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More pictures!!!

Here's a page for photos of friends I've met in emails or chats... Let's start with Bryan. He's my adopted "cyber son" and my ONLY son!!! He's out of the country now, and alot of us miss him!!! And next is a pic of Asa. Hey! Moe told me it was okay to post this!!!! Thanx Moe!(BTW, where's YOUR pic???)

On the left is the infamous Donovan Sandige. hahaha He said to post his name!!!! On the right is Bobbi, Wally, and I!!!

Alrighty!!! I've figured out how to extract pics from email! Nothing is sacred... hahaha SO ladies, here's that charmer... Doug, my true friend, and what a flirt! HI!!!! And Denny... who I met at a rest area of an interstate!!! What a way with words... hahaha Den's cute, isn't he???

More friends on the next page...