

Beautiful family

Lily's birthday was October 8th. Her mom's birthday was October 6th. It required a double celebration. First we (Grandma, Ellie, Laurie, Becky and Elizabeth!) had lunch at the new Chick Fil A to try out their new sandwich. Then for dinner at Grandma's house, Laurie brought pizza for everybody and Becky brought strawberry cake that she had made (at Lily's request).

Elizabeth and Rose
Boyd and Courtney

Lily is ten years old!

Time for presents.
Lily got a record player!
so cute!

perfect gift for a football fan
mug shot

Reporter: Linda Robinson

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October Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     Elizabeth, Dwight, Boyd, Rose and Lily are the children of Becky and Dave. Courtney is Boyd's girlfriend.