Nominations and evictions

Head of household
Week 1
Nicole & Sheryl
Week 2
Autumn & Kent
Week 3
Will & Shannon
Week 4
Mike & Krista
Week 5
Kent & Will
Week 6
Krista & Monica
Week 7
-skip week-
-skip week-
Week 8
Will & Bunky
Week 9
Hardy & Nicole
Week 10
Week 11
Quick evict

Week 1    ( Bye-bye Sheryl )
Head of household Mike Nominates:
Nicole and Sheryl
  The first week finds Mike as the head of household where he is obligated to nominate 2 house guests for everyone else to vote off.   Mike's first choice was a no brainer when he selected the loud mouthed Nicole who everyone dislikes. Secondly he chose Cheryl because everyone likes her and he felt Nicole would be voted out by a landslide.   This was clever strategy on Mike's part because once Nicole has left the house Cheryl will not likely have a grudge against him for nominating her because she was just the token in the master scheme.   Ooops!   Mike's divine plan didn't work as Sheryl packs her bags and leaves him to contend with a "mad as a hornet" Nicole.   Good luck Mike (your going to need it now)!

Week 2       ( See ya Autumn )
Head of household Krista Nominates:
Autumn & Kent
  New head of household Krista gets right down to business the first evening in her new position by nominating Autumn & Kent.   Everyone was very surprised that she did not nominate Will, Mike or Shannon (considered to be the brat pack).   Krista fielded comments and critics all day telling her to at least nominate Will but after a lot of careful thought adorned with the head of household robe and her hair wrapped up in a towel she brought the carousel of house guests keys to the nomination table minus Autumn's and Kent's.   Krista told Autumn that she would be better out of the house because she is too weak emotionally for the house, she also told Kent that he was not fitting in with the other guests.   Apparently everyone felt this way also about Autumn as she gets the pink slip with a 7-0 vote.   No one even walked Autumn to the door or said a courteous good-bye to her.

Week 3       ( Aloha Shannon )
Head of household Hardy Nominates:
Will & Shannon
  New head of household Hardy makes quick work of nominating his arch ememies Will and Shannon.   Shannon's response was "that was really cowardly to nominate both of us!"   Hardy makes his point be heard that he wants to break up the two because he doesn't click with either of them.   Will makes a statement to the audience that revenge will be his and Hardy will be nominated and evicted next week.   Looks like the loving duo is going to be split up and who are the houseguests going to evict?   Chilltown is slowly thawing out.   Shannon's asking everyone for votes this week pays off as she gets the total disrespectful 6-0 vote to hit the bricks.

Week 4       ( Happy trails Mike )
Head of household Kent Nominates:
Mike & Krista
  Kent made his rounds through all the houseguests asking them who he should nominate this week.   He didn't seek advise though from two of the guests .. Mike and Krista, who were his final decision.   Kent had decided to nominate Mike the moment he got HOH but his second choice of Krista was thought out a little more.   After all the keys were drawn Kent explained that he voted for Mike because he felt Mike had become a bad and deceitful person by hanging out with "the wrong house guests" (ct).   He told Krista she was marked because she had not sided with anyone in the house and was very manipulative by going back and forth between the groups and also for nominating him in week 2 instead of anyone from chill town.   Mike spoke up and criticized Kent for the nomination saying Kent owed him one for week 1 when Mike saved him by not nominating him during the aftermath of the car contest resentment.   Oh well Mike, if they don't send you back to the belly bar this week then maybe you will have another chance at Kent with your partner in crime doctor.   Ooops Mike loses 4-1 and looks like the only houseguest was Will that didn't vote for him.  

Week 5       ( Adios amigos Kent )
Head of household Hardy nominates:
Kent & Will
    Hardy wins head of household again.   Will he try to finish off chill town once and for all?   In an emotional speech he nominated Kent & Will and choked up before he could even finish why he nominated them.   Hardy was still stressed out about being the previous HOH and having the painful task of puting two people up for banishment.   In a diary room interview Hardy said that the nominations were the hardest thing he had to do as HOH.   Before the nomination ceremony he and Nicole had a heart to heart and Hardy told her that he was distraught and it was really bothering him to have to constantly act mean and different towards everyone.   The stress and anxiety apparently just finally got to him as he delivered his nomination choices.   Hardy did tell Kent and Will that it was nothing personal and he had a lot of respect for them.   At least Kent or Will did not lash out viciously at Hardy for being nominated, they both just said "it's only a game and you had to do what you had to do".   Now that's class.   However, it is short lived because Monday morning after he had time to think, Kent lashed out in a huge showdown with the Hardymeister but all the rebellion didn't payoff for Kent this week as he gets ousted 4-0.

Week 6       ( y'all come back now Krista )
Head of household Nicole nominates:
Krista & Monica
    Nicole wins the slide the keys challenge to claim the coveted HOH crown this week.   She claims she threw the last HOH competition on purpose but who really knows.   Now that Kent is gone the house is much quieter.   Nicole goes to everyone in the house to get their opinion on the nominations one on one and everyone agrees that Bunky needs to go.   Krista, Monica and Will call an impromptu meeting with everyone in the house to try to understand who is in alliance with who.   Nicole thinks hard about who she will pick then puts up Krista and Monica.   Before Krista was put up for nomination though she was acting weird and accusing just about everyone of stabbing her in the back which no one quite understood and this was probably the only reason Nicole picked her.   After Monica was picked she rambled on for a couple of minutes and left everyone scratching their heads trying to figure out what she had just said.   In a live TV vote Bunky, Hardy & Will all vote to evict Krista out.

Week 8       ( Have fun Bunky! )
Head of household Hardy nominates:
Will & Bunky
    Big Brother skipped a week of HOH last week probably trying to make up time due to Justin's expulsion the very first week.   Hardy wins his third HOH position by driving a remote control car better than everyone else in the challenge.   Hardy puts up Will (for the third time) and first timer Bunky.   Hardy explains that Bunky has become more of a threat recently and tells Will that not nominating him would be like having Christmas with no presents.   Before the nomination selections Bunky stood up to Hardy by not accepting his deal to trade protein bars for Bunky's cigarettes.   Will accepts Hardy's offer to stay in house if he won't nominate Hardy and Nicole together if he should get HOH next week.  However sly boy Will admits in the diary room that he lied about this and says it will be a blood bath if he gets the HOH position and will take them out before they know what hit them.   In a live show Monica votes to evict Will and Nicole votes to evict Bunky living up to her bargain with Hardy to send Bunky packing.   Hardy makes quick work of Bunky with his tie breaking vote as head of HOH in front of everyone stating that Bunky posed the biggest threat to him and Nicole at this point in the game.   Hardy may be in for a big surprise if Will gets the next HOH.

Week 9       ( Hardy the heavy bag awaits )
Head of household Monica nominates:
Hardy and Nicole
      Monica wins her first HoH position in the most challenging competion yet.   Monica, Nicole & Will were left on a waterbed holding onto their nomination box house key for dear life because if one of them removed their hand off the key or their foot touched the ground they would be eliminated.   After 3 hours of wetting on themselves Will tugged on a sheet that Nicole had on her and she tried to quickly grab it back but stupidly used both hands which Will immediately pointed out to BB.   With Nicole gone Will tried to make a deal with Monica that he would give her HoH if he could have the sheer pleasure to vote Hardy out.   She didn't officially accept the offer but Will took the next mystery offer from BB which was a giant peanut butter jar to get off the bed and relinquish the HoH rights to Monica.   Monica nominates Hardy and Nicole in a very intelligent move that should keep her in the final two game.   Will enjoys the ultimate powerplay by sending Hardy to the exit room.  

Week 11       ( Monica it is off for now )
Head of household Nicole nominates:
Monica now see ya
      As Nicole wins the final series of HoH competitions she gains the title to evict either Will or Monica.   Of course she evicts Monica over Will so as to enhance her chances of possibly winning the $500,000.   Monica is quickly whisked away from the house and leaves Will and Nicole standing in the house for the judgemental day this Thursday when all nine house guests come back for a live show to cast their votes for the final winner of the game.   Nicole really thinks she may have a chance of survival against Will but polls and replays of the the BB tapes by the former house guests might suggest other wise.   Monica loses $50,000 coming in third place and probably will not vote for Nicole in the final two because of this financial loss.  We will find out Thursday who will reap the big prize.   It's going to be a very close call as Will and Nicole will plead for their votes with the former house guests.


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