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Association of Jewish Libraries
South Florida Chapter

Meeting Minutes - December 10, 2002

Minutes of December 10, 2002 meeting, Temple Judea, Coral Gables

Present: Helen Beloff, Gertrude Berman, Kathleen Clotfelter, Robin Coller, Ena Dankmeijer, Linda Datko, Rosemary DePalila, Heidi Estrin, Inez Feingold, Jackie Fine, Etta Gold, Phyllis Gutmann, Andrea Kalish, Adele Katz, Sue Kirschner, Charles Meyers, Arthur Quinn, Phyllis Robarts, Saresta Rolland, Sara Schandelson, Schlomit Schwarzer, Alice Shook, Walter Spielman, Lee Wixman Heidi Estrin called the meeting to order at 12:35pm, thanking Phyllis Robarts for hosting, and welcoming two guests from Curaçao: AJL member Ena Dankmeijer and her friend Rosemary DePalila, a public librarian.

Heidi announced that the annual convention organizers have offered each chapter the opportunity to contribute to a presentation in the programming. Etta Gold suggested a presentation on the newsletter. Schlomit Schwarzer suggested speaking about how to maintain a cohesive chapter. Etta suggested combining the topics. Members shared their thoughts on what keeps our chapter going: Alice Shook commented that our chapter is very supportive of its members. Walter Spielman said that there is very good communication to members. Helen Beloff said that the luncheons are excellent. Kathleen Clotfelter said that the diversity in the chapter is a strength.

Heidi announced that the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County asked the chapter for suggestions each month of adult Judaic books which could be posted on the Federation’s website. SFAJL will commit to this as an ongoing project. Members present suggested various titles.

Heidi presented the chapter’s pre-certification process for libraries seeking accreditation. This process is intended to draw positive attention to the accreditation process. One of the steps is to present a certificate to the administrator and to get letters of support from library patrons. Julie Lambert, director of education at Temple Judea, spoke about her support of the library and Phyllis’ hard work. Heidi then presented Ms. Lambert with a Pre-Certification certificate and a “Love My Library” mug. Members were then given questions pertaining to the collection at Temple Judea and asked to offer comments on their impression of the library.

Swap & Share: Ideas for books related to Tu B’Shvat were shared by the membership. Heidi Estrin, Etta Gold and Jackie Fine had brought books to show, and others suggested additional titles:

  • Behold the Trees by Sue Alexander
  • Noah's Trees by Bijou Le Tord
  • Solomon and the Trees by Matt Biers-Ariel
  • The Tree That Cried by Doris Schwerin
  • Where Once There Was a Wood by Denise Fleming
  • The Great Kapok Tree by Lynn Cherry
  • The Never Ending Greenness by Neil Waldman
  • Pearl Moskowitz's Last Stand by Arthur A. Levine
  • A Tree Full of Mitzvos by Dina Rosenfeld
  • Joshua's Dream by Sheila Segal
  • The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
  • A Tree in the Ancient Forest by Carol Reed-Jones
  • The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
  • A Seder for Tu B'Shevat by Harlene Winnick Appelman
  • Poem: "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer ("I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree...")
  • Jewish National Fund web site at

    In chapter news, Lee Wixman announced that the library at the newly built Temple Sharee Shalom in Boynton Beach will be dedicated to Irene Levin-Wixman. Andrea Kalish announced that the theater group at Hillel Community Day School in N. Miami Beach will present Shylock December 13 and all members may attend. The playright will be present. Adele Katz announced that Israel needs English books shipped there. Adele may be contacted for details. Sue Kirschner thanked the chapter’s response to her offering of donated and duplicate books. Etta announced that Der Yiddisher Mikado will be playing at Dade and Broward locations January 16, 19 and 20, presented by the Yiddish Light Opera Company of Long Island. The next meeting will be at Temple Israel, West Palm Beach on February 12.

    The meeting was adjourned at 2:15pm.

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    This page created and maintained by Heidi Estrin, Last updated December 17, 2002.