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Everyone Has a Story To Tell...

Carrie Michelle (CMH, Elizebeth Anne creator, etc.)
Musician, Poet, writer

Ok. Guilty as charged...I'm a creative type. Whether I'm good at it or not is up to all of you who read my page though. I'm attempting the unimaginable...I'm going to post some scenes from my books (which I will continue to write whether you like them or not) to see what everyone out there things. I'm currently working on a trilogy, untitled as of yet. Here's a little sample for you...just to spark an interest...

A Determined young woman...

The year was 2150, and after much work from NASA's finest workers, a way was finally discovered to colonize the planets. One problem was evident though: who would be among the brave men and women who would run these colonies? After much hard work and toiling, every base was taken care of except the Mars base. And it appeared no one was left. Jerimiah Gavorkan and his father Jonan Gavorkan, the head of the project, had been through every last astronaut availiable. With the fact that the entire project was experimental, many astronauts quickly declined.

"We have to find someone," Jonan whined from his desk. A tall, dark skinned man with dark hair, he was a highly respected individual at NASA.

"Father, there is no one left," his son replied from his own desk. Jerimiah was a handsome young man, about 5 foot 7 inches with brown hair and green eyes. He wore a white jumpsuit, the typical attire for the young astronaut.

"That excuse won't satisfy NASA command," the older man growled as a knock suddenly came at the door."Come in," he called hopefully.

The door opened, and a small female appeared. She had long blonde hair worn up in a ponytail, and wore a white jumpsuit similiar to Jerimiah's. She looked at Jonan with piercing clear blue eyes. "I'm here to apply for the position," she said firmly.

"Oh really?" he asked, a little amused. "Aren't you a little young for that job?"

"I'm old enough. Eighteen, actually," she replied. "I've piloted or been shuttle commander on the past three NASA missions. I want this job more than anything, and with my references I've forwarded to you, I believe you'll find me an acceptable choice."

"You understand this is experimental?" Jonan questioned.

"Yes sir," she answered.

"May I have your name so I can pull up your references?"

"Elizebeth Anne Smith."

Jonan nodded to Jerimiah, he keyed up a few things on his computer, then looked up. "The head of NASA command?" he muttered numbly. She nodded.

"Well, then it appears the job is yours," Jonan said, stepping over behind Jerimiah's desk and eyeing the information himself. "We'll have to back your references, but unless you receive any notice, you'll need to report to the docking bay at 8 AM for departure tomorrow. My son Jerimiah Gavorkan will be your Right Hand on the base," he said, introducing the younger man. He then walked over to her and extended his hand. "My name is Jonan Gavorkan. Welcome to NASA's space colony program, Ms. Smith."

"Thank you," she responded, shaking his hand. "I must go and prepare for departure then."

"Certainly," he agreed. "You are dismissed."

She smiled, then exited. Jonan turned and looked at his son, who was in a daze.

"She's perfect," he muttered.

"Yes, and quite certain of herself. That does make her perfect for this job."

"She's beautiful," the youngest sputtered.

"Jerimiah, snap out of it. After all, she'll be your boss!"

"It'll be no problem. I'll take orders from someone who looks that good any day."

"Sometimes I wonder about you," the other said with a lopsided grin.

"Why?" Jerimiah quizzed, still half in thought.

"Jerimiah! your work!"

More pieces of the story...

All maybe coming to a bookshelf near you someday...

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