I don't think we're in Florida anymore, Toto.

Here you go, everyone- the GMHSALMTOY pics I promised yah! But because I was feelin' exceptionally bored today, I put in a little story for you to keep you entertained...not that you're not already entertained by he pictures alone, but just to "spice up yo life!" hehe...yeah I know that sounded corny...just read on darnit! Oh yeah, by the way, I spared you all the confusement and let Justin go without the ebonics in this story. So...go ahead...read on!

Okay, well, one day I was running down the hall at school because I just happened to be late for class when all of the sudden someone opened a door out of no where, and me being the clumsy girl that I am, I ran into it. Of course, I did black out and I woke up to find five guys dressed in white suits staring at me as I lay on the floor. Could they have been my guardian angels, ready to save the day for me?

Well, let's see, if my memory serves me right there was...





and Sleepy.

JC/Sleepy: Are you okay?

JC/Sleepy: Can you get up?

JC/Sleepy: No, don't get up. I'll just pick you up with my bulging biceps...hehehe.

Justin/Curly: No, wait, I know what'll make your day. It's gotta be a song! Hit it, guys!

And so, the guys sang me a song...while I lay on the floor...still.

Okay, well, they finished singing to me and finally I got up off the floor. So where was I, you ask? I'll be darned if I knew.

But, anyways, they took me to get cleaned up.

Sleepy, that ol' sweety was so concerned about me.
JC/Sleepy: Are you sure you're okay?

Justin/Curly: Here, let's check. How many fingers are we holding up?
Me: Uhhhh.

Justin/Curly: How 'bout now?
Me: Ummmmmm.

Chris/Oldy: Whoa, that's quite a bump on your head.

JC/Sleepy: Awww...let me kiss it...it'll make you feel better!

Justin/Curly: No! I wanna do it! Let me do it! She wants me to!

Ahhhh...what could I say, they took a liking towards me.

Justin/Curly: Or better yet, take a look at this wifebeater of mine. It's grand spanin' new...I got it for my birthday. (Top ten things Justin got for his B-day)
JC/Sleepy: Always gotta be mackin' don't yah, Curly?

How could I resist? The boy wanted to flaunt himself...for me!
Justin/Curly: Yeh, you know you want some of this.
JC/Sleepy: No you don't, he has really bad armpit hair...I'm tellin' you it's like a jungle!

Justin/Curly: Don't listen to him, he's just tryin' to steal you away from me.

JC/Sleepy: Why, why, why, Curly, why! You always get the girl! D*mnit! I think it's the curls...where are those scissors?!?

And just as Curly was to reveal to me his plethora of muscles...

Dopey interupts...nice way to end an argument, eh?
Joey/Dopey: Oh, geez, what I'd do for a pool full of Jell-O right now.

Lance/Bashful: Mind if I join you in that pool?**giggles like a little school girl**

Me: Well, it's nice to know that you all care for me, and I'm flattered that you offered to show me your wifebeater, armpit hair or not, but I think's it's time that I go back to school. Besides, I'm feeling much much beter right now.

Justin/Curly: You wait right there! Since I can't show you my body...er...wifebeater...

Justin/Curly: ...can we sing you one more song?
Me: How could I say no?!

So they sang to me, while Sleepy blew kissy faces at me. Oh but it didn't end there...

"...Your love is like a river, peaceful and deep..."

"...It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you..."

"...so tell me what to do now, when I want...you...back."

Well, they finally finshed...and they just said one more song. Yeh, one more song my @$$. But not like it wasn't appreciated, it was greatly appreciated, but hey I had a test in Latin that day! Anyways, I found my way back to my sanity as Curly and Sleepy watched me walk away.

...while sobbing at the same time. Oh, poor boys, but maybe I'll get hit in the head again which is highly possible(what can I say, I'm clumsy)and then we could meet once more.

The End!

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