This bibliography was distributed by SF AJL at our booth in the 2001 Jewish Lifestyle Show. It included contact information for the chapter, and images of selected book covers.
A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People edited by Eli Barnavi
From the time of the Patriarchs to the present a history of the Jewish people set forth graphically with maps, photos, paintings, and text.
Celebration: The Book of Jewish Festivals edited by Naomi Black
The holidays celebrated in text, colorful pictures, recipes, music, and games.
A Kid's Catalog of Israel by Chaya Burstein
An amusingly written book, well illustrated and filled with facts about Israel. For the children and the whole family.
In the Jewish Tradition by Judith Fellner
A year of food and tradition: rich in history, culture, customs, and traditions. An excellent book for families with children. Music for songs is included.
The Soncini Press Pentateuch & Haftorah edited by Dr. J.H. Hertz
The Five Books of Moses with commentaries, introductions, and notes. A must for every Jewish home.
The Jewish Book of Why by Alfred Kolatch
Hundreds of "WHY" questions are answered for all to understand about Jewish life and practices.
This is the Torah by Alfred Kolatch
Following a similar format to The Jewish Book of Why, many questions are answered about the Torah. A book for all Jewish denominations.
The Book of Jewish Customs by Harvey Lutske
Explains many of our customs such a “pooh, pooh,” or a kineahora, thread to chew on when someone sews on a garment you are wearing, or why stones are placed on a tombstone.
The Illustrated Torah edited by Michal Meron
Paintings by Michal Meron and texts selected from the JPS Tanakh.
Bibliography compiled by SF AJL member Shirley Wolfe, 12/2000.
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This page created and maintained by Heidi Estrin, Last updated June 6, 2001.