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Association of Jewish Libraries
South Florida Chapter

Meeting Minutes - February 12, 2003

Minutes of February 12, 2003 meeting, Temple Israel, West Palm Beach

Present: Gertrude Berman, Margot Berman, Sandy Breger, Kathleen Clotfelter, Richard Cohn, Robin Coller, Muriel Efron, Heidi Estrin, Etta Gold, Phyllis Gutmann, Minerva Katz, Harold and Lee Kelman, Charles Meyers, Arthur Quinn, Jean Rappaport, Arlene Robert, Saresta Rolland, Rabbi Tobias Rothenberg, Stephanie Schoenberger, Schlomit Schwarzer, Sara Shandelsohn, Alice Shook, Walter Spielman, Lee Wixman, Shirley Wolfe

Heidi Estrin called the meeting to order at 12:10pm, thanking Alice Shook for hosting. Executive director at Temple Israel, Linda Solomon, was introduced and spoke of the congregation’s support for the library as part of the Pre-Certification process.

Shirley Wolfe spoke about an LSTA grant available to create an electronic union catalog for this chapter for purposes of resource sharing. The federal funds would include arrangement of a courier service. Members with computerized catalogs were asked to pledge support as partners in this project.

Author, Harold Kelman, was introduced and spoke on his profession as a writer. After retirement from full time work, he wrote his first book and had it published through a print on demand service, iUniverse. Different from a vanity press, the author pays a small fee and must market the book while the publisher puts the record of the book on Internet bookstores such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble, printing copies as they are ordered. His book is entitled Hiram’s Way and chronicles the way his family dealt with the news of an uncle’s inoperable brain tumor.

Heidi then spoke about the Sarasota chapter’s planned visit April 27-28. More details will be coming, but the representatives will arrive the afternoon of the 27th and stay at a local hotel. Members of both chapters that are available will join together for dinner that evening, followed the next morning by a chapter meeting at 10am, currently planned to be at Congregation B’nai Israel in Boca Raton. The group will then go to FAU for a tour of the Judaica collection.

Since founding member Margot Berman is moving to New York, she was asked to speak about the history of the chapter. The south Florida chapter began meeting in 1973. Margot was first president and held that position until 1979. Member libraries began consolidating periodical subscriptions to alleviate costs to individual libraries and share issues among each other. From the beginning, the chapter focused on professionalism, resource sharing and involvement with AJL at the national level. Gifts were presented to Margot on behalf of the chapter.

Heidi then presented the Sydney Taylor Book Award winners and honor books for 2002. They included Chicken Soup by Heart by Esther Hershenhorn (Younger Readers category) and Hana’s Suitcase by Karen Levine (Older Readers category). A complete list is available online at

Heidi then began discussion on Alice Shook’s current process of accrediting her library (Pre-Certification). Etta and Heidi began the pre-certification process for chapter members as a means of drawing attention to this effort from the congregations that support the library, particularly the executives. Alice published news of the accreditation process in her congregation’s newsletter. Heidi distributed questions to members present so that they could learn something about the host library. By looking around the library and answering these questions, members gave Alice a head start on her accreditation paperwork. Alice then answered questions about her library.

Minerva Katz mentioned a lecture given by Gertrude Berman on American Jewish women writers. She said the lecture was very successful. Other members shared news about their libraries.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm.

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This page created and maintained by Heidi Estrin, Last updated February 13, 2003.