Technology and Economy

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News of Some Import

Intel Pentium III Serial Number Control Utility Failure


Gadget News

Economic Change and Issues

Arms Trade
Conversion to the Euro
The Economist: One World, One Money
"An Economic Perspective on Intellectual Property" by Jason Soon

Technological Solutions

Personal Rapid Transit
Rotary Rocket: Commercial Space Travel
Voice Email and Web Technology
Be Your Own Free Email Provider
Galaxy Drive: Tools and Utilities for the Internet
Otelo - Common Access to Translation Services
Building Community


Slashdot: News for nerds. Stuff that matters.
Junk Busters
"10 Secrets of Selling On-Line" by Paul Graham
What Does Your Phone Number Spell?

Alternative Operating Systems

Linux World
Linux Puts on A Business Tie
Windows Refund Center (Unix/Linux)
Linux 101: A primer to the premier alternative operating system
Getting Started with Linux
Red Hat Linux 5.2 for $29.95

Computer Columnists

Jerry Pournelle
Turbulence Ahead by Anne Knowles
Is Microsoft too big to get out of its own way? by John Dodge
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