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Poetry Sucks

These are a few of my poems. For the most part, they suck (I already know that, so don't bother to tell me)but at the time that they were written they must have meant something to me.

Now as I read them, I wonder what the hell was I thinking. I should go back through them and proofread them or something. They're simply atrocious (And to think, I used to make fun of other peoples poetry).
One thing I can say is, I've come a long way grammatically since the days of running amuck, filled with hatred and angst. I guess freshman comp taught me something. I'm still contimplating taking some of this garbage down. I mean, this may have been the way I used to feel, and it was a part of who I was, but I've long out grown the angsty teen-aged bullshit that is so spewing on this page. It seems quite ridiculous to have it on the web for people to see and believe that these are my feelings and such now, but for now, fuck it.

Read on, if you must. I'll have to say at least you could get a good laugh. (11/2002)

In Ruins

A corner of the black veil was lifted tonight

Dream Boat Annie


Into the light?

Care Bear Stare

Friends til the end *in that voice of chucky hehehe*

Q3stion L0v3

You gotta broken heart?

truth, lies, the life?

love what?

Vamps R US A story written for me by the wonderul Count Fibula

Count Fibula's Poems

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