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  All the Big Brother 2 episodes in 2001 ....
  July 5 Thursday day 1 episode 1
      No one was allowed to speak to each other as they assembled in the front court yard of the new Big Brother house.   Julie Chen divided the guests into three groups of four and by luck of the draw let each group enter the house one minute apart from the others to claim their beds for the evening.   Excited, they moved quickly and found beds of different sizes and comfort ranging from water beds to a camping cot which was the last bed chosen after head long dives and flurries of suitcases staking claims.   Someone loudly suggested they all move to the living room to get acquainted.   Unlike the ho hum patter of the original subdued BB house guests last year everyone here was more outgoing than the next.   The guests were asked to meet their first challenge out on the basketball court (see challenges) where they discovered a new car.   They won the food challenge by all fitting in the car together for a couple of minutes.   The next part of the challenge offered ownership of the car for whoever was the last one out.   Kent won the car.
  July 7 Saturday day 3 episode 2
    Mike, as head of household this week had to nominate two people for banishment.   He chose Nicole and Sheryl noting that everyone disliked Nicole but liked Sheryl therefore the voting would be a slam dunk on Thursday to boot Nicole.   He felt Nicole just rubbed everyone the wrong way from the moment she stepped into the house.   Mike said, "She should visit and keep her mouth shut!"   The Group won the hot tub challenge.   Kent is still trying to find a group alliance.   Bunky is still nervous about telling everyone he's gay.   Hardy and Justin are trying to out flex each other.   Will thinks Shannon is the hottest woman in the house.   Everyone is less tensed now that the nominations are revealed.   (see challenges)
  July 10 Tuesday day 6 episode 3
    Day 6 finds tempers flaring, romance budding, abundant tensions and everyone cleverly developing their war strategies and taking no prisoners.   Kent confronts Justin about pillow stealing which almost ends in fistycuffs.   Will and Shannon are starting to touch each other very intimately (it won't be long now).   Bunky reveals the secret to good ole boy Kent and gets a hug.   Krista soaks in the hot tub topless.   Nicole continues her crusade of personal destruction (she should be bye-bye Thurs per Mike's well thought out plan).   Many have now labeled Will as manipulative and power hungry.   As Dr. Will said secretly to the audience..,"I'm playng them like puppets on a string".   The house guests make a home movie of the BB house.   Filet mignon steak dinners for all after winning the human letter spelling in the food challenge.   (see challenges)
  July 12 Thursday day 8 episode 4
    Hold on to your hat folks!   Unbelievable! Justin is actually removed from the house for his misconduct of threatening bodily harm and death on other houseguests not to mention urination on the furniture.   He tells Julie Chen in a brief exit interview he has no clue why he was removed and called anyone in the audience an idiot if they think he should have been removed (a real class guy).   Nicole gets to remain in the house winning a 5 to 3 vote over Sheryl.   Sheryl told Julie she was glad to be out of the house and had no regrets.   Mike had a look of pure astonishment that Nicole wasn't being ousted per his divine plan.   Talk about the almost beaten underdog coming back for revenge!   Mike had better start suitcase packing now that Nicole is back in business.   Video streams Weds caught Justin, Krista and Shannon in a sandwich makeout session so hot Big Brother had to stop the cameras for 10 minutes.   And how was your day?   (see challenges)
  July 14 Saturday day 10 episode 5
    Krista shouts with Joy as she wins head of houehold title by correctly answering the most Big Brother trivia questions about the house and guests.   Mike expresses his dismay of his backfired plan and being responsible for Sheryl's accidental eviction.  Autumn and Shannon bicker and call a whole house meeting to settle the quarrel.   It is easy to detect that the house has become divided and alliances have formed.   The men win the guess your weight competition.   Mike and Autumn quarrel over their "almost" relationship.   Nicole has a new spring in her step.   Will is trying to make new friends fast since everyone suggested he be the next one nominated.   Krista surprisingly nominates Autumn and Kent for eviction.   Staying in the house isn't looking good for Kent since everyone resents the fact he has won a car and they didn't.
  July 17 Tuesday day 13 episode 6
    House guests get a taste of bull riding tonight (mechanical bull riding that is) where Shannon wins the competition handedly for the women.   Alliances still flourishing as Krista thinks about coming over to the chilltown side (the name chilltown was derived from Will, Shannon & Mike's bedroom being so cold).   Nicole cusses like a sailor about people leaving dirty towels around.   Kent expresses dismay about being nominated for banishment and vetos the suggested idea from Krista and Nicole that maybe he should concede.   Will and Nicole have a heart to heart talk about their feelings towards each other.   Autumn has put on her game face and is gaining confidence in herself but it might be too late at this point.   Hardy works out and checks his reflection.   Monica gets more face camera time to express feelings (to this point she has layed low).   Best quote of the show .. when Shannon was discussing the chilltowns' game plan .."if one of us gets HOH then we will trim some more fat."
  July 19 Thursday day 15 episode 7
    Tonights episode was action packed.. Autumn gets evicted with a surprising 7-0 vote and no one even walks her to the door.   Hardy wins head of household by a narrow margin over Shannon and keeps the "untouchables" group alive.   Kent makes a live audience statement about pride and dignity and the lack there of in the Big Bro house.   Big Brother edits together a long segment on the budding and intimate relationship between Shannon and Dr Will.   Shannons' back home boyfriend Jim makes a statement from a sand volleyball court and said, "If Will has anything to say to me then he should say it to my face and with his 165LB frame he should probably bring Hardy too".   Whoa.   Apparently Jim was paying real close attention to the weight competition episode when Will stepped up on the scale.   What a memory.
  July 21 Saturday day 17 episode 8
    The tension is really starting to mount as the guests continue to try and live under one roof together.   Bunky expresses his dislike of Shannon and her social disfunctions.   In an expected move Hardy puts the love birds Will and Shannon up for nomination together.   Mike turned down Hardy's plea bargain of trading no nomination favors in the event Mike would get the HOH again.   Shannon snaps at Hardy for "the cowardly act?" and of course Will swears revenge saying that Hardy made a huge error in his nomination picks and he will get his payback next week (we'll see).   Everyone wins in the food competition and doesn't "drop the ball" (see challenges) and have to eat pb & j.   Shannon was portrayed in a negative way this evening by the Big Brother editing as annoying, commanding and manipulative.   They showed bad sides like the irritating laughs, the scheme mastering, her hatred towards others and the way she thinks she is superior to everyone.   The editing really put her on the public chopping block.   Is Big Brother trying to tell us something here?
  July 24 Tuesday day 20 episode 9
    The Big Brother abode has become a "hot house" now as tempers flare and Shannon wages a one person all out war against anyone in her way.   Shannon pulls the ultimate dirty low blow by scrubbing the toilet with Hardy's toothbrush and leaving it for him to brush his teeth (nice girl eh?).   Big Brother calls her into the diary room and tells her that kind of conduct will not be tolerated.   To escape detection she purposely breaks the toothbrush then lies about it to Hardy saying it was an accident.   Of course the truth gets out and back to Hardy right away and the fireworks begin.   Will and Mike scheme together about how they are going to get rid of Hardy after Shannon is banished Thursday (I wouldn't count your chickens just yet until they're hatched Dr. Will).   Bunky says an emotional grace at dinner as Mike snickers and laughs while everyone has their head bowed.   Krista, Nicole, Kent & Shannon win a competition to have all their clothes professionally laundered.   House guests win a toaster from the television call-in poll.   A meeting is called by the whole group to air out their differences and issues but ends in a shouting match between Shannon, Hardy and Kent.   Quite an emotional roller coster for all.
  July 26 Thursday day 22 episode 10
    The houseguests have "chilled out" somewhat since the last episode and pretty much accepted the fact that Shannon is going to be voted out this evening.   And that is exactly what happens as Julie reveals Shannon's cold 6-0 demise.   She requested the votes and the guests were happy to oblige her.   Hardy seemed a little disappointed because he couldn't use his "tiebreaking vote to administer the final blow.   Kent wins head of household in a close competition with Mike in the final round.   Will & Shannon's mothers are interviewed with predictable views that of course their offspring can do absolutely no wrong (and as a matter of fact.. Shannon's mother said that she would of srubbed the toilet with Hardy's electric toothbrush also and she felt that was a very good idea).   Bunky and Kent continue to get along as friends.   Mike and Krista show a little blurp of passion with a long kiss.   Shannon's final goodbye from the house was amicable but it seemed a little forced when Hardy commented, "good luck Shannon".   Quote of the show came from Kent as we watched his banishment pick .. "I vote to evict Shannon because she is just not a nice person".
  July 28 Saturday day 24 episode 11
    Kent struts around in his HOH robe and feels like king of the hill.   Will accepts Kent's offer that he won't nominate Will if Will returns the favor and not nominate him if he gets HOH.   Mike and Krista are nominated by Kent.   Mike promises a week long fight over the nomination.   Mike makes heavy passes at Krista (before the nominations were read) without sussess.   Krista tells Monica and Nicole that she is going crazy in the house not being able to be a sex maniac.   Big Brother presents an emotional Kent with pictures and drawings from his wife and daughters in the HOH room.   All the houseguests make custom patio stones for a BB2 crafts project.   Monica continues to sandbag and not say much in the house trying to avoid any confrontation (she'll probably be the last standing with this strategy). The guests win 5 out of the 7 food groups in the food competition (see challenges) to stock the cupboards.
  July 31 Tuesday day 27 episode 12
    Hatred continues to smolder as Mike lets the country know how much he hates Kent.   Krista and Monica have a verbal tif over the cleaning of the toilet.   While Will is getting his leg hair shaven by Nicole outside he tries to recruit Nicole to help him get someone besides her to vote and keep Mike in the house.   At first Mike didn't want to go along with that plan because he didn't want to deceive Krista but slick Will has him convinced to forget his morals.   Hardy shows signs that he is frustrated with the whole nomination system and toys with the idea of being a free agent.   Monica wins the CD music reward competition. (see challenges)   Hardy wins the 3 minute call from home and chooses his Grandmother to talk with.   Ghost stories and the super natural are the part of tonight's episode as the guests play with a quiji board and contact (2) people named Jim and Margie.   Krista says that Margie was her deceased mother's name and Will lies to everyone and says that James was his dead uncle's name (he does have an uncle named James but he is not dead).   Krista promises pay back time on Kent if she stays in the house and gets HOH.
  August 2 Thursday day 29 episode 13
    Mike gets evicted tonight by a 4-0 vote.   Hardy shifts his interests away from the top group and makes friends with Will.   Mike was seen continually harassing Kent even bringing up his kids in the conversation for some reason.   As parting gifts, Mike gives Krista a good luck rock and the candle she made a wish on at their birthday dinner.   Monica continues to contribute nothing to the show.   A question elimination game is the challenge in which Hardy wins his second head of household honor.   No one is seen congratulating Hardy for the hoh win.   Krista and Mike's friends and hometowns are highlighted in edited segments.   Big Brother TV poll question this evening was what animal would you like the houseguests to have for a week? a) Pot bellied pig, b) Hamster or c) goldfish.   In the last couple of days Kent has lost popularity amongst his former alliance with top.  
  August 4 Saturday day 31 episode 14
    The nominees are revealed as Kent and Will.   Hardy tears up as he explains why he nominated the two guys that he respects.   Highlights show Krista crying over Mike's exit and everyone is blown away by his taped tearful message to Krista.   The guests make a dance routine video that they taped on the basketball court.   Hardy has private conversations with most of the guests getting their nominee picks.   The blended food challenge (see challenges) is won by all except Krista.   Hardy had threatened that if anyone did not win the food challenge then they would be strongly considered as his nomination pick however after the challenge he tells Krista that it was probably his fault.   Hardy claims that he wants to see Nicole, Krista and him as the last three standing and he talks about how Kent has stepped out of line this past week getting on everyone's nerves.   Kent runs out of cigarettes and decides to quit smoking.   Will thinks that Nicole is in love with him but Nicole just thinks he is a kook.
  August 7 Tuesday day 34 episode 15
    Diplomacy was just not present in this episode.   Kent blows up at the Monday meeting and calls Hardy the two faced enemy that is back stabbing everyone around him.   Also, Nicole vents her anger towards Kent in private conversations after overhearing Kent talking to Bunky in the kitchen.   Monica, in a surprising display of emotion starts unloading on Kent after he tells her to let up on Bunky.   It just wasn't Kent's best couple of days here lately.   Krista, Monica, Nicole and Hardy all win the luxury challenge. (see challenges)  Nicole seems to sleep close by Hardy these days.   The guests get a pot-bellied pig named Opelhia as a result of the TV poll.   Bunky upsets Krista and Monica when he asks them to be quiet so he can sleep.   Will has become more subdued and clever thinking as he says, "I like to see the smokers go at each other like meat eating dinosaurs".   Will could just be the sleeper in this game as everyone is looking to Hardy for advice and what to do next.   We could see all the good people fall in the heat of battle and ole Will left standing last with a smile and a check.
  August 9 Thursday day 36 episode 16
    Kent leaves the house swiftly as he is ousted 4-0.   Kent continued to call all the house guests "a bunch of freaks" right up until he got voted out and reiterated the point in his exit interview with Julie.   He hammered his own coffin nails by disagreeing with everyone in the house.   Kent swears that nine of the houseguests have agents.   Hardy and his back home girfriend were highlighted showing Hardy flexing, Ty boxing and doing general weight lifting as his girlfriend explained that she is somewhat jealous of the women in the BB house.   Julie asked Bunky what he thought about never being nominated and he said it will probably be his turn next week but that's ok because he misses his husband.   Will talks in the diary room about taking over Hardy's harem after getting him evicted from the house.   Krista tells Will that she has had a secret alliance with Monica and Hardy since day three and they used playing cards to communicate and keep it a secret.   A new TV poll asks what outdoor item should the guests get for the backyard?.. A porch swing, regular swing, a heavy bag, trampoline, exercise bike or new grass.   Nicole wins the slide the key challenge to win HOH for week 6 (see challenges).  
  August 11 Saturday day 38 episode 17
    More stress and pressure mounts as the houseguests wonder their fate about who Nicole will pick for nomination.   Krista goes on a rampage telling everyone they are stabbing her in the back.   Monica tells Will that it is "on" and when Will asks what "on" means she says it's just "on".   (however, Will thinks Monica is really "off" as in "her rocker").   After a quick house meeting about the nomination Nicole later nominates Krista and Monica calling them the biggest threat to her game strategy.   Nicole gets a T-shirt and pillow case her husband had used the night before that she had requested.   A few highlights about the pig pet Ophelia were shown especially the house guests talking to him in private.   Hardy tries to eaves drop on Will, Krista and Monica's conversation through the kitchen window.   Hardy tells Nicole to lock the hoh door for safety after she makes her nominations.   Guests pull off another successful food competition in a giant cereal bowl (see challenges).   Will poses a toast to the last "half" of the Big Brother house saying they started with 12 and now just 6 of them remain.   Will tells the diary room camera that Krista and Monica are the stupidest people he knows.   Bunky chokes up as he talks about his friend Kent in the diary room (which begs the question ..then why did you vote him off?).
  August 14 Tuesday day 41 episode 18
    Monica starts packing her bags anticipating being voted out this Thursday which sends the wrong message to everyone about her attitude.   Will continues to smooze Nicole and win a free ride ticket to the final three.   Will and Nicole's relationship is chronicled from "hate to love & beginning to end" in an edited segment.   Bunky is portrayed as a new body builder since his arrival in the house.   Ophelia the pig's week is up and it's time to go.   Everyone is seen in little flashbacks with the pig including when Will saved his life in the pool and krista sleeping and showering with it.   The houseguests are shown jumping on their new trampoline they were awarded from the TV poll.   Nicole tries to get to the bottom of the untouchables (UT) and find out who lied to her about the formation of the group.   Monday morning meeting highlights are amicable for a change with no screaming or fighting.   Guests compete for three minutes of time in a room full of current newspapers (see challenges).
  August 16 Thursday day 43 episode 19
     A very emotional episode as the houseguests vote live to evict Krista from the house.   Bunky sobs out of control on live TV when he votes in a 3-0 slam vote to evict Krista.   As Krista is told the news about her eviction she asks that everyone stay in their seats except Will and Monica to see her to the door.   As she is saying goodbye, Monica swears revenge and tells Krista that she will do everything possible to win.   Will had promised Mike that he would do what he could to keep Krista in the house but then gave in to the forced Nicole alliance.   Krista tells Julie that she liked all the remaining houseguests except Nicole because she lies.   Monica's sister and Krista's brother were shown in highlighted segments about the two nominees and their life back home.   A TV poll asks which houseguests would you like to receive a letter from home?   Mike Boogie and Krista's brother (but not Laken her daughter) greet her in the goodbye segment.   Julie Chen announces that there will be no Saturday show this week but there will be a special food challenge Tuesday and a new Wednesday HOH challenge show.   Bring it on because we'll be watching!
  August 21 Tuesday day 48 episode 20
     There was no show last Saturday but a special HOH episode airs tomorrow. Tonight's episode focused on the luxury "blockbuster" challenge and the group food challenge (see challenges).   We are left hanging until the next show as money winner Bunky keeps the secret that he sold out everyone for $5000 in the food challenge (guests have to eat peanut butter for 4 days).   Bunky confronts Will and tells him that Hardy has to go because he is too much of a threat because he is the "complete package".   Bunky makes a secret alliance with Monica saying he wants to go to the final three with her.   Hardy talks to Bunky later and tries to tell Bunk that Will has to go (putting Bunky right in the middle).   Big Brother does a recap of how sad everyone in the house was after Krista's eviction.   Even Will is shown crying because he didn't cast a sympathy vote for Krista and felt he let her and Boogie down.   Hardy confesses that he offered to take $7500 for the food challenge. Will says to Monica, "I think that is the smartest thing I have heard in this house" after she rambled on about something that he had no clue what she had just said. (Will sure isn't going to get any evictees votes after they all review the tapes is he?).  Bunky picks Monica to watch the "American Pie II" movie with him.
  August 22 Wednesday day 49 episode 21
      Hardy wins his third HOH competition by manuvering a remote control car better than everyone else.   Bunky wins the letter from home from the TV poll and cries after reading the contents.   Will is sure he will be put up for nomination on Saturday and will finally be the last chill town member to be ousted.   The guests are still mad at the unknown sell-out person on the PB&J food challenge but Bunky does finally confess and everyone takes it light heartedly.   At one point Hardy lashed out about having to eat PB&J but Nicole quickly put him in his place by reminding him that he was also a sell-out for money.   USA Geography is studied by all the guests in preparation for the HOH challenge.   Monica and Nicole poke fun at Will for flexing his muscles and checking his hair.   Everyone breathed a litlle easier as the nomination pressure wasn't there but this will quickly change in a couple of days.   Will and Hardy think Bunky has a good chance of winning.
  August 25 Saturday day 52 episode 22
      Hardy nominates Will and Bunky in a no surprise here move.   Earlier Hardy had a run in with Bunky over some bartering for cigarettes and he told Nicole that Bunky wasn't to smart for doing that before nominations.   Hardy told Will that he had to nominate him because of his pledge to rid the house of chill town but then surprisingly asks Will if he wants to stay in the house another week.   All Will has to do is not nominate Hardy and Nicole together next week if he makes HOH.   Of course Will accepts but quickly tells the diary room that he lied and will get rid of Hardy and Nicole the first chance he gets.   Will thinks Hardy is like a little spoiled boy with his new dyed black hair and the the way he puffs out his chest. Monica is real quiet and not heard from.   The guests win regular food again with a building block challenge.  
  August 28 Tuesday day 55 episode 23
      Lots of interaction tonight amongst the guests as the tension heats up.   Will gets on Nicole's nerves big time to the point that Nicole wanted to isolate herself from everyone in the house for a while just to chill out.   Nicole gets especially upset when Will takes her styrafoam arts and crafts project (that she refused to participate in) and draws funny intimidating things on it to portray her.   Will and Bunky win the "get out of the BB2 house" helium balloon challenge and enjoy a fantastic one hour helicopter ride around LA (see challenges).   The guests win a 90 second shopping spree in a private sportswear boutique set up especially for them in the living room as a result of the national TV poll.   Bunky tells Monica that he thinks Hardy and Nicole are the "bully and the bitch" and laughs at how funny and appropriate that sounds.   Nicole demands a meeting with Will (with wine to keep her blood from boiling) to air their differences and they finally make-up which looks good for Will as his eviction is quickly approaching.   Bunky will probably be the one evicted this Thursday though as Hardy and Nicole scheme to vote Bunky out and keep Will another week as part of their divine plan.   Even though Will made a promise to Hardy he still claims in the diary room he will nominate both Hardy and Nicole at the same time if he gets HOH.
  August 30 Thursday day 57 episode 24
      Special live show this evening and Bunky gets evicted from the house.   Monica votes Will for eviction and Nicole votes for Bunky with the first ever tie which current HOH Hardy breaks quickly by casting the final vote for Bunky.   Bunky's husband and Will's brother are shown in filmed highlights talking and describing each of the nominees in a completely different way than we are used to seeing them.   Bunky is very emotional both as he leaves the house and hugs every one then also in his exit interview with Julie as he watches the farewell tapes and meets up with Greg (his husband) again.   As usual, the remaining houseguests go to different parts of the house to reflect on the sad moment that just happened with this week's eviction.   The last quarter of the show we are left with a cliff hanger on the HoH competition.   Monica, Nicole and Will end the show on a water bed holding on to their house key in a Survivor-like game where the last person left on the bed holding the key wins the "must have to survive" HOH position (see challenges).   This could take awhile and we will have to wait until Tuesday now to find out who wins HoH (or want to know now?) and Julie announces that there will be (3) shows in a row next week (Tues, Weds, Thurs) with four special guests from the last two survivor shows that will be competing in a challenge with the guests on Weds and stay over night in the house!
  September 4 Tuesday day 62 episode 25
      Finally after the last Thursday show we learn that Monica wins HoH after a very trying wait on the bed challenge.   Nicole goes beserk with rage and anger towards Will after losing the HoH competition saying that Will sold her and Hardy out?   Monica makes the only intelligent nomination that will possibly keep her in the house for the winners circle by putting up Nicole and Hardy (If she would have put Will up she would have been toast the following week after Will's eviction).   She remarks at the nomination table to Nicole and Hardy that "Hey it's nothing personal like you both have told me before when I was nominated, you have the power of two which is a threat and it is strategy here why I nominated both of you tonight like you told me before also, I am just continuing a tradition that has been set."   Monica remembered the eviction of her dear friends Krista and Bunky caused by the "bitch and the bully" (as Bunky labeled Nicole and Hardy last week) when she was deciding who to nominate.   Will tells Monica earlier while still in the HoH competition on the bed that it is a personal thing between guys but he would love to send Hardy packing next week.   Nicole cries and is super worried about a banner that she thinks her husband flew about the hot tub incident.   The show ends with another cliff hanger as Julie Chen interviews Jervis and Sue (from the first Survivor show) and Jeff and Allecia (from the second survivor show) who are about to enter the BB house and spend the night with the guests.   All four Survivor cast members are shown ringing the doorbell to the house as the show closes (but who will pull the Jethro Bodine routine when the door bell sounds inside the house?). Food competition was successfully deployed this week and won by group effort.   (see challenges).
  September 5 Wednesday day 63 episode 26
      Tonight's special show highlighted the former (4) Survivor show contestants coming into the house and mingling with the Big Brother contestants for 24 hours.   Yes, that meant eat with, sleep with, talk with, and compete with each other with what proved to be a fantastic experience for all.   This intervention stunt by BB actually made Nicole smile a couple of times where she looked happy for a change.   The backyard was transformed into a winter wonderland complete with snow, evergreens and a stuffed polar bear which Nicole resented because of her animal rights beliefs.   The two groups (BB2 & Survivor) were put up against each other in a obstacle course like luxury $15,000 challenge and the Survivor group won only in the last minute of the close race. (see challenges).   House guests teamed up with Survivor members also to mentally compete for a computer challenge where they can view a personal fan site by deciphering coded letters to reveal a hiding place for the "mouse" to gain the computer access.   Funny, we didn't see this site listed which is a personal site for "all" of them together .   Survivor people all left the house guests with words of advice collectively saying to try to get along with each other because chances are they will all be friends when they leave the BB house after the game is over.   Hardy and Nicole both well up tears in front of Survivor people as they explain in the weekly meeting why they should not be evicted.
  September 6 Thursday day 64 episode 27
      Wow!   Hardy is evicted by Will (the only voter) in a huge display of power and the ultimate revenge.   Monica, Nicole and Will compete in the first phase of the next HoH competition and Will wins with five points (guessing what word the former houseguests used to describe them).   Nicole wins second place with four points and Monica takes third but according to Julie this could all change next Tuesday with the second phase of the contest.   Hardy's exit interview with Julie was emotional as he described his good and bad decisions in his game strategy.   Hardy and Nicole showed unconditional love for each other but, would not even address Will (or look him in the face) as Julie gave them the chance to plead their reasons to Will for wanting to stay in the house.   Will told the cameras he was torn between who to evict but you could actually see the gleam in his eye as he spoke about avenging Shannon's eviction by sending Hardy packing the ole duffle bag (the ultimate comeback for Will because his foremost hope and dream was finally realized).   Monica was highlighted during the show as the underdog who flew under the radar, layed low and didn't bother anyone which is probably why she made it to the final three.   At this point though, winning next Tuesday's second phase of the HoH competition is an absolutely mandatory "pull out the stops" because the winner has the ultimate luxury (last laugh) to eliminate the person who poses the biggest threat to them on live TV.   The ultimate power play!
  September 18 Tuesday day 76 episode 28
      It has been 12 days since the airing of the last BB episode due to the horrific attacks September 11 which devastated America.   The last three house guests (Monica, Nicole & Will) were all notified of the terrorism and given internet access to learn of the events.   Monica was deeply upset because her cousin who worked in the WTC was still missing.  All the house guests felt sorrow and disbelief with the news.   Big Brother's CBS web site just stood frozen for a week without any updates on what their plans were to continue the show or stop as they watched all the networks focused on the news of the attacks.   A two hour taped episode was cleared to air tonight but it was pre-empted by news updates for an hour.
  CBS does finally get a spot and opens the show with Julie's comments on the tradegy.  Next we see a segment on the former house guests and what they are doing now and how being on the show has impacted their lives.   Tonight Nicole wins the last of three HoH competitions to claim the the HoH title by successfully answering questions about former HG's.   Nicole is then asked to quickly eliminate either Will or Monica from the house.   She explains three points about her decision to evict .. first she says that she has no grudge against Monica and thinks she is a friend and a wonderful person she has grown to know, second she casts a glaring eye at Will saying that he has back stabbed her all along and she feels compelled to evict him to fullfil her promise to Hardee (as she spelled it in tonight's competiton) but Nicole then turns back to Monica and tells her that she must go because (Nicole) has a much much better chance of winning if she goes to the final two with Will.   Monica stands up and is very pleasant and understanding even though Nicole has just stiffed her for $50,000 ( 3rd place gets nothing, notta, zero ).   Monica showed a lot of class as she left the house and interviewed with Julie.   Julie even asked for a hug from Monica which was a nice and beautiful gesture that showed true compassion especially in light of what has happened to our nation this past week.  
  September 20 Thursday day 78 episode 29   Final show !

      The last and final episode airs for two hours and Will wins the S500,000!   All nine evicted house guests were back in the all to familar house to finally get their chance to cast the last vote that would decide the half million dollar winner.   In a 6-3 vote Will receives champagne wishes and caviar dreams.   Nicole walks away with the $50,000 second prize.   All the former house guests looked relaxed and well rested but the axes weren't all buried yet as bickering still broke out during discussions about past nominations and alliances.

    More on the details of the final show and house guests coming soon ...

  Last Episode # 29 ... Thurs.   Sept. 20   8pm   Finale

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