general store

Cumberland Mountain General Store

Becky found a sign at the store.
"I hung my new sign up right away"

We can aways find such interesting and unique items at Cumberland Mountain General Store. The store had been closed for awhile but now it's open again. Laurie says, "What a neat store, I’m so impressed with it! I hope they continue to do well, I’d hate to see it closed down again! It doesn’t seem like they would get very many customers, being kind of 'off the beaten path,' but hopefully word is getting out about what a neat store it is! Everything about it is so unique and interesting and fun, it’s so clean and there’s a wonderful variety of local products and crafts, plus they have a great little restaurant! I’d love to go there again sometime!!" (And we did! We went there to have breakfast for Laurie's birthday.)

We had lunch there that day

Laurie: I found a home for my new snail, but I’m not sure if he’s going to live there. He’s so little you almost can’t see him there, on the deck rail. Maybe I will put him on the little glass table. Thanks, you guys! He’s very wee, it would be easy to miss him. But I think that’s where he needs to be. I’ll remember our fun day in Clarkrange today, every time I look at him!

Laurie found a cute snail

On Laurie’s birthday we went back to the store to have breakfast. We had their amazing cinnamon roll and got some fried pies and cookies to bring home. After more shopping in the store we went to Chik-fil-A for lunch. When we got back home, Laurie opened her big box of presents that Allecia had sent her. We had lasagna for supper and Dwight came over to eat supper with us.

Reporter: Becky Heiden     Laurie Paulsen    

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October Stories

The Robinson Report

The Robinson Connection:     Dwight, Rose and Lily are the children of Becky and Dave. The snail belongs to Laurie.