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Association of Jewish Libraries
South Florida Chapter

Meeting Minutes - October 16, 2002

Minutes of October 16, 2002 meeting, Donna Klein Jewish Academy, Boca Raton

Present: Gertrude Berman, Kathleen Clotfelter, Robin Coller, Heidi Estrin, Inez Feingold, Jackie Fine, Etta Gold, Wendy Grant, Phyllis Gutmann, Sandy Hirshhorn, Minerva Katz, Sue Kirschner, Charles Meyers, Arthur Quinn, Arlene Robert, Saresta Rolland, Ethel Rothenberg, Tobias Rothenberg, Sara Schandelson, Ellen Schnier, Stephanie Schoenberger, Alice Shook, Walter Spielman, Ruth Weiner, Lee Wixman

I) Etta Gold commenced the meeting at 12:05pm at the request of President Heidi Estrin.

II) Prior to lunch, guest speaker, Robin Heston, was introduced and gave a brief announcement regarding her position as regional representative of Gale Publishing Group. She offered us a discount on Gale books.

III) Etta acknowledged Phyllis Gutmann for her hospitality in hosting the meeting today. Etta also explained details about organizational and chapter membership in AJL, which are separate.

IV) Phyllis Gutmann spoke of her library’s Birthday Book Club at Donna Klein Jewish Academy. For a donation of $25, a patron can purchase a new book for the library with a plate commemorating their child’s birthday. During the month in which the birthday occurs, a list of children’s names is posted, drawing attention to this program. The birthday child is offered first crack at the new book. Jackie Fine of Greenfield Day School in Miami also has a Birthday Book Club. Jackie said that the most important result is teaching children the importance of giving and specifically of libraries. Children can donate to the program annually. Other members contributed information about their programs and methods of fundraising.

V) Jewish Book Month occurs during the 30 days before Hanukah. This year, it begins in late October. Members shared announcements of events scheduled to take place this month and into early next year. It was noted that the audiobook company Jewish Contemporary Classics has announced that November is henceforth Jewish Audiobook Month. Suggestions for related activities are available on their website at Heidi also mentioned that a number of good Jewish Book Month suggestions are available on a school web site at

VI) Phyllis Gutmann requested assistance cataloging in the Weine system. Sandra Hirschhorn of Jewish GenMall asked if anyone would like to be on her mailing list.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:25pm.

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This page created and maintained by Heidi Estrin, Last updated October 21, 2002.