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OK so here it is.. a place for all you fucks to really tell me what kinda idiot i am.. ive had about enough of everyone's gothy-ier than thou attitudes so ive made a place just for you...if you think my page sucks.. then say it.. if you think i suck then give me a time and place and ill show ya just how good i do suck.. *laughs* well if it makes you feel better to call lil ol' me names then so be it.. anyone who wants to join just click right on down there and fill out the form.. ill be glad to add you to the list.. which was non exsistant but now i have TONs of members thanks to the catty goths WOOHOOO!!! now i guess i have to add some rules to being posted on the OFFICIAL list.. You have to leave a name and a valid email address.. i mean shit, if you're gonna be insulting, at least be insulting with a spine.. those who speak the loudest always seem to forget to leave a reply address.. that urkes me.. hope to be adding you soon :)
Join NOW and be cool like everyone else *S* come it...become and offical member of the HATE RAINEY FANCLUB



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