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Final Fantasy 7
Chocobo Breeder's Guide

By: Kaine Stolkyn

     As you may have heard, breeding Chocobos is not easy.  Well... I'm going to correct myself... it is easy, it's just very time consuming.  If you were lookin' for a little side quest to do... you're gonna' be in that seat for longer than you planned.  So, to save you some time, I'm gonna' shutup and get started.

     The first thing you'll need to do is progress in the game until after the meteor is summoned.  So if you haven't done that, you'd better get crackin'.  After that's done, go to the chocobo farm and enter the house.  The old man there will sell you 6 stables at 10,000 Gil each.

Lemme' see...   10,000G x 6 = "Alot Of Money"

     Geez... you spent so many hours getting far enough in the game and now you have to spend more time getting 60,000 Gil.  (personally, I have always had the money when the time came... I guess I know how to keep a budget on the game or somethin')

     Once you've got the money, go ahead and buy all six stables.  Now... technically... you don't have to buy all six, but it saves time having to mess with it in the future, and it saves me the hassle of trying to explain why you don't have to... you'll figure it out when we're done.

     Now... you need to capture chocobos.  This process is all explained by Chocobo Billy.  There are 2 spots where you must capture a male and a female chocobo.  First go to the Mideel area where the chocobo tracks are, and capture a male and a female chocobo.  Easier said than done?

You're going to have to have the great or good kind on "The Great Chocobo Billy Chart Thingy".  Anything from "good" on up will show the chocobo running, or walking, or doing whatever it's type will do.  Basically, you need 2 good or greats (one male and female) from Mideel (running) and from the Gold Saucer area (walking).
Chocobo Types: Choco Billy Says:
Wonderful " a wonderful Chocobo!"
Great "This is a great Chocobo."
Good "Mmm, this seems like a good Chocobo."
Fair "Mmm, this one's not bad."
Average "This one is a pretty average Chocobo."
Mediocre "This Chocobo's so-so."
Poor "This one doesn't seem to be very good."
Weak "I really can't recommend this one."

... waiting... waiting...

     Ok... done with that?  Now you should have one FM Walking Chocobo, one M Walking Chocobo, one M Running Chocobo, and one FM Running Chocobo.  Got 'em?

     Well... now you've gotta' cross breed them.  You could do this now, but it probably wouldn't do you much good without the right kind of nut (no pun intended).  Hop on your airship and travel to the Northern Continent.  Somewhere in the middle of the land mass, you'll find a small hut.  It's the Chocobo Sage!

     Wise, yet forgetful, the Chocobo Sage can help you with your breeding problems... I mean, your Chocobo breeding problems.

     However, we're not here to talk with him.  What we're looking for is outside the hut.  Walk around in the grassy area and fight enemies, until you meet up with a monster that resembles a raptor.  You'll need to steal from it, to the recieve the special kind of nut to breed your chocobos with.  Make sure to get 3 of them... you'll need them all eventually.

     Ok, don't lose your spirits here because we're finally getting to the interesting part!  Get back on The Highwind and head for the chocobo stables... STOP!  Ok, now this is very important.  Save your game!  If you don't save your game and the chocobo breeding process doesn't work the first time, you've got to get more nuts and wait a really long time before you breed again.

Trust me.

     Now you can cross breed your choice... either a MR (male running) with a FW (female walking), or you can breed an MW with a FR.  The choice is yours.  What we're aiming for is to try to successfully get either a blue or a green chocobo.  Note:  I had some trouble determining the green and blue chocobos on my TV because of the color settings... the green color and blue color they use is very closely related.  So if I were you, I'd take it out and test it once you get one.  If it's green, it'll go over mountains, if it's blue, it'll go across shallow waters.

     Great!  Wonderful!  You've got a new colored chocobo.  That wasn't so hard now was it?  Ok, go save your game.  Now here's the hard part... and something I had lotsa trouble with... getting the other type that you didn't get before.  Ok, in this scenario, we will say that you got a green chocobo.  So now you have to get a blue.  At this point, if you've tried breeding and reseting a hundred times or more, and you keep getting yellow or green ones... you're having the same problem I did.

     No worry, you're just gonna' need a little money because I have a trick that I found useful when I was experimenting with chocobos.  The two parents you breeded the first chocobo with... you can be rid of those now.  Just make absolutely sure that you don't ditch the two you haven't breeded.  Go back to the Chocobo Sage and buy the most expensive greens that are available. (I'm writing this from memory, but if I remember correctly, the sylkin greens are 5,000 bucks a piece)  My advise would be to get around 30 of them.  Feed 15 to each parent and all their stats will go up.  Now you should have a better chance of not only getting a colored chocobo when you breed, but also getting that blue (green) one that we need.

     Now, I don't mean to make matters more complicated that they were before, but... well... you have to make sure that the green and blue chocobos are the opposite sex.  Because... well... ya have to use a key to open a door don't ya?

     Ok, once that's done... no no no.  Ya see... don't get ahead of me.  We can't breed the two new borns yet.  Why you ask?  Well... how can I explain this?  They don't have the "parts" to breed.  Hey, when you were two years old, could you breed?  I don't think so.  This is the same situation.  The two youngin's aren't even attracted to each other yet... give 'em some time.

     Here's some tips on some things you can do to pass the time, and you have to pass quite a bit of time:

  • Race your chocobos at the Gold Saucer.
  • Egg your neighbor's house. (1-4 AM only please)
  • Take your chocobos to places where you could land before with the Highwind.  For example, you can take your green chocobo to the mountains by Wutai... there is a mountain to cross to get to a cave.  There's a neat materia in there for ya... I'm not gonna' tell you what it is... I don't wanna' ruin the suprise.
  • Make yourself a nice egg salad... yum!  Try adding korabi this time.
  • Build up levels with my quick EXP and AP strategy (disc 3).  Click here for that strategy.

  •      Alrighty then!  Now your chocobo's hormones are intact and ready for take off.  Save your game! (though, if you feed your chocobos sylkin greens... this usually works on the first try)  Looky there... a black chocobo!  Just like Joe uses in the races.  Now he'll have a harder time beating you.  This chocobo can go over mountains and rivers.  There is a place on the map you can only get to with a black or gold chocobo.

         Well... another new born.  By the way, you can get rid of your blue and green chocobos, but you put so much work into them, why would you want to?  You don't have to get rid of them if you don't want to. Ok, you know the drill... find something to do, the black chocobo needs it's "parts" too:

  • Take your new chocobo out to find that place where you have to cross a mountain and a river to get to a cave.  I can't remember the exact area right this second, but you'll find it ok.  Besides, you've got plenty of time.
  • Test your shoes to see if their fire proof. (you may want to take them off for this)
  • Go to the Northern Continent to capture a dashing chocobo.  You'll need one to breed with the black one.  It needs to be the opposite sex of the black (of course) and it needs to be either good or great according to Chocobo Billy's Chocobo Chart Thingy.
  • Throw stale peanuts into a hat. (anywhere from 5 ft. to 50 yrd.)
  • Race the black chocobo.

  •      Ok, now I hope chose choice 3 as one of your pass times... because you have to do it anyway.  Make sure you feed both chocobos with sylkin greens again. (I've noticed that this not only increases the chances of a successful breeding, it also increases the child's attributes)  Save your game, breed the dashing and black chocobo... and wow!  Finally!  Thank you sweet Jesus!  After all that work, we've reached the legendary Golden Chocobo.

         Ya know what this means right?  It's play time!  First, let's mount our new chocobo and cross the ocean to the top right portion of the map.  By the way, if you stop in the middle of the ocean, he'll begin to sink... but don't worry, you won't drown.  There's an arena type island there (kinda reminds you of Jurassic Park)... head into the cave.  Uh oh... we can feel an aura of power around us in the cave... it's the Legendary Knights of the Round Materia!  The fun's not over yet... let's get some expensive greens, feed the gold chocobo, and race!  Uh oh, look out Joe... here we come!

         Remember, if you hold down R2 + L2 at the same time, you're stamina during a race will gradually increase.  First, you gotta' get through the boring process of moving up class ranks.  After that... you'll begin having to race Joe alot... and that's what we want.  If you beat Joe about 6 or 7 times in a row, your "manager" will give you a butt-load of rare items.

         Well... there you are, have fun.

