it's height. As required by their AKC standard, males must be between 14 1/2" - 16 1/2" tall, measured at their withers, and females must be between 13 1/2" - 15 1/2". The Shiba is allowed to be "any color", but the undisputed preferred colors are red. red sesame (red body color with black tips on the ends of the guard hairs), and black and tan. They possess thick, double coats which insulate them against extreme weather and also repels water and dirt easily. The undercoat will shed out at least once each year, but basically their coat requires only an occasional brushing to maintain it's beauty. This breed does not require pampering, not physically and NEVER mentally!

Certainly not the breed for just anyone, the Shiba will offer a new definition to the phrase "dog ownership". A Shiba owner must take charge from day one, and be prepared to remain the pack leader from that day forward. They must be ready to deal with the active side of this breed -- an open door is too tempting and the Shiba will take off running so caution must be observed at all times. Responsible dog ownership does not allow this breed to "run the neighborhood", for in the case of the Shiba, the neighborhood will change as it runs several blocks without looking back! Socialization is a must with Shiba puppies as they will settle into their own world and prefer not to deal with anything from the "outside" if they are not constantly introduced to new places, people and things on a daily basis.

Still interested? If you can deal with all of the above, then you may be the right home for a Shiba Inu. Shiba ownership is a relationship where dignity and respect build the foundation for a wonderful new life to be shared together -- Shiba style!

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