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Simpson's movie clips

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Volume #1Volume #2

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This is Vol.1

Mr. Thompson
Homer tries to understand that he has to change his name while Bart is trying to be killed. He just doesn't get it.
AOL Introduction
AOL Intro
In this movie they make fun of AOL!
Beer Explosion
Beer Explosion
Bart Simpson pulls a April fools prank on Homer Simpson and Homer's beer explodes.
Candy Convention
Candy Convention
Homer Simpson goes to the Candy Convention and blows up the building.
Halloween special clip #1. The episode when the advertisements turn evil.
Haunted House
Halloween special clip #2. The episode when the Haunted House tries to kill everyone.
Halloween special clip #3. The episode when the gremlin is on the side of the school bus and Bart is the only one who can stop him.
In Control
In Control
Halloween special clip #4. Bart and Homer take over your tv and introduce the Simpson's Halloween Special.
Monster Bart
Halloween special clip #5. Bart has the powers to make anything happen.
Monter Bart #2
Monster #2
Halloween special clip #6. Bar turns Homer into a human football.
Hockey Clip #1
Hockey Clip #1
Lisa Simpson the Goalie turns into a mad man!
Butter Ball
Homer is telling everyone in the locker room not to make fun of Lisa just because she's a girl. Then he says, "Hey look! That kid's got bosoms!"
Hockey Clip #2
Hockey Clip #2
Lisa Simpson the goalie is yelling trash talk.
Hockey Clip #3
Hockey Clip #3
Bart Simpson takes a slap shot at Lisa Simpson and she just saves it.
Hockey Clip #4
Hockey Clip #4
Both Lisa Simpson and Bart Simpson get checked hard into the boards.
The Dawn of Man
Dawn of Man
This is what Homer Simpson would look like if he was an ape.
Dream Police
The Dream Police
This movie clip has Apu singing "Dream Police"

Volume #1Volume #2

As of 2/18/99
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