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A corner of the black veil was lifted tonight

To be a part of your world is something so unimaginable..
the endless night.. the fire and lights...
something that seemed so unattainable yesturday seems so close today.
you've opened my mind to a world i only dreamed of
enlightenment... you enlightened me with such wonderous information which will one day prove to be useful in my life..
Friends are now what we are...just a name on a screen before.
strange how 2 days can broaden ones perspectives and make such an impact..
i thank you more than you'll ever know..
That dead butterfly not only changed the world but has changed me as well.

this poem is dedicated to a very wonderful person named Father Sebastian... please take the time to check out the sites he runs.. he is a man who had totally enlightened me on many subjects...from vampirism to inner peace and salvation.. i cant explain the light inside him.. for it is one of the brightest ive ever seen.. i enjoyed his company and hope to spend time with him again.. the man is intreiging more so than most i've met..

Endless Night
Sabre Tooth

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