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Great Homeschooling Freebies




Hello. Welcome to my site. My name is Charisse and I am a 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 year veteran homeschooling mom of 6. My children range in age from 2 to 17 3-24 years old.

(Update as of 2005, I am the mother of seven children ages 7months -20 and expecting baby number 8!)

(Update: 2009- 8 Children; Ages 3-24!

Visit my new Website Homeschool Mate

Update 2007:


This page is meant to be used as a reference for all of your homeschooling needs with wonderful teacher freebies and educational links for the student as well as for mom. It also contains many online references for every subject imaginable.

Also, visit my newest page, for my yahoo group, Home's Heart. 

Visit Home's Heart Website 


Also, I have been working as a freelance writer helping people add fresh content to their websites.  To view samples of my work or for free quotes, you can visit my writing website:


 Oh, one more thing before we get into Homeschooling!  I am an avid crocheter, and I have a wonderful crochet site called, Fun Crochet.  You can visit it here:

Fun Crochet

Ok, now let's get on to our homeschooling freebies!  Are you ready?  I am, I have done the work for you, so sit back, kick your feet up, get your free homeschooling resources, and let the learning begin.

Free Homeschooling Downloads



1st Step Elementary Spelling

Knowledge Quest: Math Can be Fun

Shamrocks and Shillelaghs

Homeschooling on a Budget!

If you are on a budget, don't be dismayed.  You can homeschool one or a dozen children on a budget.  Thanks to modern technology, you can find the resources that you need at the click of a mouse button.  However, don't let this modern technology convince you that you don't need old fashioned resources anymore.  

We may be tempted to bypass some great resources such as the library or an encyclopedia set that is in actual book form for our digital counterparts.  However, I strongly recommend that you remain hands on with your homeschooling endeavors and continue to take advantage of the opportunities that involve your homeschooling group, your local community resources, your library, neighbors, family members, church activities, etc.

It seems that the media continually tries to shed a negative light on homeschooling, meanwhile everyday, it seems that more horrendous and horrific stories appear on the 6:00 news depicting the true state of public education.

Unfortunately, we live in a country that funds public education and doesn't allot tax dollars to those who choose to homeschool, however that doesn't have to be a deterrent. No matter what your family budget, you can ensure that you provide your children a quality education.

If you feel that you are totally unequipped to homeschool, and lack the organizational skills to create your own curriculum, then you may want to check with your local school board.  If you are not homeschooling for religious purposes, and have no qualms about a secular education, some school boards have a homeschooling option that is actually an extension of the public school.  So just because you are a homeschooler, don't feel that you have to be at war with your local county school board.


First, there are many groups on the web that sell used homeschool curriculum books.  You can join some of these groups and find sales.  If you have Pay Pal, you will be able to pay instantly.  Also, sells many homeschool books new and used.  If you aren't familiar with Freecycle groups, you may want to join.  Freecycle groups often share homeschooling books and curriculum.  Here are some Yahoo Homeschool Used Books and Curriculum groups that you may want to consider joining.

These homeschool groups will get you started in the right direction.  If you are interested in joining more, you can simply use the search function at the yahoo groups web page and enter your search terms.  You will find that these groups are an excellent way to acquire used books and curriculum at great budget prices. is another excellent resource.  You can visit my Amazon bookstore here: My Amazon Store

Freecycling is a wonderful trend that is saving the environment while helping people find the resources they need.  The main Freecycle site is here:

Simply find your local Freecycle group and sign up (it is free to join).  You will then be on an email list where other members will post household items that they have to give away.  In exchange, you will be asked to give away some of your unwanted possessions as well.  That is all there is to Freecycling.  Simply exchanging items so they don't end up in landfills.  Make sure you read the TOS (Terms of Service) before you join, but Freecycling is always free!


[Free Test Creators]  [Free Worksheets] [Free Coloring Sheets] [Free Ebooks]   [Free Lesson Plans] [Free Software] [Free Educational Sites]

Articles: Using Free Resources for Homeschooling  


Homeschoolers can create their own testing materials by using these free test makers.  Whether you are making your own tests, crossword puzzles, quizzes, or want to make your own materials for review, these sites will help you create customized testing materials for your children.  You can create multiple choice quizzes, true and false questions, and create tests with answer keys.

Free Test Creato





Free Ebooks


Free Workbooks from Teaching Learning .com




Free Worksheets










































  • Free Software 



































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