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 These are some of my favorite sites on the web. Bookmark this page for your use! 

Entertainment and Fun Sites -

Yes Magazine

The Official Yes Fan Magazine-my favorite group of all time. Great video download page!

Yes Sites

A link page to all the "Yes" fan websites

Halo's Depeche Mode Page

A most excellent group with video downloads too

Sound America

An excellent site to download movie soundtracks

Movie Sounds Page

Another good site for downloads

Comedy Central

Good downloads for screen savers here-and a laugh or two!

Welcome to NuWORLD

The Official Gary Numan Page (have always been a fan - and as a bonus, he's an aviation nut)

Palm Beach Post

Find out the boring stuff about Palm Beach

That Military Stuff & Aviation Links -

101st Airborne Division

Visit the 101st Airborne Division - of which I'm a 'vet'

Aviation Book of Links

Check out this site - you'll want to bookmark it

Cockpit Voice Recorder

Everything you ever wanted to know . . .

Flight Safety

Where I did my initial training on the BE1900D

Landings, et al

This is a comprehensive aviation site

Beech 1900D

Everything you wanted to know about the Beech-but were afraid to ask

Pilot Source

The pilot's resource page

Yellow Airplane

Fun site for the novice and children interested in aviation

 Some Important Odds and Ends -

Visit Audrey-my fiance

Home of Reliable Insurance, Inc.

Mr. Autec

Co-worker Chuck Renninger's home page

Travel the World

Visit Other Roads - Bahamas, Micronesia, Mexico & other places

Combat Simulations

Jane's Combat Simulations-my favorite flight sim people

Collection of Search Engines

The ultimate search engine - go to "Dogpile." There was a time when I didn't know where to get search engines!

Scandinavian Furniture

Our favorite place for Scandinavian type furniture-no stores in Florida. Drat.


Free web host service I used for this site - free is good!

AUTEC Project-Bahamas

Site that explains about the AUTEC project and my employer



All photographs and copy are the property of Trent Johnson. Contact at Go to for great aviation animations and wisdom of the skies! For good web design, visit CompuFun and get your own home page.