Meeting Minutes - September 20, 2001
Minutes of September 20, 2001 meeting, Central Agency for Jewish Education, Miami
Present: Ruth Abelow, Trudy Berlin, Beatrice Citron, Kathleen Clotfelter, Robin Coller, Heidi Estrin, Inez Feingold, Jackie Fine, Sylvia Friedman, Dorothy Gleich, Etta Gold, Annette Goldsmith, Charles Meyers, Bea Muskat, Phyllis Robarts, Rabbi Tobias Rothenberg, Barbara Samuels, Lee Wixman, Shirley Wolfe
I. Greetings!
Heidi welcomed everyone, and thanked Shirley Wolfe for the wonderful lunch and for hosting the meeting. Heidi said how pleased she was at how many of our members were involved in the San Diego convention in various ways. There are pictures of us in the newsletter, and Kathleen Clotfelter also brought many photos to share. We welcomed some new people: law librarian Beatrice Citron; Robin Coller of the Gordon Day School; and Dorothy Gleich and Rabbi Rothenberg of Temple Anshei Shalom in Delray Beach.
II. Convention in review
Members were invited to talk about their convention experience. Everyone agreed it was a wonderful conference, extremely well organized, full of interesting sessions.
Heidi handed out address label stickers at the Chapters meeting showing the URL of the SF AJL web page on which you can see our recent activities. Visit She also talked about a conference session she attended that taught how to create your own web list of links; go to
Kathleen didn't want any of the sessions to end, including her own Sydney Taylor "Best of the Bunch". (Etta is now leaving the Sydney Taylor Award Committee, and Heidi will be replacing her.) Eric Kimmel was marvellous. Kathleen's favorite speaker, though, was California psychologist Leonard Felder. His talk was called "An Author's Perspective on What Makes an Outstanding Librarian". Librarians can reach out to people, be gentle with them. Kathleen spoke very warmly of Felder's book Seven Prayers That Can Change Your Life (Kansas City, Missouri: Andrew McMeel Publishing, ISBN 0740418959).
Etta reminded us that no matter how many conventions you attend, you're never prepared for how enriching they can be. She encouraged us all to go to the next AJL convention, June 23-26, 2002 at the Adams Mark Hotel in Denver. (The call for papers was handed out. Contact Susan Berson at with a short abstract of your paper or topic.) If you're actively involved with the chapter, there's a possibility of chapter funding as well as the AJL National scholarship money. Etta said keynote speaker Richard Elliot Friedman — "Who Wrote the Bible" — was very funny. She and Heidi went to a newsletter workshop, which helped them with Headlines and Footnotes. Congratulations to Heidi for reviving this Margot Berman's wonderful newsletter.
Charles agreed that the conference was excellent overall, but he did have a bad experience during his session — in spite of efforts by the convener, the previous speaker continued well past her time, cutting significantly into his.
Lee said it was very touching that so many at convention extended condolences to him on the death of his wife and our colleague, Irene.
III. Trip to Sarasota
Some of the planning for our trip to the Sarasota chapter happened in California during convention. The plan is to meet at Temple Beth Israel, Longboat Key, on Thursday, Oct. 18 for a late lunch. We'll rent a 15-seat van and depart from Budget on Griffin Rd. at the Fort Lauderdale airport at 8:00 a.m. We'll carpool and leave our vehicles at Budget. Our Sarasota members will send invitations to those in neighboring communities to join us. They'll choose a restaurant for dinner. On the meeting agenda: share your achievements and ideas that can easily be copied and used.
IV. Headlines and Footnotes newsletter
Congratulations to Heidi and Etta on reviving the newsletter! There will be 5 newsletters a year, to appear a few weeks before each chapter meeting. Only those who pay their membership dues will receive it.
To ensure the continued longevity of this wonderful newsletter, Heidi asked for volunteers for different beats:
Please email copy to Heidi: The next copy deadline is October 22.
V. Tolerance
This item was added to the agenda in light of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. We agreed that a tolerance bibliography would be a good way for us to help our community and spread the word about AJL. Etta will work on it, with help from Annette and Heidi. Annette explained that she recently prepared a similar bibliography because her Children's Literature Roundtable for Adults which met on Sept. 16 had planned (months before, of course) to talk about trauma. And they did. And Annette's notes from that meeting were posted on the SFAJL listserv. Some titles mentioned:
Lee recommended the video, Snow in August.
It was suggested that we send the bibliography to day schools and news organizations.
VI. Chapter meetings
Tues., Nov. 13: Charles Meyers will host at Temple Emanu-El in Palm Beach Wed., Jan. 16, 2002: Jackie Fine, Greenfield School, Kendall Thurs., March 14, 2002: (back-up) Robin Coller, Beth David, North Miami Wed., May 15, 2002: Shirley Wolfe, Temple Beth Emet, Broward
Ideas for meeting topics? Email Heidi at
Sylvia Friedman is making aliyah. We presented her with a card and best wishes in taking this big step.
Members signed a get well card for Edith Scharf.
Etta told us she'd received a letter from Schlomit in New York and she was fine.
Stanley Scharf, principal of Yeshiva Toras Chaim, is looking for a part-time librarian, Monday through Thursday, 2-6 p.m. Contact: 305-868-4116.
Jane Breskin Zalben will be speaking at Congregation B’nai Israel in Boca on Sunday, November 11 at 4:30 pm. Free Admission.
Rochelle Krish and Naomi Ragen will be speaking at various book fairs throughout the region in November.
Barbara Diamond Goldin will be at Beth Am and Hillel in the first week in November.
Want to share authors? Barbara Samuels is interested in this. Email Heidi so information can be posted on the listserv.
Rabbi Rothenberg would like suggestions for popular Jewish titles; Etta referred him to the UAHC site ( with book recommendations and discussion guides. Also see
Margot is at home recuperating from another surgery. She is doing very well in spite of continuing physical problems. She would love to hear from you.
Mazel tov! Charles is a grandfather!
Charles is seeking suggestions for children's books and magazines for his library. (Shirley and Heidi mentioned the new children's magazine, BabagaNewz, and handed out samples. Please email the editor with your comments; there's also a teacher's guide.) You can contact him at, or bring them to the next meeting.
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This page created and maintained by Heidi Estrin, Last updated July 16, 2002.