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Hey there!
I'm Chase, the vocalist (HA!) and guitarist for the ever-rawking band Cletus.
I started out, back in '88, wanting to play drums, but i could never afford a set, and my grandma, whom i love dearly, knew i wanted to try to be musical, so she went garage-saling and found me a really junky acoustic guitar. I had a friend by the name of Joe Krapek teach me the basic chords, E, G, C, Am and D, and i sorta just took off from that.
My first band was called Cross Culture. We were sort of a house band for my youth group. We went through a lot of internal problems, and changed a few members , and changed our name to Strange Alien Grasshoppers. This is where Ed, Rob and I first started playing together.
When S.A.G. broke up, i lollygagged for awhile, didn't really do much musically. Then, I did a short stint with Dear Ephesus as their first 'second guitarist.' That was really fun. But i couldn't give them the time they needed from me since i was also in college. So that ended. And to alleviate my musical desires, I tried to join a band called Pooberry. The first time we were supposed to practice as a band, nobody showed up but Ed and I (and Rob was there just to listen). So the three of us got on our instruments and started toying around with our old Cross Culture songs, and Cletus was born!
And the rest, as they say, is history! hehe....
My musical influences for Cletus are maybe Don't Know, Weird Al Yankovic, and Wish for Eden.
My favorite bands include Dear Ephesus, Sunny Day Real Estate, Champion Birdwatchers, King's X, Everdown, Living Sacrifice, Circle of Dust, Argyle Park, Velour100, Sixpence None The Richer, Sometime Sunday, Starflyer 59, The Crucified, and Deftones.

Other things about me:
I'm a college student at the University of Central Florida, majoring in Micro and Molecular Biology.
I also enjoy movies (i am a wannabe film director/actor). In fact, i am in a major motion picture, just briefly...I'm an extra in the movie Contact, with Jodie the big "machine" blow-up scene. My claim to fame....
I also had a date with Leigh Nash of Sixpence, but she went and got engaged before i could actually take her out! DOH! But that's coo, i'm glad she's happy now.
If you want to learn more about me, you can write to the Library of Congress, or visit my homepage.
Here are some other links i dig:
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
The Incredible Mr. T Haiku Page
A really coo and easy personality test....check it out!
A painting i did when i was 10

Thanks for reading about me, and for cheking out Cletus....we love you! Jn 16:33,

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