1ere Régiment. (Régiment De Selection et d'administartion) - Aubagne. Nr Marseilles
The regiment is today stationed at Quartier Viennot i Aubagne. 1.RE is the Legion's headquarters. All administrative duties are handled here. Wherever you enlisted or wherever you want to apply, you have to go through here. This is their reception center where all physical, medical, and psychological testing will be done. It is at this location where you will learn if you have been accepted into the Legion or rejected. The "Gestapo-office" is also here. They will find out everything about you and your past. So if you have a police-record you have to go through lots of hard interrogations. As far as I know small violations shouldn't stop you. However, if you are wanted by the police for murder or other serious felonies, you have a problem. And don't try to touch up your past, you can bet they'll find out about it anyway. It's amazing what they really know about you... Kepi Blanc - the Legions internal newspaper is made in 1.RE, and as a rookie in the Legion you will have to tack together the magazine by hand. The regiments task: Recruiting, administration and maintaining the Legions traditions.
Units in 1.RE:
CSLE (Foreign Legion Services
CCSR (Command and Regimental Service
CAPLE (Foreign Legion Staff
Administration Company)
CTLE (Foreign Legion Transit Company)
More about 1er Regiment Etranger
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