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Dijin Natas - The Cydonian Adventures (reissue)
Part 1: Shattered Family - The war machines of the Sardors rumble through the town Urou in search of Borgi Natas.

Part 1 - Origins
: The series begins with Dijin's town under siege by the warlord, Catalyst, who is looking for Dijin's father.

Part 2 - Dragon Flight
: After escaping Catalyst, Dijin begins to make his way across the Cydonian Desert, where he encounters, drunks, and a fearsome Lox Dragon.

Part 3 - Rumble in Torv
: Dijin arrives in Torv, only to become the target of a group of rowdy bar thugs. Will he make it out in one piece, and who is the mysterious Sailor Phobos?

Part 4 - Tracking in Sand
: Dijin & Sailor Phobos are the prey in a deadly game of hide and seek on the streets of Torv. Also, Dijin summons his powers for the first time, but is it to late?

Part 5 - Bitter Harvest
: Raghah reveals himself as Dijin begins to form the identity of SailorNomad by buying what will become his trademark outfit. Oh did I forget to mention the funeral?

Part 6 - Learning the Ropes
: Dijin & Raghah travel to the bustling metropolis of Gyni, where Raghah explains to Dijin how to summon the mighty power of the sandstorm.

Part 7 - Fall from Grace
: Enlisting the help of Sailoromega, Sailoralpha, and Geo, Dijin sets out to stop the slaveship, Dark Horizon, from leaving Mars with the warlord Catalyst onboard.

Part 8 - To Die For
: The shocking conclusion to DNCA! Dijin and Catalyst battle for the life of young Naga Natas. Will good triumph over evil? Or will an event occur that will shape the destiny of a young man forever?

Liked "Dijin Natas - The Cydonian Adventures"? Want to know what happens to Dijin a year after the events of DNCA? Well go read, "Dijin Natas - The Cydonian War", the explosive sequal to "Dijin Natas - The Cydonian Adventures".

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:::Dijin Natas - The Cydonian War:::