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My Pets Pics Page

Hi All! Welcome to my "Pets Page". As I told everyone on my home page, I have a zoo: 5 dogs (Britta-german shepherd, Zeus, Apollo, Venus-greyhounds, Mocha-terrier mix), 4 iguanas (Peter, Rosco, Deek and Abalonia), a crazy cockatoo (Ivory)and two cats,(Babs & Tiger-who live with Wesley). My greyhounds are on a page all their own, dedicated to Greyhound Adoption. Click below to go to that page.


Here are a couple of pictures of BRITTA.

Here she is swimming at Key Biscane in Miami.

Here are two pics of the crazy Tiger (a.k.a. Hamburger, SpiderMonkey,MunsterCheesers, Monster, Hairball-don't even ask where they came from, my own vocabulary! LoL) Tiger was a stray cat. One night when I was leaving Wesley's house the little bunches of oats was walking around outside. My heart was breaking, she didn't have a collar, she was dirty and hungry (although she does tend to eat everything she can get her little paws on-potato chips, Checkers fries, icecream-no, we don't feed her these on purpose). So, we took her in. By the way, she got her name because she literally "growls" & "barks" and sounds like a Tiger! It's the funniest thing. Ok, Well here she is, in the fur:

Here are two pictures of a hawk that I got to share part of my life with. It was one of the most amazing times of my life.

This picture is the best pic I think I have ever taken. It is simply perfect. "It's Feeding Time!"

There will be more pics added soon! There are plenty of more pets to photograph!
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