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Association of Jewish Libraries
South Florida Chapter


Members of AJL's South Florida chapter took their show on the road in October, 2000. An AJL booktalk team visited public libraries in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, speaking to children's librarians about great Judaic books. "We took the 'train the trainers' approach by doing a program for librarians instead of for the public," says Heidi Estrin, SFAJL's chapter president. "We figure that the books we reviewed will ultimately reach a larger audience because now about forty public librarians in each county will be promoting them to their patrons." Chapter vice-president Annette Goldsmith adds "Youth Services Meetings are a great setting for this kind of booktalk. Our audiences were really responsive. I think they appreciated the work we put into it." Heidi reviewed picture books, Margot Berman reviewed books for young readers, Annette discussed novels and YA titles, and Etta Gold wrapped up with a discussion of Holocaust and adult materials. Miami-Dade librarian Lucia Gonzalez (who is also the author of The Bossy Gallito) summed up the feelings of the attendees when she came up after the program. "Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience," she said. "If these books are popular with Jewish readers then they must be the cream of the crop!"


Shalom Salaam Peace by Howard Bogot
Latkes Latkes Good to Eat by Naomi Howland
In the Month of Kislev by Nina Jaffe
Once Upon a Shabbos by Jacqueline Jules
Gershon’s Monster by Eric Kimmel
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins by Eric Kimmel
(The Chanukah Guest, When Mindy Saved Hanukkah)
The Angel’s Mistake by Francine Prose
Sammy Spider books by Sylvia Rouss
In God’s Name by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Gittel’s Hands by Erica Silverman
Noah books by Susan Remick Topek
The Building Jewish Life series from Torah Aura
Beni books by Jane Breskin Zalben


The Dancing Man by Ruth Bornstein
The Secret Grove by Barbara Cohen
Brothers: a Hebrew legend by Florence Friedman
The Fable of the Fig Tree by Michael Gross
The Case Against the Wind and Other Stories by Esther Hautzig
The Always Prayer Shawl by Sheldon Oberman
The Diamond Tree: Jewish tales from around the world by Howard Schwartz
Elijah's Violin & Other Jewish Fairy Tales by Howard Schwartz
Why Noah Chose the Dove by Isaac Bashevis Singer
Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer


Saying It Out Loud by Joan Abelove
While Standing On One Foot by Nina Jaffe
The Storyteller’s Beads by Jane Kurtz
Running on Eggs by Anna Levine
Dave at Night by Ellen Carson Levine
The Cure by Sonia Levitin
The Singing Mountain by Sonia Levitin
Hey World, Here I Am by Jean Little
Kate by Jean Little
Lydia, Queen of Palestine Uri Orlev
Strudel Stories by Joanne Rocklin
Are You Alone on Purpose? by Nancy Werlin


Hiding From the Nazis by David Adler
The Number on My Grandfather’s Arm by David Adler
My Brother’s Keeper by Israel Bernbaum
I Have Lived 1000 Years by Livia Bitton-Jackson
The Feather-Bed Journey by Paula Kursband Feder
Star of Fear, Star of Hope by Jo Hoestlandt
Don’t Forget by Patricia Lakin
Flowers on the Wall by Miriam Nerlove
Elisabeth by Claire Nivola
The Lily Cupboard by Shulamith Levy Oppenheim
The Hand-Me-Down Horse by Marion Pomeranc
Bonjour, Lonnie by Faith Ringgold
Speed of Light by Sybil Rosen
The Never-Ending Greenness by Neil Waldman


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This page created and maintained by Heidi Estrin, Last updated November 20, 2000.