Anticipation is Nowhere Near Realization
Tender, you lean in, nibble at a breast, Half-exposed in moonlight, As I
buck and gasp at unshackled desire, Held inside for far too long, Afraid to
let you know how Very much I wanted this moment
To begin, Half-exposed in moonlight We begin a symphony of groans and
I stifle my urge to say what I want Afraid to let you know how I need to
be touched, how I want to be held
As I buck and gasp at unshackled desire I think of how right you feel How
warm skin and cool air combine And I clutch with every muscle I have.
Held inside for far too long, You begin the moans that signal finale
Very much, I've wanted this moment A memory that I will relive for hours
Perhaps I've already begun
But no, it's you, beginning an encore.
Tender, you lean in, nibble at a breast
--Marie Braden