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Parasite eve

  • Story
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    Parasite Eve is being billed as a cinematic role-
    playing game by Square, and just taking a quick
    glance at the screenshots of the rendered
    sequences from the title should be enough to
    convince you of the cinematic aspect. Set in
    modern day New York the game, based on the book of
    the same name, follows the story of young female
    police officer who is drawn into a battle with an
    evil that she has stronger ties to than she would
    like to admit. What begins with as bizzare
    massacre at a packed opera house quickly escalates
    into a threat that could wipe out the entire city
    and ultimately the world.
    The question with this sort of title is always; is
    there be an absorbing game tucked away behind all
    the beautiful presentation? The answer is yes, but
    don't expect it to last you as long as say Final
    Fantasy VII did. I'd guess that an average playing
    time is between 24 and 30 hours - on par with many
    full-blown Playstation RPGs - and the gameplay is
    genuinely gripping, although maybe a little too
    linear thanks to having to follow the plot of the
    novel so closely.

    The game largely resembles Resident Evil - pre-
    rendered backgrounds and 3D characters - but the
    combat is turn-based, although the active battle
    system allows you to move in order to avoid
    opponent's attacks. The storyline is extremely
    strong and will keep you interested right up until
    the final moments - and even then, there is an
    extra ending to be earnt by playing the game
    further. It would be easy to write Parasite Eve
    off as another all glitz and no-substance product,
    but it simply isn't true as the Square magic
    shines through at every turn and leaves you with
    no regrets that you made the investment when you
    finally reach the end of the second disc. And for
    the record: I finished Resident Evil 2 twice
    through in the same time as it took me to play
    this once! Recommended to all but the most