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...and Living The Dream!


Hey, I got the job. After three weeks and sweating bullets, I was accepted for employment with Raytheon Range Systems Aviation Group and was soon off to Flight Safety in Wichita, Kansas to fly the sim. I enjoyed the training immensely.

Meantime, back at the ranch, Audrey was close to delivery and we were worried that I wouldn't make it back from Kansas for the birth of our son. Lady Luck stayed with us and Audrey gave birth to our son Sean when I returned. What a wonderful day! Our son Sean is the center of our skies. Everyday is a milestone in his life to us. He is the happiest baby anyone has ever seen and a healthy 21 pounds after just seven months.

So, since June 1998 I have been a First Officer with a great cast of four other pilots and great bosses. I'll soon go for my ATP and I'm loving every minute of it.

I feel grateful for the fact that I have some important elements in my life on the right track - a wonderful family and a good job. Lady Luck continues to fly with me.
